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Having studied ISI's tactics of the past 35 years of counter insurgency and mounting and insurgency of its own, i can tell you this.

Algeria and Egypt are much better off mounting coordinated covert strikes against the Islamofascist insurgents.

The very fact that i'm seeing Algerian forces in Libya and Egyptians on standby means that both countries lack a reliable intel apparatus.
I'm not looking at from of a perspective of one state;Algeria. I'm looking at from a regional perspective. My regional views are well known. I want the other side to have some sort of influence in the government. If not lead the government, but also have a real impact. Not a government which is all talk but works against everything on the ground.
I have a problem following your train of thoughts

We've been seeing it in the past decade.
We still are..We had enough, all the concessions that government made to reach out to our bearded one was moot. All what the radical Islamists understand is violence...So we are giving them what they always wanted..one way ticket to djahanama...to meet their charbroiled houris.

What? You're bringing several other issues. Which are factual, but so is the Western colonization of Algeria.
Amazing that you brought that up! And who served us on a silver platter to a Western colonisation... Turkey, which is a muslim country by the way...

I don't want to see another corrupt useless government which sells its oil for cheap and behaves as monarch only to secure the interests of the leaders.

Please come down to earth among the earthlings...You are jabbing right and left ...

Islamists wouldn't sell us out or be so dependent on foreign sources. They pursue their goals against the West's will.
Really....Islamists brought havoc to your countrymen...throughout Palestine history...Hazzy, give us a break!

This is how it is in the Arab world, people will make it bigger than it is.

What it comes to the defence of our country, we have never cared or give a thought of what the Arabs might think...
The West wanted to secure their oil deals, they didn't expect militias to be so influential and thought they'd get a government. Although to them it isn't that relevant what happens in Libya but rather the regional trend. The West works ahead, they knew the MB would win and probably wanted it. Now they brought them back fifty years. Don't tell me that was the independent decision of Egypt to persecute anybody with ties to the movement as if they're evil monsters. I'm not saying they wanted that either, I'm just saying the narrative you present isn't entirely accurate.

Israel actually invests it's intelligence resources in north Africa. Much more than before.

There's no official Libyan army, it's one political movement which dominates the army. We need equal representation. Why do you think it's okay to kill anybody who want's to influence the government? Every government must be a secular typical Arab government which doesn't support peoples will? Why do you want us to be that way?
in Egypt general sisi at that time asked the brotherhood before 30 6 and after to rethink and choose another path than force but they did not agree rule or burn as they wanted
i never said it is ok to kill and i dont wish for death to anyone i just want my country to be safe and secure everyone knows that militias in sainai weapons came from libya so i am not asking for problems
I have a problem following your train of thoughts


We still are..We had enough, all the concessions that government made to reach out to our bearded one was moot. All what the radical Islamists understand is violence...So we are giving them what they always wanted..one way ticket to djahanama...to meet their charbroiled houris.

I told you it has less to do with Algeria. I'm speaking of the modern sense.

Amazing that you brought that up! And who served us on a silver platter to a Western colonisation... Turkey, which is a muslim country by the way...


Please come down to earth among the earthlings...You are jabbing right and left ...

I'm speaking of Libya and not Algeria. It also applies to our whole region.

Really....Islamists brought havoc to your countrymen...throughout Palestine history...Hazzy, give us a break!

In what way? During the intifada Israeli's supported peace a lot more than they did before it. Now they're back to encouraging it. Islamists have done much for us, they brought up our people based on our Islamic values and defend Gaza like never before. Any Israeli escalation against our people will always be met with a response.

What it comes to the defence of our country, we have never cared or give a thought of what the Arabs might think...

The situation in Libya isn't limited to Algeria.

in Egypt general sisi at that time asked the brotherhood before 30 6 and after to rethink and choose another path than force but they did not agree rule or burn as they wanted
i never said it is ok to kill and i dont wish for death to anyone i just want my country to be safe and secure everyone knows that militias in sainai weapons came from libya so i am not asking for problems

Choose a different path about what? And it's not about the MB in Egypt to me. They're gone now and they weren't there before. My views were always still the same.

