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Amrullah Saleh: To clarify they R not refges.They live N AfPak distputed territory

Teez-maar Punjabi police need to learn some manners and shouldnt behave like their brothers across the wahga. In our areas , Police or any men do not grab women like this in this picture

you realize one just can't live in other people lands for free forever? Everyone have to earn it and Islamabad land is worth billions. 4 decades were enough for refugees, I hope they didn't think of living there permanently.

Anyway police behaved professionaly despite afghanis using women and children for emotional blackmail, they know very well Pakistanis get emotional quickly in bhai chara. Ab bc afghani muhajirs apne ilaque mein kya karte hai, hume is se kya lena dena.

People get thrown out to streets in western world if they don't pay mortage on time, and here you are crying over people who had occupied other people land for free lol
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@syedali73 The reference to Khorasan raises suspicions about ties to extremism actually. The Khorasan concept is one the TTP/ISIS and various other religious terrorist groups have brought up.

The Navy has well documented issues with religious extremism in its ranks.
The person I am talking about looked nothing like a religious extremist rather ultra nationalist. He even went on saying that he prohibited his 3 years old from speaking Urdu while in front of him. As I have said, I have met quite a number of Pushtoons, very educated, and serving on high posts, yet dreaming about an independent greater Pushtoonistan.

TTP and ANPs are ideologically totally different yet West Wing ANP facilitated ultra Right Wing TTP scum to establish in Karachi and elsewhere.
Teez-maar Punjabi police need to learn some manners and shouldnt behave like their brothers across the wahga. In our areas , Police or any men do not grab women like this in this picture

First this is the Capital Police not Punjab Police...although they could use a bit more training in crowd handling but i doubt in your areas men would put their women at the forefront.

This was an illegal settlement and mostly if not all inhabited by Afghan refugees....there has been a sustained effort on social media to paint this as some sort of an anti-pashtun issue

While overlooking the fact that similar operations take place all over Punjab against illegal settlements occupied by local Punjabis mostly

Here is a recent example from Islamabad
Slum-dwellers protest razing of homes - Newspaper - DAWN.COM


Do these people look Pashtun to you???
.For India you are enemy number 1, and they will rape the shyt out of you people......keep disrespecting us and we wont be there for you like we were in 1948 war of Kashmir.
Speak for yourself, Pathans are patriotic Pakistanis and will go to any point to protect their mother land, same goes for every Pakistani, be it Punjabi, Sindhi.....
Since, you have a problem in general with Punjabis, no point in debating with you.
For India you are enemy number 1, and they will rape the shyt out of you people
Enough said, you are not a Pakistani member.
I have visited Punjab and judging from sea of humans and crowdedness there, its easy to tell who is breeding like rabbits. About your bragging of wheat, your rivers originate from Indian Kashmir and rivers Jehlum, Chenab would meet the fate of Ravi and Sutlej. River Indus enters into Punjab from Pakhtunkhwa, much of its water comes from river kabul which originate from Afghanistan. Its your landlocked Punjab which is nourishing itself on natural resources of Balochistan , Sindh and KPK. Fear the day when we Pashtuns , Balochs and Sindhis are not there for you against India.........For India you are enemy number 1, and they will rape the shyt out of you people......keep disrespecting us and we wont be there for you like we were in 1948 war of Kashmir.
It is shamless trying to unit with those who gave you into slavery of Brits...YEh ANP kid you were sold by Kabul to Brits it was Jinnah who ended your slavery.Sun has Seen fighting thousands of time...Ranjeet singh was also a Punjabi,Battle of Saragarhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia all were Punjabis so kid rest but i suggest you to go into some Northern Province of Afghanistan and Tajiks will respect you lot for being Pashtun usuallly, by hurting you.

Babur was indeed not a Pashtun , he was a Mughal (Mongol), a turkicized one......

Punjabi Musalman except few ghakkars, were absent from Mughal nobility and army. Mughal nobility was dominated by Iranis, Turanis, Rajputs, Pashtuns and Deccanis..........It were British who bestowed the title of martial race to Punjabi musalman. We Pashtuns were staunch enemies of Mughals yet we were preferred over Punjabis.
Punjabi's don't sell themselves but your history is full of back stabbing each other,Mughls only used you to control East of Delhi kid......

