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AH 1Z Cobra Awaiting delivery to Pakistan Army

Thanks for the reply. I am curiousm why was this helicopter chosen by the USM when the AH64 is on paper a nore potent gunship?
USMC has always used AH-1s and are comfortable with it besides they prefer it for their maritime operations as it is smaller and lighter so easier to operate from their LHD/LPD.
Wow. Nice!
Thanks for the reply. I am curiousm why was this helicopter chosen by the USM when the AH64 is on paper a nore potent gunship?

$ the less capability (arms) is made up by the low cost compared to the Apache.

Familiarity with Bell.

Size, It's better designed form amphibious platforms. Its great for CAS for the Marines, the USArmy relies on the USAirForce, the Marines have only themselves and the Navy.

Interchangeable weapons load out to other USN and Marine platforms.

Reliable, less complex than Apache. Easily disassembled for transport or folded up on ships.

Better suited for hot/humid climate.

There isn't a ship borne Apache.
Thanks for the reply. I am curiousm why was this helicopter chosen by the USM when the AH64 is on paper a nore potent gunship?

Army ah-64 was too complex and expensive and Marnie's /navy went with cobra modified version ah-1w which evolved into ah-1z which shares some sub system commonality with uh-1h modified version as well
So cheaper but as capable the only specs I do not know if ah-1z has compared to ah-64, ah-64 can fly w/o oil ( not fuel but engine oil ) in case of leak damage for 30 minutes i.e. Engine capability vs ah-1z ?? This was US army requirement
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no alternatives. we will loose both money and the weapons just like the F-16s in the 90s. anti Pakistani Lobby is working hard damage Pak US relationship and deny Pakistan even its reimbursements and equipment it has already paid for.

You have the ATAK at your disposal!!! Turkey is working day and night to design and manufacture the engine too....
T-129 is very much suitable for Pakistan army for what I have seen and learnt but I am not the decision maker
no alternatives. we will loose both money and the weapons just like the F-16s in the 90s. anti Pakistani Lobby is working hard damage Pak US relationship and deny Pakistan even its reimbursements and equipment it has already paid for.

T-129 is very much suitable for Pakistan army for what I have seen and learnt but I am not the decision maker
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