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Afghanistan: Why Turkey wants to partner with Hungary to protect Kabul airport

May 7, 2012
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Ankara believes Hungarian military is an asset because it knows the airport well, while Orban seeks more influence within Nato


Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan pose for cameras before a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of a Nato summit in Brussels on 13 June
By Ragip Soylu, Levent Kemal in Ankara
Published date: 21 June 2021 12:14 UT

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last week publicly floated the idea that Ankara could partner with Hungary and Pakistan to secure Kabul International Airport after Nato’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.
The airport is key to the stability of the Afghan capital, as foreign missions, NGOs and aid groups rely on its services.
For many, Pakistan sounded like a reasonable partner. Islamabad has a longstanding relationship with the Taliban, as a neighbouring country. But Hungary came as a big surprise.

'Orban proposed to deploy Hungarian soldiers to the airport in a Turkish-led mission. He would like to show the alliance that Hungary is an important partner that can deliver results'
- Source
Two sources familiar with the issue said Hungary itself expressed a willingness to take part in the mission, floating the idea in a meeting between Erdogan and Hungarian Prime Miniser Viktor Orban on the sidelines of a Nato summit earlier this month.
“Orban proposed to deploy Hungarian soldiers to the airport in a Turkish-led mission,” one person familiar with the meeting told Middle East Eye. “Orban would like to show the alliance that Hungary is an important partner that can deliver results.”
Orban has increasingly been criticised by EU and Nato countries over his authoritarian policies, which sources said had spurred him to move closer to Turkey.
“He is increasingly feeling sidelined. His future after the elections next year is also at stake,” the second source said.
Previous experience
Turkish officials, on the other hand, believe Hungary could be a good addition to the mission from a technical point of view. Officials in Ankara point out that Hungary already has experience securing Kabul airport from its participation in the mission between 2010 and 2013. Since then it has undertaken occasional other missions at the facility, too.
“Hungary is a logical choice because they are well aware of the security weaknesses of the airport. They know the terrain well,” one Turkish official told MEE. “There are also longstanding defence ties between Turkey and Hungary, making it easier for us to work with them. “

A spokesperson for the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade avoided responding to direct questions on Hungary's possible role in the protection of Kabul airport.
However, the spokesperson tied the issue to the security of Europe and migration.
“The most serious of these is the risk of further waves of migration, due to the rise of terrorism,” the spokesperson told MEE. “The threat of terrorism and the emergence of migratory waves has to be prevented.”
The spokesperson, without elaborating, said necessary steps are currently being negotiated, but no decision has been taken.
Hungary, which has previously had around 150 troops deployed in Afghanistan, currently has only nine soldiers in the country, according to a statement by the country’s foreign minister in April.
Orban, known for his anti-refugee stance, specifically towards those from Muslim countries, last year increased its military budget by 30 percent to 2.2bn euros ($2.6bn) to purchase helicopters, battle tanks and missile defence systems. He also announced a military modernisation campaign worth billions of euros to be pursued over the next decade.
Close to a deal
No formal deal has been reached by Ankara and Nato over Turkey taking responsibility for Kabul airport's security. However remarks by both Erdogan and US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan indicated that the two countries were close to striking an agreement.
“President Erdogan indicated he would need, as you said, certain forms of support to do that. And President Biden committed that that support would be forthcoming,” Sullivan said last week during a briefing. “President Erdogan expressed satisfaction with that, and the two of them tasked their teams just to work out the final details.”

A Nato communique promised to maintain the funding for the airport earlier this month, meeting a Turkish condition, but Ankara is also seeking logistical support, such as the deployment of drones, defensive equipment and troops from other allied countries.

'Turkey always had a historic and friendly relationship with Afghanistan. Yet in return, Ankara wants solid concessions from Washington, including on the issue of S-400s'
- Washington source
A Washington source told MEE that Erdogan had been hoping for favours from the US in return for taking on the Kabul mission.
“It is true that Turkey always had a historic and friendly relationship with Afghanistan,” the source said. “Yet in return, Ankara wants solid concessions from Washington, including on the issue of S-400s.”
Turkey's purchase of Russian-made S-400 missile systems has caused consternation in Washington, and prompted sanctions on Ankara.
The Taliban, however, warned Turkey in several statements last week to leave with other foreign Nato troops, warning Erdogan not to make a "big mistake".
Sullivan said the Taliban’s threats shouldn’t deter Turkey from efforts to provide security for Kabul airport.
“We do not believe that what the Taliban has said publicly should or will deter the efforts underway right now to establish that security presence, which in turn will enable international missions - diplomatic missions to operate,” he said.

It's hilarious. Orban doesn't want aliens in his dump of a country, but is happy to be part of a campaign in another country. Meanwhile Self styled Sultan Erdogan has no problems working with Muslim hater Orban, all whilst acting like the next Salahdin for media soundbites.

He don't take any airport and i suspect he'll regret it if he does.
Orban doesn't want aliens in his dump of a country
Correction: He does not mind aliens. It's just that Orban does not want any MUSLIMS in his country. What is more he has proudly stated this. So for instance he is happy to take Syrian Christians but not Muslims.

Viktor Orbán: Hungary doesn’t want ‘Muslim invaders’

This episode however does expose Sultan Erdogan and his illusions of being the next caliph. Hope it wakes up his Pakistani fanboys.
Turkey is about to make a huge mistake.
Not really. Turkey is merely doing what is natural and what it's national interests are. Turkey is not ummah, not out to defend Islam but is legally bound to protect it's allies who are USA and Europe under the NATO structure. I can't see what it is doing wrong other than expanding it's stock value in the west.
Turkey should not be in Afghanistan period.
It has been there for 20 years. You did not know Turkey is crucial NATO member country? Who is that standing next to Trump at NATO summit? The Sultan!

