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Afghanistan, India and Iran to ink transit agreement

True, but only by a fraction.
The main goal of MFN is to capture Pakistani market by making them reduce their taxes and negative lists against us,not use the Pakistani routes to trade with Afghanistan is secondary.

Yes, I am aware of that. I just said that inanother context; that affair may get pushed onto the back-burner since the bilateral relations took a toss recently, and GoI and MEA has got something else to occupy them more recently.
I wonder if India built roads and rail lines can be used by NATO to withdrew their army from Af.I always though it's the best option.now as political situation with Iran is changing,they should exploit it fully.
Great going-will greatly benefit Afghanistan in its export and import trade with India and Africa and the world.Great for India too in its export to and from Iran
this undercutting of Pakistan by Iran clearly shows that Iran is not a trustworthy "ally"
A transit agreement is due to be signed between Afghanistan, India and Iran.
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials, the Afghan government remains committed to work with Iran and India to finalize the transit agreement in a bid to link Afghanistan with the regional countries.

Trade activities will be enhanced among the regional countries through the Chabahar port, which is situated 72km (44 miles) west of Pakistan’s Gwadar Port.

Deputy Chief of the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI), Khan Jan Alokozay, said the agreement would help address the major transit issues that Afghan traders are facing. He further added that the agreement would help reduce the transit costs and shorten the transit route between Afghanistan and regional countries.

India is set to sign the agreement and invest over USD 100 million in the Chabahar port. The port is already connected to the city of Zaranj in Afghanistan’s southwestern province of Nimruz and can serve as India’s entry point to Afghanistan, Central Asia and beyond.

Source: Afghanistan, India and Iran to ink transit agreement | Wadsam

Will it be free or paid transit? If its not free than it will be just a backup and Pakistan's free route will remain primary. All thanks to idiot tax payers of Pakistan.
but either way limited relations with your country would be beneficial to all in the region.

If only you knew, never mind you are safe living off the government in the UK, if you are so proud of your country go forth and multiply!
If only you knew, never mind you are safe living off the government in the UK, if you are so proud of your country go forth and multiply!
I am not living of the UK government, I am working, paying my taxes and have never in my life claimed benefits or welfare thank you very much. And I am not proud of my country, but I am proud to be a Afghan. I am ashamed of them and their current situation and hope one day we can become a stable Islamic country with limited relations with a certain neighbour!
Good to have more economic activity flowing in Afghanistan.

Indeed, it's a win-win for all three nations.
I am ashamed of them and their current situation and hope one day we can become a stable Islamic country with limited relations with a certain neighbour!

Good luck, may all your wishes come true. May ALLAH (SWT) grant our Afghan brothers every success, peace and posterity. I have worked closely with Afghan's and in Afghanistan itself, not everyone i have met subscribes to the same acerbic views that you hold.

I am happy for Afghanistan, that her youth are free thinking enough to decide openly on what direction they wish to see their country take towards progress.

However i feel i must say that since the 1980's Pakistan has played host to your countrymen/women, we have sheltered many and many have children who hold Pakistani nationality, many refuse to return to Afghanistan, their home is with us, we have not forced them to say that or feel that way, it is how they feel.

In closing i will leave you with these parting words: Make new friends, but remember the old, for the new are the Silver, the old are the GOLD!
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