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Afghans protest agaisnt Pakistan - burn pakistani flags

Afghans are just sore loosers, they should be protesting against the West and America who have betrayed and abondened them altogether, Ghani led government and its large pathetic army collapsed in no time, then these leeches still blame Pakistan for all their problems.

Afghans have failed themselves and are nothing but just a bunch of cowards who can't fight to save thier country.

US never came to help anyone. They left chaos everywhere they went to. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Bosnia, the list goes on and on and on. Their aim always have been to maintain their own supremacy and prevent any foreign alliance to be made and gain strength. Media is their most important tool. They are working on China, showing them as criminals now, its their next target. If you just print dollar out of nothing? Wage war against other countries who try to use any other currency for trade? Off course you will stay at the top. Any country which has even a slight bit of sovereignty, dignity and independent thinking is not liked by them. They want every one to collude and bow to them, or otherwise be ready to be maligned.

Park ur dollars in USA, no problem with Saudi dictatorship.
Say yes sir to everything and be like India, get lenient treatment and weapons in return.
Stand up right? China is bad, Russia is bad.
If you are already a mess, USA is happy for you to stay a mess - lots of African countries.

They only come to "liberate women" and bring "democracy" when they think if this region sorts out its problems it would become influential. Now it is upon Afghans to decide their future. And how gullible they want to be. The truth is in front of anyone who really wants to see.
How many times can one give lanaat

They should go back and fight for their country but being the cowards they are, they would opt for the easy way out, i.e. burning flags. It is best we do not pay attention to this minority among the Afghan diaspora. Our foe is India. Let us not be bogged down.
We have hosted them for too long and they have enjoyed Pak's benefits and hospitality for far too long. Time to leave now.
Typical muslims, disrupting peace everywhere and acting like cavemen. Why do you immigrate to these countries if you don't like their lifestyle and laws.
Cowards, ran to the west and start crying, if they were so brave they would’ve stayed in Afghanistan and fought for their country. Assure you if Pakistan was ever in the same situation, overseas Pakistanis would come in flock to defend their country, and people Living in Pakistan would’ve all fought till the last man. All they do is cry and moan, they remind me of my ex.
They are just a bunch of Hypocripts. Paid propagandists
Time for not just software but hardware update as well
Exactly. They left their motherboard and started wandering around. Their cable needs to be clipped.
Usually, these people have asylum cases pending, so these Afghans get together and show such activism to get their permanent immigration status. They submit these protest pictures and videos to make their case strong. Otherwise, they have no solid case to leave Afghanistan. Getting political asylum is very tough now .. all over the world.

Otherwise ..

either way i am glad they are over there in Europe or US.. and they should stay there.
under a fair taliban rule, these perceptions will change. With Pakistan contributing to them and helping them stand up, in a generation's time, this rivalry will be forgotten.
These diaspora Afghans in the West are a special breed. I think this is one of the effects of "Afghanistan can't be conquered" meme. These people are living in denial; how can the mighty Afghans be conquered? They are looking for monsters to blame.

Sad thing is that their own civilian and military leadership vanished like a fart in the wind. Their ground soldiers spent last twenty years smoking hashish and selling weapons to the enemy. The only people who suffered in this whole episode are the rural Afghans who have nowhere to run. They are the sons of soil trying to survive while their brethren in the West make their lives more difficult by forcing Pakistanis to hate them.
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