Having studied ISI's tactics of the past 35 years of counter insurgency and mounting and insurgency of its own, i can tell you this.

Algeria and Egypt are much better off mounting coordinated covert strikes against the Islamofascist insurgents.

The very fact that i'm seeing Algerian forces in Libya and Egyptians on standby means that both countries lack a reliable intel apparatus.
This not an Algerian/Egyptian action..Algeria and Egypt respective defence forces have always worked well and successfully together. Both countries have an excellent,reliable,and very established intelligence apparatus in Libya. If you had kaddaffy as a neighbor, we will understand the vital importance to have an excellent intelligence gathering organ...
Algeria has drones since the 90's and armed drones since the past three years as well as satellites, we are not that dependants on the US or any other country to give us intel.
In regard to Egypt, in my opinion, they troops are used as buffer to keep the extremist from finding refuge in Egypt.
This not an Algerian/Egyptian action..Algeria and Egypt respective defence forces have always worked well and successfully together. Both countries have an excellent,reliable,and very established intelligence apparatus in Libya. If you had kaddaffy as a neighbor, we will understand the vital importance to have an excellent intelligence gathering organ...
Algeria has drones since the 90's and armed drones since the past three years as well as satellites, we are not that dependants on the US or any other country to give us intel.
In regard to Egypt, in my opinion, they troops are used as buffer to keep the extremist from finding refuge in Egypt.

  • Then someone is not getting the memo in your military and political leadership.
  • If you really want to stem the ability of these goons, the best option is covert operations.
  • Since you have your uniformed soldiers deployed there, you should expect blow backs at home.
  • Libyan people too might turn against your campaign when they'll take collateral damage.
  • Your military should have only stuck to airborne special ops and surgical airstrikes upon *authenticated* intelligence.
  • Targeting their top leadership, over and over again would start a chain reaction as all terrorist outfits have inherently weak central command and control structures. You kill a leader the rest run to fill the gap, hence the infighting starts.
  • Then someone is not getting the memo in your military and political leadership.
  • If you really want to stem the ability of these goons, the best option is covert operations.
  • Since you have your uniformed soldiers deployed there, you should expect blow backs at home.
  • Libyan people too might turn against your campaign when they'll take collateral damage.
  • Your military should have only stuck to airborne special ops and surgical airstrikes upon *authenticated* intelligence.
  • Targeting their top leadership, over and over again would start a chain reaction as all terrorist outfits have inherently weak central command and control structures. You kill a leader the rest run to fill the gap, hence the infighting starts.
Algeria's military is well aware of the situation and are very well capable to take the appropriate action to any situation that may arise. Their goal is to rid Libya of the bad elements, covertly and openly and to destroy all their military infrastructure that they have used against us in several occasion. They had to take a decisive action because the situation at the border became intolerable.
Algeria's military is well aware of the situation and are very well capable to take the appropriate action to any situation that may arise. Their goal is to rid Libya of the bad elements, covertly and openly and to destroy all their military infrastructure that they have used against us in several occasion. They had to take a decisive action because the situation at the border became intolerable.

Sure you do. The only concern i have is what i have stated above.
Sure you do. The only concern i have is what i have stated above.
Well you base your opinion on ISI modus operandi, what worked for Pakistan doesn't necessarily work in North Africa..
And the West somehow according to you want that?

Well i cant tell, since personally i dont believe we intervened in LIbya just to protect Civilians. You should know that nothing comes free. Yu think we will waste our precious dollars(still trying to come out of our recession/economic crisis) for some foreign arab civilians free of charge? Politics is not humanit, its more like geo politics.
Not that we wanted to see libya turn into a failed state, more like we wanted to have a more pro western government in power there(kind of like Mubarak/the current military regime in Egypt), since Kadaffi was too unpredictable and had also nationalised much of libya oil. However we kind of miscaculated i believe, since i dont think our governments realised how divided libya will turn out to be after this, its turning into a somalia before our own eyes, which i dont think will be good for us/our interests. I think it will better if we can fully assist Libyas military or even intervene if the situation gets out of hand. We cant afford to see libya turn into a safe heaven for jihadists like afghanistan,pakistan, Yemen, somalia. since Libya borders Europe by sea and will be a danger for our security if not properly handle.
Well i cant tell, since personally i dont believe we intervened in LIbya just to protect Civilians. You should know that nothing comes free. Yu think we will waste our precious dollars(still trying to come out of our recession/economic crisis) for some foreign arab civilians free of charge?

