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Agreement Done Myanmar will buy JF-17... Dunya news

Sir BJP came to power for 3 major reasons
1) Rampant corruption by UPA for a decade
2) Sky high Inflation
3) Unparalleled campaign done by Modi and his team

So far he is doing good job and there was bit of help from Saudis (Oil prices fall ;) )

Regarding rape or any other crime when people dont have fear of law it increases.
All other reasons given i dont buy as rape statistics in fully developed countries are also high only few Islamic nations have low rates due to very sever punishments.

You did not understand my question, why did you choose BJP? Was it because of your race or your religion ?
lol I was born in christian family now i have chosen to be an aethist , yes i voted for BJP as they were best alternative and i liked speeches of mr modi thought of giving him a chance as UPA was driving nation down the drain faster then ever.

Good, so your vote and ideas where not influenced by religion or race loyalties.
But they are in Pakistan.. so even if there was some leader who might have potential.. they will not choose him.
The myth of unfair elections is just that, a myth.. Pakistan needs at least 5 elections before it gets to the level of the Indian voter.

Or as an alternative, they can hold an election every friday and have governments that run only a week. That will fix Pakistan in less than 6 months.
1.Pakistan was our project. Present day Pakistanis had no idea about this. Even voted against this. You got it free really. It is you Pakistanis who wanted out in 60's, and that is why let loose the W Pakistani army on us. That is what history says.And that is what I have lived through.

2.For your info, we aren't doing too bad. Pak Rs is around half the value of our B/Taka. We have the most professional and well trained army in the region.That is what UN thinks seeing our performance in Missions.

3. It is in our mutual interest to cooperate for regional peace threatened by rising Hindu extremism in India and a rabid Buddhist extremism in Burma.Indeed when there was a possibility of BD-Burma war on the Rohingya issue, ACM Faruq Firoz,Pak Chairman Jt Chiefs, and Saudi Gen Khalid were the first to arrive in Dhaka offering military assistance.

You guys have been fed with one of the most sick stories and wao how thirsty and irrational your historians have been to accept that. If there is truth in your sotries, Pakistan Army must have rapped entire Northern Area as they are conducted operation against terrorist yea? They are conducting operations against MQM and Rangers must be looking to rape every women walking on the street - isin't it? That Indra B! was preparing for 10 months before she attacked east-Pakistan and the story she cooked, man aren't Bangladeshis brainlessly running towards those and accept them as their new truth? So Pakistani Soldiers who were rapist must have been waiting those 10 months until Indra was ready and they started putting they phenny out! Shame, such a shame that irrationality has been knitted around you and you guys have been eating their stories as if you'd die of starvation if you questioned them.

Go out and visit an army barrack in Pakistan and see if you find piss drinking gamblers or prayer offering humble Muslims who live and die on Kalma. Pakistanis are the most disciplined army in the world and you think people who are ready to live and die for their people are actually rapists? You guys deserve slaps when you think that obnoxiously about Pakistan Army and silently support those terrorists who are still hanging 70 year olds because they had stood with the state. Would you want to congratulate yourself for punishing patriotism?
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If this deal does go through - and I doubt it will, then the people of BD will be alienated from Pakistan.
That is an exaggeration.


What happens if Pakistan disagrees with this sale? Can it be sold by China without Pakistan's consent?
You miss the point totally. If this deal does go through - and I doubt it will, then the people of BD will be alienated from Pakistan. That will not be good for BD, Pakistan, SA Muslims or the Ummah.

You need not lecture me on a history that I have lived through.

Do you know Pak-bangladesh relations are it's lowest point these days? Taking care of relations is a two way road. Why should we put effort into it when bengalis don't feel to reciprocate it ? It's height of hypocrisy that Bengalis will be alienated by this act. Your population is already brainwashed upto such point they don't care about what Pakistan do or does.
Do you know Pak-bangladesh relations are it's lowest point these days? Taking care of relations is a two way road. Why should we put effort into it when bengalis don't feel to reciprocate it ? It's height of hypocrisy that Bengalis will be alienated by this act. Your population is already brainwashed upto such point they don't care about what Pakistan do or does.

