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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

@Kaan Bro, is it possible with perhaps the permission of thread starter and if you see fit to do so, rename this thread to 'Turkish Unmanned Vehicles'. This way we can post all relevant information here in this sticky thread, rather than create new threads.

Turkey Steadily Builds UAV Capabilities | Defense News | defensenews.com

“Erdogan views the Anka as one of his signature projects in national defense modernization,” one Erdogan aide said.

Late last year, the Turkish government signed up with Tusas Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) to order 10 Ankas and ground stations. Under the deal, the first serial production deliveries will take place between 2016 and 2018.

Recently, Turkey’s procurement planners have moved to add satellite communications capabilities to the Anka and have brought together a task force that will design and develop an indigenous engine for the UAV.

Meanwhile, a version dubbed Anka+ calls for a rocket attached to its body and sensors. But TAI has ambitions beyond the Anka.

Company officials said their work over the past year and a half to build a high-altitude, long-range (HALE) drone will soon yield results. TAI’s HALE-type UAV will be a 6-ton aircraft.

“We have not yet signed a contract for this, but we know that there is demand for this category,” a company official said.


Kale-Baykar boasts that under the Bayraktar program, the consortium developed various systems critical to drone technology including a flight control with three backup systems, inertial navigation and GPS systems, static pilots system, power control unit, a lithium-based smart battery, aerial data recording computer, video link system, tail camera, ground control station, and command-and-control software.

A military official familiar with drone systems said Bayraktar would be a preferred solution, especially in operations against Kurdish insurgents in Turkey’s southeast, because of its “exceptional quietness. This is a very effective system.”

Although there has been a ceasefire for over a year, Turkey has been fighting Kurdish insurgents in the country’s southeast since 1984.

Vestel Savunma Sanayi has since 2005 been developing the Karayel, another tactical drone, investing $30 million in the program.

The private company said on May 6 that deliveries soon would begin of six Karayels, three ground control stations and support systems.
ask cabatli
Yeah, bro. We are going to see lots of accomplishments in this field. Better to have a sticky thread.
Original Name:

New Name:
Turkish UAV Programs
I think You are mixing the points.

Anka-S and ANKA-TP would be different platforms. ANKA-S is serial production variant of current ANKA prototypes and "S" stands for serial production. That's why final modifications and performance rise studies are being applied in order to meet Turkish Amy requirements. Those studies would be completed until 2016.

Anka-TP is going to be an equivalent of Reaper and Take off weight would be around 3000-5000kg (ANKA-S: 1500kg). ANKA-TP is going to have around 900-1000kg payload capacity (ANKA-S: 250kg). ANKA-S is supposed to fly around 30000ft, While ANKA-TP will push the limits on 40000-45000ft altitudes.

I think It is more clear now...

BTW, Canadian P&W PT-6 turboprop motor is planned to integrate ANKA-TP. Israeli Eitan also uses same motor...


ANKA-1,2,3,4,5,6 prototypes: ANKA-A
ANKA-S (1,5 tonnes weight): Serial production variant of ANKA-A with radar, X band and CATS model. (10 ordered)
Surveillance/ELINT-SIGINT/ARMED variant
ANKA-TP (6 tonnes variant-up to 1 tonnes payload): Heavy ARMED, HALE class UAV.
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ANKA-1,2,3,4,5,6 prototypes: ANKA-A
ANKA-S (1,5 tonnes weight): Serial production variant of ANKA-A with radar, X band and CATS model. (10 ordered)
Surveillance/ELINT-SIGINT/ARMED variant
ANKA-TP (6 tonnes variant-up to 1 tonnes payload): Heavy ARMED, HALE class UAV.

Are ANKA-A and ANKA-S at the same weight ?... I think, yes... Maybe a few difference...
More or less Both will be same. CATS will reduce the weight, While SATCOM increase more.

I think ANKA-S as will be armed with cirit/small munition of roketsan... Not like heavy armed ANKA-TP for sure... What do you think ?.. BTW i heard something... ANKA 5 crushed while they were testing eapons on it.... Do you have any info ?..
I think ANKA-S as will be armed with cirit/small munition of roketsan... Not like heavy armed ANKA-TP for sure... What do you think ?.. BTW i heard something... ANKA 5 crushed while they were testing eapons on it.... Do you have any info ?..

Arming ANKA will mean to sacrifice altitude performance While benefiting the firepower. Selection will be a matter of desicion in accordance with Turkish Armed Forces' requirements. ANKA-TP will climb much higher than ANKA-S thanks to powerfull turbo-prop so Arming 6 tonnes platform will benefit more than ANKA-S provides. That's why Such heavier and powerfull platforms are required to develop.
Arming ANKA will mean to sacrifice altitude performance While benefiting the firepower. Selection will be a matter of desicion in accordance with Turkish Armed Forces' requirements. ANKA-TP will climb much higher than ANKA-S thanks to powerfull turbo-prop so Arming 6 tonnes platform will benefit more than ANKA-S provides. That's why Such heavier and powerfull platforms are required to develop.

Thx... I think untill ANKA-TP enters inventory they will arm ANKA-S lightly(2 cirits or small muition for exampe) when it's needed to fill the gap...
Thx... I think untill ANKA-TP enters inventory they will arm ANKA-S lightly(2 cirits or small muition for exampe) when it's needed to fill the gap...

Actually, Nothing wrong with ANKA-A that is able to climb up to 26-27000ft. Predator-A is able to climb up to 25000ft but TAI suffers strong rules of Turkish Army at present. They guaranteed 30000ft at the beggining of project as required so trying to keep their promises with addition modifications such as;

-Playing with Carbon-fiber + avionic on fuselage (As far as I know TAI gained 40-50kg weight decrease and produced latest prototypes like that)
-FLIR changes (Up to 50kg weight decrease)
-TEI modification on engine (5-10 hoursepower+)
-TEI new engine development (supposed to be more powerfull (5-10hp more))

After those, Who knows ANKA-S will maybe reach an altitude of 32000ft... ? ;)
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