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Afghans protest agaisnt Pakistan - burn pakistani flags

How many times can one give lanaat

Real question is wtf was that lady's reaction. She looks like she's having an aneurysm.

Anyways, gov isn't gonna learn and we will see more incidents repeat like this even on PAKISTANI soil. I think anger might reach a tipping point.
One more reason to not vote for PTI again. We don't want Afghanis in this country and they keep on letting them in.

If they really want them in then set up a point based system like there is one for immigration to Canada where from certain criterias you can get more points e.g. for being a skilled worker and for being a women. So that those people aren't able to get in who will just turn to crime for money or join in Indian proxies.
No need to generalize them
kind of these were seen ending their lives in Kabul Airport
Real question is wtf was that lady's reaction. She looks like she's having an aneurysm.

Anyways, gov isn't gonna learn and we will see more incidents repeat like this even on PAKISTANI soil. I think anger might reach a tipping point.

By cursing and spewing venom against Pakistan, the Afghans will make Afghanistan in to a global hyper power surpassing both america and China combined. It is a proven FACT............... :disagree:
By cursing and spewing venom against Pakistan, the Afghans will make Afghanistan in to a global hyper power surpassing both america and China combined. It is a proven FACT............... :disagree:

All I see are young men around the age of 16-30. For ffs, if you love your country so much how come you don't go to Afghanistan and fight for Kabul.
Yet we idiots feed them with free of custom duty taxes from our ports what a idiots we are
All I see are young men around the age of 16-30. For ffs, if you love your country so much how come you don't go to Afghanistan and fight for Kabul.

Apart from committing crime and smoking hashish, these men will achieve NOTHING in life. They will all AMOUNT to nothing. The highlight of their miserable failed lives is to burn the Pakistani flag. NOTHING else.
Too busy making money, eating and sleeping. Couldnt care about the country.

Sad but true............:(
Afghans are just sore loosers, they should be protesting against the West and America who have betrayed and abondened them altogether, Ghani led government and its large pathetic army collapsed in no time, then these leeches still blame Pakistan for all their problems.

Afghans have failed themselves and are nothing but just a bunch of cowards who can't fight to save thier country.
How many times can one give lanaat

All they care about is foreign aid, foreign nationality and cashing on the situation. Afghanistan has no real economy. No industry, nothing. They are used to of getting paid by intelligence agencies. India and USA won't give up on their dream to create chaos. And there will always be plenty of Afghans for each side to collude with. That's what they have historically done, every group has fought other forever. It seems it won't stop because there is too much foreign intervention.

One thing is clear to me, ISI's judgement was better than all of the rest. Taliban were, have been and has more potential to form a stable government than any puppet government USA wanted to appoint. If USA's appointed government was better, ISI would have supported it. But unfortunately it was a complete puppet regime.

Everyone should watch this documentary for perspective. The "government" "afghan police and army that the USA wanted the world to stand behind was full of child molesters, hashish smokers, completely stoned, only formed by 1 ethnic group, only in it for the dollars, consisted of small criminals, gangsters and war lords. Having seen this documentary now, there was always more hope for Talibans to fix their extremist attitude than trying to get some sense out of this lot! To be honest, there is will be less chaos in Afghanistan after US withdrawal with Talibans in power than if there was Afghan government trying to remain in power. Unfortunately some killing and unrest would continue due to foreign powers paying and enticing some groups to resist. We have already seen extremely biased reporting by international media (western propaganda tool). After seeing this video, I do find logic in what ISI did vs what the western world was trying to do. All the crocodile tears we see in media these days are from Afghans who are happy to get dollars from west, rather than ever enabling Afghanistan get on its feet. Same mom bati mafia, USAID workers lot is present in Pakistan. More loyal to US than Pakistan. Easy dollar money is a very strong propaganda tool in every (purposefully kept) poor country.

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