I know all of this, I'm one of the most vocal anti-West people here. I know it's about securing their interests when it comes to their policies in the region.

However we kind of miscaculated i believe, since i dont think our governments realised how divided libya will turn out to be after this, its turning into a somalia before our own eyes, which i dont think will be good for us/our interests. I think it will better if we can fully assist Libyas military or even intervene if the situation gets out of hand. We cant afford to see libya turn into a safe heaven for jihadists like afghanistan,pakistan, Yemen, somalia. since Libya borders Europe by sea and will be a danger for our security if not properly handle.

Which was exactly what I was stating. The West doesn't want what it calls 'Jihadist safe havens' because that would mean Muslims would actually have self determination and will refuse to be subjugated by Western or Israeli interests. And I pray to God he increases these 'safe heavens' and the Mujahideen root out all evil in our region.

So as I said yesterday, you're anti-Muslim. You're no different from your government which does it everything it can to prevent the self determination of the people. Bad news for you, the will of people will prevail over evil.
I know all of this, I'm one of the most vocal anti-West people here. I know it's about securing their interests when it comes to their policies in the region.


Which was exactly what I was stating. The West doesn't want what it calls 'Jihadist safe havens' because that would mean Muslims would actually have self determination and will refuse to be subjugated by Western or Israeli interests. And I pray to God he increases these 'safe heavens' and the Mujahideen root out all evil in our region.

So as I said yesterday, you're anti-Muslim. You're no different from your government which does it everything it can to prevent the self determination of the people. Bad news for you, the will of people will prevail over evil.

loool i am anti muslim?:lol: why would i be? i havent had any muslim with whom i have problems with. In fact my best mate here in london is a muslim(though he's not a fanatic/too religious.lol). I dont have anything against muslim. Im just stating facts/making a point. If you havent noticed from my comments, i always try and be honest in my comments/opinions(though personally i might be biased towards my country, i keep that personal and dont let it cloud my judgement unlike many people) and i have mostly been against our government foreign policy, and you can check my comments about the current situation in libya on another thread on here, where i said we intervened in Libya for our own personal/selfish interests. Since i have visited libya before the war in 2008, and it was the wealthiest country in Africa in gdp per capital terms(higer than even some european countries). So i dont think it was 'revolution/arab spring' as our media made us believe. It was a pre planned action to topple with using an excuse( in violation of UNSC). This is what i condemned and even said if we were living in a fair world then our leaders who participated in this invasion/military action should be prosecuted for these crimes(but they wont as the ICC is mainly for poor african dictator/under developed countries.:disagree:)
I have travelled alot, and studied international relations at Uni. So i kind of know in politics no country is an Angel, and there are so many back deals that goes on behind the scenes. So its up to Muslims, Arabs, Africans, etc to gain more awareness about how the world works/big power politics is played. No country will ever help you developed, you have rely on your own strength to succeed. So i cant blame any country who seeks to protect their interests and wont hesitate to use dirty tricks to further their interests(its been like this for centuries/decades and will keep being tha way) thats how the world works unfotunately.
So thats why i said Muslims should wake up and stop fighting among themsleves, it just creates even more opportunities for our governments/foreign powers to exploit them for their own interests.
In this regard, im one of the most critical opponent against the Invasion of Libya/toppling of Gadaffi, he was a dictator, but far from the worst(countries lik Saudi Arabia our 'ally' is way way way worst) and he did do alot of good things as well(development/eductaional wise) in Libya and Africa. So the most important thing is that Africans, Arabs and Muslims should focus more on education/educating their people, since this is the best way that the people can gain awareness about world issues and better serve their countries interests, thus preventing them from being used by foreign powers for their own gains./interests.:cheers:
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