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Afghan Presidential palace under Taliban attack.

Now it became good taliban vs bad taliban.

How can you criticize someone who is fighting for the freedom of his motherland . Or you are also hypocrite like americans who are fighting against so called al-qaida for a decade while helping its sister organization al-nusra front in syria.
How can you criticize someone who is fighting for the freedom of his motherland . Or you are also hypocrite like americans who are fighting against so called al-qaida for a decade while helping its sister organization al-nusra front in syria.

I'm no voice of Americans. US came there because they were attacked, not like Iraq invaded Kuwait.

Its the fate of Afganis to see fighting for decades and coming days too.

The same guys do mayhem at Pakistan, then they are bad. They all are well connected.
I'm no voice of Americans. US came there because they were attacked, not like Iraq invaded Kuwait.

Its the fate of Afganis to see fighting for decades and coming days too.

The same guys do mayhem at Pakistan, then they are bad. They all are well connected.

" Give me the man & I'll give you the rule "

Things are mighty selective in these parts.....
:cuckoo: NVM anything on topic?,

All these groups are deobandi scumb. the scum center in India had always opposed Pakistan.

As far origion of Taliban well your information is limited and screwed one.

anyway anything on TOPIC?

Not getting in to what is screwed in the knowledge here :) or out of what the Taliban were born, my only allusion is to open your mental faculties to the fact that no school of thought of Islam was ever in what is now pure Mohammadden Pakistan which seeks to project itself as the citadel of mohammaddenism today. So careful with what you drop so easily as scum on this matter.

And OT, now that the morning excitement is over, probably it would now dawn on the Pakistanis that it was no good for them (except for better bowel movement with the excitement in the morning) but actually harmful. It just legitimizes the Afghan and their supporting voices against any quarter to be given in the discussions at Qatar.

But analyltically, this seems so much like the Masood masterstroke if it would have been achieved. Coaches need to think of new game plans now. :)
Even Ahmad Shah Masood shahid will not pass your test neither will Dostam.

You are trying too hard to view Afghanistan with Indian goggles.

That will fail every time.

And if you know a bit of Indian history

you should know

Subhash was sucking Japanese dongle. If he was successful, 1000s of Bengalis would have been killed.

I mean Japanese had already sent their bombers over Kolkatta.

It is just that the region got lucky when Subhash died in a mysterious air crash while on his way back from meeting Japanese.

So please learn a bit.

Thank you

So what dongle was Mohammed sucking on when he actually bode for India to be divided and got millions including muslims killed. Given this now, which goggles have you been wearing looking at history? :)
quite confusing when taliban scumbags are equated to subhash bose and bhagat singh, either you are oblivious to lives of bose and bhagat singh, or intentionally turning a blind eye to brutality and savagery of taliban and their reign of terror.

It becomes even more confusing when ISAF is compared to occupation forces especially when Pakistanis a key non-nato ally.

ISAF IS an occupation force. It became one the day Rumsfield refused the Kandahar agreement in 2001.

Taliban are Afghans and have the right to defend their country.

What i find Ironic is that Jalal uddin Haqqani [Chief of the Haqqani network] was sitting in this meeting in 1985.


They were all friends in the past.
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All assailants dead in Kabul attack: police chief

KABUL: All the Taliban militants who targeted the presidential palace and the CIA office in central Kabul on Tuesday morning died in the attack, Afghan police said.

Kabul police chief Mohammad Ayoub Salangi told reporters at the scene that all three or four militants had died. He said they jumped out of their explosives-laden car before detonating it.

According to details, Taliban militants targeted the presidential
palace and national CIA office in central Kabul on Tuesday morning, with
gunfire and explosions erupting at one of the gates of the complex in the Afghan capital.

Blasts and gunshots shook the city for an hour after the first explosions at about 6:30 am, sending smoke into the air in a high-security area of Kabul that also contains many embassies and official buildings.

Police said that three or four attackers had approached one entrance to the sprawling palace area and had fled their explosives-laden car before detonating it.

Kabul police chief Mohammad Ayoub Salangi told reporters at the scene that all the militants had died and no security forces personnel or civilians were killed, giving no further details.

A palace source told AFP that the expansive grounds around the building had not been breached. President Hamid Karzai, who lives in the palace, was due to hold a press event on Tuesday morning and journalists had been asked to report to the building.

All roads to the palace are permanently closed off, with several rings of heavy security around the complex keeping people far away.

"A big group of attackers have struck against the CIA office as the main
target and also the palace and the defence ministry nearby," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told AFP.

The US embassy sounded its "duck and cover" alarm drill and the US-led NATO military coalition said on its Twitter account: "Small arms fire and multiple explosions reported in Kabul."

The last major attack in Kabul was on June 11 when the Taliban insurgents claimed responsibility for a suicide car bomb outside the Supreme Court that killed at least 15 civilians.