The relations are not low, because they were never high. Bangladesh has always been an 'Indian' basket, pardon me if that sounds harsh, but reality on their ground shows that. Maybe just like Afghanistan was to Pakistan, India is too big and powerful and Bangladesh too small and weak.....so they have no choice....Pakistan is a good distance on the other side. There is not much we can trade with Bangladesh, so we just have customary diplomatic relations with them. Seems like they are having their own problems at the moment.
I hate when I come back to a thread after a day, and see its totally ruined with pages load of off topic discussions.. :cry:
oh yea how its turn to history :offtopic:

may be but no proof any way lets turn to JF-17 from history.

Just go to the camps where they live and ask them. It's not about winning debates on forum. True let's get back to the topic.
THE pak army in 1971 under niazi comitted horendous crimes against bengalis but so did indian troops, i have a close friend whos father served as a medic for the IA in bengal and he said that large groups of indian soldiers, would go out during the night to local villages dressed in pak uniforms and proceed to rape the women.

the behavior of indian troops
A change in govt might help may be Imran Khan

Imran Khan has zero managerial experience. he is a disaster in waiting. feel free to make him your PM to find out.

managing a cricket team of 15 professionals is one thing. Dealing with a country of 180 million is another.
That is an exaggeration.


What happens if Pakistan disagrees with this sale?

I don't find any reason for Pakistan to disagree with this sales, Pakistan should not remain hostage of past events; our relations with China is different then relation to any other nation and because of that relation if we can earn some opportunities (strategic+economic) why should we miss those.

What @asad71 is saying in his post below might be the representation of the sentiments of a very limited political class of Bangladesh, but an unfortunate truth of BD politics is that certain class who might not have hostile attitude towards Pakistan is already in alienation within Bangladesh & in the light of current regional political positioning we see BD under the total influence & dominance of INDIA, because of this thing if (again I emphasis IF) there is an opportunity which can earn us (Pak-China) a lead in those regional countries where India does not enjoy undue political or diplomatic influence then WHY SHOULD WE MISS THAT OPPORTUNITY ???

I believe because of Army background Asad shaib can understand this thing better then most of us.

In the light of above summarize situation you can yourself understand what we may lose if we choose to disagree with this deal

If this deal does go through - and I doubt it will, then the people of BD will be alienated from Pakistan.

Can it be sold by China without Pakistan's consent?

well whether to think in a way that JF-17/FC-1 could be sold without the consent of Pakistan its better to concentrate on two things
  • It a PARTNERSHIP b/w China & Pakistan but
  • Out of two production lines (one in Pakistan & one in China) only Chinese production line is totally INDEPENDENT
Hope you will get the point that I am not saying what is or should happen, I am talking about what may or may not happen.
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I don't find any reason for Pakistan to disagree with this sales, Pakistan should not remain hostage of past events; our relations with China is different then relation to any other nation and because of that relation if we can earn some opportunities (strategic+economic) why should we miss those.

What @asad71 is saying in his post below might be the representation of the sentiments of a very limited political class of Bangladesh, but an unfortunate truth of BD politics is that certain class who might not have hostile attitude towards Pakistan is already in alienation within Bangladesh & in the light of current regional political positioning we see BD under the total influence & dominance of INDIA, because of this thing if (again I emphasis IF) there is an opportunity which can earn us (Pak-China) a lead in those regional countries where India does not enjoy undue political or diplomatic influence then WHY SHOULD WE MISS THAT OPPORTUNITY ???

I believe because of Army background Asad shaib can understand this thing better then most of us.

In the light of above summarize situation you can yourself understand what we may lose if we choose to disagree with this deal

well whether to think in a way that JF-17/FC-1 could be sold without the consent of Pakistan its better to concentrate on two things
  • It a PARTNERSHIP b/w China & Pakistan but
  • Out of two production lines (one in Pakistan & one in China) only Chinese production line is totally INDEPENDENT
Hope you will get the point that I am not saying what is or should happen, I am talking about what may or may not happen.
I agree we should go ahead with the sale and i get that we should not and will not risk our relations with China by trying to block this sale.

I want to know if China reserves the legal right to sell the aircraft if Pakistan does not want to.

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