@Samandri Post #60
For India you are enemy number 1, and they will rape the shyt out of you people
@Horus @Irfan Baloch @waz

Mods take an action against a butt hurt Indian or Afghani dude.
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1- Ghaznavids........based in Ghazni, their army has large number of Pashtuns/Afghans, punjab was part of their empire.

2- Ghorids......Tajiks from Ghor. Large portion of their army consisted of Afghans/Pashtuns. Conqured Punjab and handed over to their slaves, who established slave dyansty in Hind.

3- Balban garrisoned all forts in Punjab with Pashtuns in defence against Mongols.

4- Khiljis or ghilzais......originated from Helmand, ruled over your Punjab for 30 years

5- Tughlaqs......turks who migrated from Afghanistan to hind and appointed Pashtuns and Mongols as "sadah" amirs i.e nobles of 100 villages in Punjab and rest of Hind. After Feroz Shah Tughlaq, Punjab was practically ruled by their Pashtun wazir, malik Mallu Lodi and his brother.

6- Sayyids.......They migrated from Afghanistan to Hind. Punjab under them was administered by Afghans/Pashtuns

7- Lodhis......Afghans who ruled over your Punjab for 90 years

8- Suris.....Afghans who ruled over your Punjab for 15 years

9- Durranis....Afghans who ruled over your Punjab for 50 years
Well that all is true but Punjabi's embarrassed Islam because of Sufis which make them very Humble. To date even they would not care too much about even a butt hurt like You.Other Punjabi like Jatts and Sikhs are from same Race not with idiots Humble and Polite,i guess you know Punjabi Sikhs very well.If Punjabi Muslims are cowards then in other words Muslims are cowards......
Look at that Guy Muhammad of Ghor messed to much with khokars and they just behead him.....
Well that all is true but Punjabi's embarrassed Islam because of Sufis which make them very Humble. To date even they would not care too much about even a butt hurt like You.Other Punjabi like Jatts and Sikhs are from same Race not with idiots Humble and Polite,i guess you know Punjabi Sikhs very well.If Punjabi Muslims are cowards then in other words Muslims are cowards......
Look at that Guy Muhammad of Ghor messed to much with khokars and they just behead him.....

Did anybody forget Dullah Bhatti ?!?
Well that all is true but Punjabi's embarrassed Islam because of Sufis which make them very Humble. To date even they would not care too much about even a butt hurt like You.Other Punjabi like Jatts and Sikhs are from same Race not with idiots Humble and Polite,i guess you know Punjabi Sikhs very well.If Punjabi Muslims are cowards then in other words Muslims are cowards......
Look at that Guy Muhammad of Ghor messed to much with khokars and they just behead him.....
Khorasan was nothing but a province of Persia. This region has either been governed by Persia or by the Central Asians. For a brief period of time it existed as a country otherwise it was always ruled by Persians and Central Asians.
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This jaahil and racist Afghan is ignoring the fact that what he calls Khorasan was nothing but a province of Persia. This region has either been governed by Persia or by the Central Asians. For a brief period of time it existed as a country otherwise it was always ruled by Persians and Central Asians.
Some time ago on Facebook i was visiting an Afghan Page, Majority of them were Tajiks,on a national issue they were labeling a kabuli Pashtun as a Pakistani and asking him to leave Khorsan and go to Peshawar or Lahore the derogatory terms they were using for Pashtuns are beyond mention on any civic forum,also Tajiks massacred 10000 Pahtuns Talibns after they surrendered only because they were Pashtuns.There Tajik and Hazara aides were just beaten and let go free but Pashtuns were killed.Today Pashtuns are more then any other Afghan ethnicity but they are not even 20% of Army and other Govt Jobs.I surely feel pity on peoples like samadri,in which direction they want to move.
Did anybody forget Dullah Bhatti ?!?
Known and Remembered.......
... he is the one who facilitated entry of Sufis and Preachers from Afghanistan and central asia into Hind and you have the nerve to brag about his murder at the hands of Hindu-khokars?.....Are you a Hindu or muslim?...
Please name few Sufis whose entered into Hind through Afghanistan and Central Asia?