Tuesday's attack came during a visit to Kabul by US envoy James Dobbins
after a diplomatic bust-up over the Taliban's new office in Qatar that was intended as a first step towards a peace deal to end 12 years of fighting in Afghanistan.

The Qatar office used the formal name of "Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan" from the rebels' 1996-2001 government, and flew the white Taliban flag that is seen by many Afghans as a grim reminder of the cruelties of Taliban rule.

President Hamid Karzai, furious over the flag and sign, broke off ongoing Afghan-US talks on an agreement that would allow Washington to maintain soldiers in Afghanistan after the NATO combat mission ends.

Karzai has so far declined to send representatives to Qatar, but pressure is growing for a ceasefire and eventually a peace settlement ahead of next year's NATO withdrawal and Afghan presidential elections due to April.

About 100,000 foreign combat troops, 68,000 of them from the US, are due to withdraw, and NATO formally transferred responsibility for nationwide security to Afghan forces a week ago.

When in power, the Taliban imposed a harsh version of Islamic law that
banned television, music and cinema, stopped girls from going to school and forced woman to wear the all-covering burqa.

They were ousted in 2001 for sheltering the Al-Qaeda militants behind the 9/11 attacks, but launched a resilient and bloody insurgency against US-led NATO troops and the US-backed Afghan government.

Dobbins on Monday said Washington was "outraged" at how the Taliban opened an office in Qatar.

All assailants dead in Kabul attack: police chief - thenews.com.pk
a movement originating from Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-run religious schools for Afghan refugees in Pakistan, ahem! 1991 ring a bell,
btw JUI(N) JUI(s) and JUI(F) are all pakistani groups that broke off JUI-Hind in 1945 and are attributed for setup of most of pakistani madarsas. as I said History fail!
ah here you are with your usual mantra. well dear you need to look into history a bit more. Post Soviet war and Pre Taliban Take over of Kabul. the initial taliban force had nothing but some illiterate farmers.
And it is not like Taliban took over a peaceful and peace loving afghanistan. Local warlards were raping, robbing people, it was a mess after soviet war (and it is going to be the same again). Even before taliban arrived girls were raped and kids were killed, it was than a group of people picked up arms. you may wish to twist the truth in whatever way you like.

Coming back to the topic
Looks like it was an early morning wake up call for karzai. Audacity of it all they always tell us they have won the war and taliban have been corned. Well my dear stooges, they just attacked the most secure place in the country - TheEffing Presidential Palace with your effing President inside.......a clear message from Taliban to Karzai....we don't give a damn about you. and it is high time for karzai to set down from the office, it will be better for all. And looks like it was a message for US too.
ISAF IS an occupation force. It became one the day Rumsfield refused the Kandahar agreement in 2001.

Taliban are Afghans and have the right to defend their country.

What i find Ironic is that Jalal uddin Haqqani [Chief of the Haqqani network] was sitting in this meeting in 1985.


They were all friends in the past.

What is a Pakistani Taliban?
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The ones who came, didn't expect to survive.

Since when resistance to foreign invasion is terrorism..?...were Tipu Sultan....Bhagat singh....Mr Bose...terrorists ?

Hamid Karzai and his government are foreign invaders ?

Also , please don't equate Bose, Tipu and Bhagat Singh with Talibunnies.
ah here you are with your usual mantra. well dear you need to look into history a bit more. Post Soviet war and Pre Taliban Take over of Kabul. the initial taliban force had nothing but some illiterate farmers.
And it is not like Taliban took over a peaceful and peace loving afghanistan. Local warlards were raping, robbing people, it was a mess after soviet war (and it is going to be the same again). Even before taliban arrived girls were raped and kids were killed, it was than a group of people picked up arms. you may wish to twist the truth in whatever way you like.

Coming back to the topic
Looks like it was an early morning wake up call for karzai. Audacity of it all they always tell us they have won the war and taliban have been corned. Well my dear stooges, they just attacked the most secure place in the country - TheEffing Presidential Palace with your effing President inside.......a clear message from Taliban to Karzai....we don't give a damn about you. and it is high time for karzai to set down from the office, it will be better for all. And looks like it was a message for US too.

Anybody can attack the most secure facility. But guess what the Taliban failed to take over the place. All dead and one wounded security officer.
ISAF IS an occupation force. It became one the day Rumsfield refused the Kandahar agreement in 2001.

Taliban are Afghans and have the right to defend their country.

What i find Ironic is that Jalal uddin Haqqani [Chief of the Haqqani network] was sitting in this meeting in 1985.


They were all friends in the past.

I agree with you assessment about America aligning with Taliban and their Hypocrisy

BUT that does not negate the fact that Taliban is down right barbaric, medievalistic backward force

Why are you terming Afghan taliban as freedom fighters ? These people have killed scores of innocent Afghans in Car bomb attacks, suicide attacks, no education for women do you really want Afghans to go back to the stone age ? Would you live under the Taliban rule ?

Ten schoolchidren dead in Afghanistan suicide blast | GlobalPost

Is this the freedom fighters your talking about..... ?
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