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Afghanistan, India and Iran to ink transit agreement

Good luck, may all your wishes come true. May ALLAH (SWT) grant our Afghan brothers every success, peace and posterity. I have worked closely with Afghan's and in Afghanistan itself, not everyone i have met subscribes to the same acerbic views that you hold.

I am happy for Afghanistan, that her youth are free thinking enough to decide openly on what direction they wish to see their country take towards progress.

However i feel i must say that since the 1980's Pakistan has played host to your countrymen/women, we have sheltered many and many have children who hold Pakistani nationality, many refuse to return to Afghanistan, their home is with us, we have not forced them to say that or feel that way, it is how they feel.

In closing i will leave you with these parting words: Make new friends, but remember the old, for the new are the Silver, the old are the GOLD!
Listen, I have no problem with an individual Pakistani but SOME of your countrymen have the assumption that Afghanistan is like their stomping ground and they can do whatever they like their. Maybe I was rash in saying we should limit relations drastically and I can tell by your credentials in your sig that you are a respectable and knowledgable person.

We are under no means perfect but a lot of our problems are being caused by Pakistan, in a perfect world I would love for Afghanistan to be close with Pakistan who are a Islamic friend but this is a world under the influence of Shai tann and at this point in time the less relations with Pakistan will help us. But no doubt Pakistan at this point is a much more successful country in fact there is no comparison.
I am not living of the UK government, I am working, paying my taxes and have never in my life claimed benefits or welfare thank you very much. And I am not proud of my country, but I am proud to be a Afghan. I am ashamed of them and their current situation and hope one day we can become a stable Islamic country with limited relations with a certain neighbour!

Ameen to that :cheers:
Listen, I have no problem with an individual Pakistani but SOME of your countrymen have the assumption that Afghanistan is like their stomping ground and they can do whatever they like their. Maybe I was rash in saying we should limit relations drastically and I can tell by your credentials in your sig that you are a respectable and knowledgable person.

We are under no means perfect but a lot of our problems are being caused by Pakistan, in a perfect world I would love for Afghanistan to be close with Pakistan who are a Islamic friend but this is a world under the influence of Shai tann and at this point in time the less relations with Pakistan will help us. But no doubt Pakistan at this point is a much more successful country in fact there is no comparison.

Problems caused by Pakistan??? I wonder if you're new friends, if we can indeed use the term to define them, would have sheltered more than a million of you're people in times of need?? Half of our issues exists because of Afghanistan and Pakistan gets drawn into the issues of another country even though it does not serve any of our interests. Ask Hamid Karzai how can he even call his country a sovereign state when he hardly has any influence over it outside of his palace? So demanding him to take action against any terrorist is asking way too much. You might have you're views against Pakistan and that is perfectly fine with me but this is pure nonsense the way you blame Pakistan for all the issues that you are dealing with today.
I hope india really starts transporting weapons to afg to attack pak using ttp and rented afg taliban

BAD Idea....rather than ammunation....let us export our expertise and experience in Education,Training, media industry and development thing to Afganistan....Afganistan people badky need help in hospital,education and nfrastructure...And this can be fulfilled by India, China and Iran....Let the arms and ammunation part be supported by Pakistan and US.....

Will it be free or paid transit? If its not free than it will be just a backup and Pakistan's free route will remain primary. All thanks to idiot tax payers of Pakistan.

I still feel that Chabbar port investment by India is an tactic to initiate discussion with pakistan to provide direct transit to Afghanistan....Because the best route to reach Afganistan is through Pakistan only..Iran route will be primarily be used for CAR nations....Let us hope that good sense prevail and every one work for regional integration.....
We don't care if state sponsored or not but considering your governments past it's most likely state sponsored, but either way limited relations with your country would be beneficial to all in the region.

perhaps you should help start a campaign of deporting all your illegal Afghan brethren living in Pakistan who are behind every crime imaginable

And since you are great friends with India all you illegal criminals can be shipped to some slum in India, but it's always easier to bark on a Pakistani forum :)
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Problems caused by Pakistan??? I wonder if you're new friends, if we can indeed use the term to define them, would have sheltered more than a million of you're people in times of need?? Half of our issues exists because of Afghanistan and Pakistan gets drawn into the issues of another country even though it does not serve any of our interests. Ask Hamid Karzai how can he even call his country a sovereign state when he hardly has any influence over it outside of his palace? So demanding him to take action against any terrorist is asking way too much. You might have you're views against Pakistan and that is perfectly fine with me but this is pure nonsense the way you blame Pakistan for all the issues that you are dealing with today.
Iran has already sheltered at least a million refugees and we don't really have a border with India but there is a community living there and also if most Afghans need medical treatment or need to go to uni then they go too India. And all those issue where caused by your own government.
This is a good news, and Pakistanis should not feel their routes will be undermined because of this development.

Such developments are always a matter of time, their inevitability is always obvious and we should not be the fools to stay in denial.

So (Pakistani members here), rather than looking at it as a detrimental development, please view it as a healthy competition. The Pakistani route has long been fraught with risks of all kinds and magnitudes and brings out all sorts of controversies. Even with that, it would be surprising if any Pakistani member denies that Karachi-Peshawar-Jalalabad route has often been used for blackmailing the users. So this new development should only bring us to the ground where we all can earn our bread honestly, not by taking undue advantages.

Secondly, India has no de-facto border with Afganistan. So unavailability of the Chahabar route will only end up making the Afghans completely dependent upon the State of Pakistan. That surely would not be fair with Afghanistan, would it?

I am really glad that despite all the words said in this thread, Aeronaut and RescueRanger have wished their best for Afghans, and I hope rest of the Pakistani members too follow the suit.
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