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Afghans protest agaisnt Pakistan - burn pakistani flags

There is a old saying " You can take the monkey šŸ’ out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the monkey šŸµ " sad to see and say but these people are just pure animals period f__k them all.
How many times can one give lanaat

Like the Ex DG ISI was saying today, it is easy to raise Afghan militants if you give them moneyā€¦ I wonder how many of these Afghans were bribed by Indians

if they have so much pain in the back why not go to Kabul and fight with Talibaboons
There is a old saying " You can take the monkey šŸ’ out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the monkey šŸµ " sad to see and say but these people are just pure animals period f__k them.

God has cursed them. For centuries these people have lived a miserable life. They have never known peace. Today they are begging for asylum abroad. Afghan mothers are throwing their babies over barbed razor wire. Afghans are fighting at the airport to be flown away from their cursed land. Afghan commies are falling off US/NATO planes. If this isn't being cursed I don't what is.

Now they are burning Pakistani flags LOL Cowards live among us in Pakistan in the millions. What a worthless beings.
Afghan couldn't fight for their country, now burning Pakistani flags to hide their cowardice.
Instead of burning Pakistani flag, start working for your country.
Afghan couldn't fight for their country, now burning Pakistani flags to hide their cowardice.
Instead of burning Pakistani flag, start working for your country.

"Work" and "Gratitude" does NOT exist in the Afghan dictionary.
"Work" and "Gratitude" does NOT exist in the Afghan dictionary.
2 decades ago a British football hooligan disrespected the Turkish flag by stamping on it in Istanbul during the UEFA finals. A turk stabbed the man tearing the British mans entire gut. It killed him instantly.
2 decades ago a British football hooligan disrespected the Turkish flag by stamping on it in Istanbul during the UEFA finals. A turk stabbed the man tearing the British mans entire gut. It killed him instantly.

That was back in 2000. I remember it all. Another English hooligan in Istanbul was permanently paralyzed when he was stabbed in the anus.............................they said it was a real bummer....................8-)
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These namak haram refugees are out on Peshawar roads and chanting anti Pakistan slogans openly. They are firing in the air, misbehaving and abusing pakistanis, damaging cars of pakistanis and the police is nowhere to be seen. They are in huge numbers.

Where the hell are the police or even paramilitary, what a joke! Where the hell did they get guns from? The problem is horrific.
Crack their skulls and send them across the border, vile filth. It won't take long for the Pakistani Pashtuns to come out in massive numbers with their arms with everything exploding.
Bro, not a few but LOTS. Many Afghan girls in North London are married to Pakistanis. Their parents by and large don't mind their daughters marrying Pakistanis.

That's true many have. By and large the most available men are young Pakistanis, and they are also educated in London. So be default the parents are cool with it.
"Work" and "Gratitude" does NOT exist in the Afghan dictionary.
But that's how nations are built. Not by burning another foreign nation's flags.
Although extreme hate against another country can be a uniting force , same as Modi is using Pakistani scare crow ..
But that's how nations are built. Not by burning another foreign nation's flags.
Although extreme hate against another country can be a uniting force , same as Modi is using Pakistani scare crow ..

Agreed. Now try explaining that to those who think that Pakistan is the biggest evil force in the universe who is stopping a country more backward and poorer than Somalia from becoming a global super superpower that is more powerful than america and China combined................................:disagree:
Usually, these people have asylum cases pending, so these Afghans get together and show such activism to get their permanent immigration status. They submit these protest pictures and videos to make their case strong. Otherwise, they have no solid case to leave Afghanistan. Getting political asylum is very tough now .. all over the world.

Otherwise ..

bunch of fags
One more reason to not vote for PTI again. We don't want Afghanis in this country and they keep on letting them in.

If they really want them in then set up a point based system like there is one for immigration to Canada where from certain criterias you can get more points e.g. for being a skilled worker and for being a women. So that those people aren't able to get in who will just turn to crime for money or join in Indian proxies.
Says the person living in Norway.
You know im referring to nationalism right?
No. Caring about your flag is Patriotism. Not Nationalism.
One more reason to not vote for PTI again. We don't want Afghanis in this country and they keep on letting them in.

If they really want them in then set up a point based system like there is one for immigration to Canada where from certain criterias you can get more points e.g. for being a skilled worker and for being a women. So that those people aren't able to get in who will just turn to crime for money or join in Indian proxies.
PTM- Afghan refugees

These soft, soft, juicy, juicy Bajwa type generals and pacifists like Immu Kardashian are damaging Pakistan

I am all for relationship building etc, I am a believer but not at the cost of Pakistan's security
Burning flags while comfortably sit in the west.

Go fight for your shithole country instead of cleaning toilets in Belgium. Namak haramis.
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