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Report: Egyptian SF Raid Libya


May 16, 2013
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Libya: Egyptian troops launch ground attack in Isis-held Derna 'capturing 55 militants'

By Gianluca Mezzofiore
February 18, 2015 15:06 GMT

Egyptian special forces have allegedly launched a ground attack in Libya's Islamic State-held Derna capturing dozens of Islamist militants, according to Egyptian and Libyan reports.

Ansa news agency cited unnamed local sources as saying that an Egyptian commando stormed the eastern Libyan town, a stronghold of the Islamic State (Isis) there, "capturing 55 Daesh [IS] militants".

The Libyan National Army wrote on its Facebook page that Egyptian forces in coordination with the local army stormed IS camp in Derna, "killing a large number of IS militants and capturing several terrorists including Egyptians, foreigners and Arabs".

The report could not be independently verified by IBTimes UK.

An Egyptian newspaper, ElWatan News, reported that several jihadists were killed in the operation. But Twitter accounts linked to the jihadists denied any casualties.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that all measures, including international troops on the ground, should be considered to defeat IS in Libya.

Speaking to Al Jazeera ahead of an emergency session at the UN security council, Shoukry said the prospect of "boots on the ground" should be taken into consideration, although the initial proposal was limited to the extended support for the Tobruk-based internationally recognised government.

In an interview with France Europe 1 radio, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said there was no choice but to set up a global coalition to fight Libya's rival militias.

Libya has been in turmoil ever since the removal of Muammar Gaddafi from power. The struggle for power currently includes forces loyal to Khalifa Haftar - a rogue general who has launched a campaign against jihadi groups with the backing of Libya's frail government - two rival governments and several Islamist militias.

Libya: Egyptian troops launch ground attack in Isis-held Derna 'capturing 55 militants'

Sky News Alarabia report goes into more detail.

تمكنت مجموعة من القوات الخاصة المصرية، بالتنسيق مع الجيش الوطني الليبي، من قتل أكثر من 100 عنصر من داعش في معسكر بجنوب مدينة درنة الليبية، وأسر العشرات، من بينهم مصريون وعرب وأجانب، حسب ما ذكرت مصادر متطابقة من داخل وخارج ليبيا.
وكانت وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي قد غصت، منذ صباح الأربعاء، بروايات شبه متطابقة حول قيام مجموعة من الجيش المصري بعملية إنزال فجر اليوم على معسكر أبو كريم الوهداني جنوبي درنة، حيث قتلت العناصر الإرهابية التي تستخدمه وأسرت بعضا منهم.

كذلك ذكرت صحف عربية وأجنبية أن القوات المصرية قامت بإنزال بري في درنة، وتحدثت أخرى عن غارات سبقت العملية.

وتحدثت أكثر الروايات تطابقا من مصادر مختلفة، منها مسؤولون من عدة دول، عن مقتل أكثر من 150 من عناصر داعش في المعسكر وأسر القوات المصرية للعشرات.

وفي المقابل، فإن خسائر قوة التدخل السريع، وقوامها 30 من أفراد القوات الخاصة، لم تتعد قتيلين و6 مصابين.

أما أسرى داعش في ليبيا فمن بينهم مصريون وعرب وأجانب من جنسيات مختلفة، حسب المصادر المتاحة.

قوة مصرية تقتل وتأسر العشرات من داعش بليبيا - أخبار سكاي نيوز عربية

Most important bits: Egyptian SF in cooperation with the Libyan Armed Forces killed more than 100 IS fighters in a camp south of Derna. They captured tens of terrorists including Egyptians, Arabs, and foreigners.

The SF were inserted by air onto the Abu Kereem Alwahdany Camp south of Derna, there are reports that more SF raided Derna by land. The raids were reportedly preceded by air strikes.

Egyptian casualties are two dead and six injured from a force made up of 30 operators (RIP).

More links:-

Libia: media locali, blitz forze speciali egiziane a Derna | News | La Repubblica.it

Libya: sources, Egyptian ground intervention in Derna - General news - ANSAMed.it

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Arabs once again fabricating numbers/incidents in order to please local population. Similar to Jordan claiming to destroy 20% of IS capabilities within week. This story is most likely not true, especially capture part. Making things up like this won't solve our problems. Reaching agreement with opposition to Haftar in Libya should be considered first step in order to combat any ISIS presence there. Without cooperation nothing can be achieved.

We will continue dealing with more problems like this if Arab nations choose to ignore oppositions in Arab nations that have big influence and support.
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