AS you guys know I don't give a rats a*ss about ummah or the even the idea of Muslim world. It does not exist. We have nation states and we should ne nationalists. Pakistan first. Period. But if I was a Islamist and ummah lover then honestly the greatest evil on earth that is out to destroy the Muslims is NATO. Below is face of evil. @WEARENATO


Just think about this. Imran Khan is categorically rejecting American's any bases or get involved in their wars. Erdogan the favourite of Pak 'Muzee' fanboys is actually asking the Americans that he can be US contractor in Afghanistan providing they give him money. The final blow being Erdogan will ask that Muslim hater Victor Orban to bring inm Hungarian soldiers to help out at Kabul Airport.

Mashallah !
AS you guys know I don't give a rats a*ss about ummah or the even the idea of Muslim world. It does not exist. We have nation states and we should ne nationalists. Pakistan first. Period. But if I was a Islamist and ummah lover then honestly the greatest evil on earth that is out to destroy the Muslims is NATO. Below is face of evil. @WEARENATO

View attachment 755344

Agreed. Now how do we make the rest of our fellow Pakistanis understand this? That is the million $ question.
Agreed. Now how do we make the rest of our fellow Pakistanis understand this? That is the million $ question.
We can't my friend. Could Galileo Galilei convince the catholic church that earth was not centre of universe? Neither can we. Let time catch up but I certainly won't be around by the time that happens. In fact we can't even do it in our local mosque. Try go to your local mosque in Pakistani neighbourhood and try tell them that. They wil say nationalism is haram bro and will have bunch of Black ex-convict reverts and few Somali's eying up their sisters using the Muslim card.
Hungary and turkey are most welcome to secure Kabul airport without the permission of Taliban, the future rulers of that place. But, they shouldn't force and pull Pakistan by the Nara. (drawstrings) into that quagmire.

We don't need to be in the middle of this mess. Let's hope good sense prevails and afghan groups find a way to share power, and let us focus on building our own nation.
Correction: He does not mind aliens. It's just that Orban does not want any MUSLIMS in his country. What is more he has proudly stated this. So for instance he is happy to take Syrian Christians but not Muslims.

Viktor Orbán: Hungary doesn’t want ‘Muslim invaders’

This episode however does expose Sultan Erdogan and his illusions of being the next caliph. Hope it wakes up his Pakistani fanboys.
Hungarian Far Right parties like Jobbik and Orban eventhough he technically isn't Far Right politically are quite eccentric than their European counterparts you see Orban isn't actually anti Turkish throughout the years He is long been a supporter of Turkey Turkey entrance in the European Union he also claimed that he like Erdogan style of rule besides Putin in terms Hungary relations with Turkey and Turkic world Orban has been trying to cultivate ties there for a few years and Hungary low key supported Azerbaijan claims to Karabakh late last year
The worst part is that some of these retards are happy for their sisters and other female relatives to breed black africans...........all in the name of the "Ummah"
You know I am liberal but trust me our women are the receptacles of our civilization. They give birth to our next generation and cradle your future. In the past the the greatest ignominy and satisfaction of the victor over the vanquished was he would ride your women and implant his seed in the cradle of your future. Many westerners are now realizing that the collapse of the west will be between the legs of their women who all too often choose to breed offspring Africans. It's too late for them. Now I see the same danger to our society but tis will be by using the 'Muslim' card whereas in the west it was rap, dance and ganja.
You know I am liberal but trust me our women are the receptacles of our civilization. They give birth to our next generation and cradle your future. In the past the the greatest ignominy and satisfaction of the victor over the vanquished was he would ride your women and implant his seed in the cradle of your future. Many westerners are now realizing that the collapse of the west will be between the legs of their women who all too often choose to breed offspring Africans. It's too late for them. Now I see the same danger to our society but tis will be by using the 'Muslim' card whereas in the west it was rap, dance and ganja.

man our population is 200 million plus and still increasing . If 1000 of them go to blacks does not affect us at all. The number of indian men implanting their seed in Pakistani women is way higher than africans check the stats with your nearest Pakistan embassy but again does not affect us at all instead it helps us filter out the un-patriotic women. In today's world you cant dictate who can marry who. people have choices and choices have consequences -its their life.
The fall of the west is due to their laws that prevent marriage and have destroyed the very fabric of social structure. Their family system is dead ibecause the law does not recognize men at all, one divorce can ruin a man's life and too much lgtbq etc etc extra freedom to women. More and more men in the west are chosing to be trans. m to f
You know I am liberal but trust me our women are the receptacles of our civilization. They give birth to our next generation and cradle your future. In the past the the greatest ignominy and satisfaction of the victor over the vanquished was he would ride your women and implant his seed in the cradle of your future. Many westerners are now realizing that the collapse of the west will be between the legs of their women who all too often choose to breed offspring Africans. It's too late for them. Now I see the same danger to our society but tis will be by using the 'Muslim' card whereas in the west it was rap, dance and ganja.

Well the "Muslim card" is already in full swing in France for sometime already ton of North African women being seduced by Black Africans leading to in fact racial tensions between Maghbrebi Arabs and Berbers
against Black Africans

man our population is 200 million plus and still increasing . If 1000 of them go to blacks does not affect us at all. The number of indian men implanting their seed in Pakistani women is way higher than africans check the stats with your nearest Pakistan embassy but again does not affect us at all instead it helps us filter out the un-patriotic women. In today's world you cant dictate who can marry who. people have choices and choices have consequences -its their life.
The fall of the west is due to their laws that prevent marriage and have destroyed the very fabric of social structure. Their family system is dead ibecause the law does not recognize men at all, one divorce can ruin a man's life and too much lgtbq etc etc extra freedom to women. More and more men in the west are chosing to be trans. m to f
Fair point.

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