As if without bachey baaz Afghans, Sufis could have not made into India... as if the Iranian route was closed... as if Arabian traders were all but gone extinct...
This haramzadgi is not new. I have been most vocal about this from day one for I can understand Pushto and I have listened to this haramzadgi from ANP and Pukhtoonkhwa Milli Awami leaders. Nothing new for me but for those who still defend ANP and PMAP anti-Pakistani haramzadey. I have seen first hand how this Achakzai haramzada has systematically smuggled Afghans into Balochistan in an attempt (rather successful) to change the demography of Balochistan and to increase his political support in Pishin distric and surrounding areas. It is an open secret that ANP has actively facilitated the settlement of tens of thousands of Afghans in Karachi and Islamabad and have been most vocal against their extradition back to their rat hole called Afghanistan.
I remember once reading a comment by some poster on some news site or where,that in balochistan's certain part (my poor memory ,mujhay yaad nahi raha us locality ka naam), afghans have snatched locals' properties, done qabza and have now occupied their lands. And those real owners of property cud do zilch abt it. i totally regret kay mujay jaga ka naam bilkul bilkul yaad nahi raha. Dont know how true magar yehi parha tha.

Please allow them to stay. At least for the sake of religious brotherhood. :(
Ajit doval in his famous video had said ,that right now the most brotherly country to afghanistan in the world is india. India is more popular in afghanistan than pakistan.

So take these ppl to india. Pakistan must kick them out to their most fraternal country.

@syedali73 The reference to Khorasan raises suspicions about ties to extremism actually. The Khorasan concept is one the TTP/ISIS and various other religious terrorist groups have brought up.

The Navy has well documented issues with religious extremism in its ranks.

Google police, protesters, Pakistan, in any order. Pakistan's police is an equal opportunity offender when it comes to a lack of training and unnecessary use of force.

This is nothing new, and if you didn't even realize that, I have to agree with @Spring Onion about your intentions and skepticism over whether you are Pakistani at all.

Yes this guy pakistani342 is a faker. I recall an argument with him in a thread and iwas very clearly feeling he is an indian or afghani disguising as pakistani. Secondly, the specific need to pick a nick 'pakistani' gives away the desperation and attempt to fool others.

G Parthasarathy roars: Why President Ashraf Ghani Must Get Rid of His Illusions

Lastly, shame on mngmt of this site for allowing a racist afghan Samandri here, who, despite having been well known for his incitement ,racism and flaming is allowed to go on. And those who are arguing with him,in case u dont know the guy is a shameless ,blatant liar.
I remember once reading a comment by some

Yes this guy pakistani342 is a faker. I recall an argument with him in a thread and iwas very clearly feeling he is an indian or afghani disguising as pakistani. Secondly, the specific need to pick a nick 'pakistani' gives away the desperation and attempt to fool others.

G Parthasarathy roars: Why President Ashraf Ghani Must Get Rid of His Illusions

Seriously this counts for not being Pakistan!!! -- disgusting -- what will be next nujoomis and other totkas??

Absolutely disgusting -- Absolutely disgusting -- Shameful

Not only that -- that fact that I post articles from a wide variety of sources to this site -- study Afghanistan -- rather than babbling as an idiot -- should be a welcome thing -- no?

Further what surprises me is that for all the detractors -- it doesn't dawn upon them, that I don't write the articles I post -- they are generally written by people who are influential vis-a-vis Afghanistan.

Aap ko Aap ki Jahaliyat mubarak ho -- what did Pakistan do to be plagued by jahils like you.

Oh -- checked the thread out -- now I remember -- you're the Genius who think he's knows economics and development theory better than the Harvard educated Sertaj Aziz and business better than billionaire Mia Mansha.

Oh -- totally reasonable that someone like you is convinced that I'm "total faker"

Might I suggest your try a loony Asylum -- you'd fit right in -- where do fcuktards like you hatch from.
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