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Afghan poll shows India most favoured, Pakistan unpopular

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Good. Development brings in goodwill, interference does not. A lesson for our western neighbor perhaps.

PS - On a side note, i guess not all nations in our immediate neighbourhood hate us!!

I wouldn't count your chickens before they've hatched. Pakistan too has bitten its lip and invested $500M in Afghanistan as assistance to a government we have no faith in, and one that has no long term prospects. We've done so because we believe in our long term relationship with the Afghan people, despite the corrupt elements that find themselves in power today.

I hope the Taliban never return to power. But I do hope that a more representative government, free of corruption and more inclusive of the majority ethnic group soon replaces the farce currently on show in Kabul.
These Traitors.Pakistan should starve them to death.These Leeches feeding of our country for 3 decades and now how is they repay.They deserve a horrible death.Seal all the borders and make sure that not even a single grain does reach them.
Survey under the most corrupted govt...lolzz...Even EU and US admitted....but good for boasting Indians morale.
These Traitors.Pakistan should starve them to death.These Leeches feeding of our country for 3 decades and now how is they repay.They deserve a horrible death.Seal all the borders and make sure that no even a single grain does reach them.

Let's not get into a war or words when the words from the other side are not even those of the Afghan people. Relax. This survey is crap and its sponsors will have very short political lives in Afghanistan.
These afghans will be taken care off in due time regardless of what they think about us.
BBC News - Afghans more optimistic for future, survey shows

Here you can download the entire survey report.
A wrong comparison is being made with India's 71 vs Pak's 2.
India's rating of very favorable is 29% Pakistans is 2%.
Similarly 42% are somewhat favorable towards India 13% are towards Pakistan.

SO it is more like 71% vs 15%.
In fact Pakistan improved its ratings from previous years while India is loosing favor. :)
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These Traitors.Pakistan should starve them to death.These Leeches feeding of our country for 3 decades and now how is they repay.They deserve a horrible death.Seal all the borders and make sure that not even a single grain does reach them.

Hay calm down buddy, don't burn your blood, for some non reliable survey. We know what the facts are in reality.

Its good to see India coming out to help poor afghans, and that too after 40 years of their civil war. At least they have realized the bad situation in Afghanistan.

Its time we share our burdens with them too. The more the work load divided the more the afghans are gonna benefit.


I have no faith in this survey. The fact of the matter is that the government of Afghanistan is mostly made up of minority Northern Alliance remnants. ACSOR is government funded and in the context of the indisputably high levels of corruption in the Afghan government, can only be expected to tow the official government line.

In Afghanistan's ethnic compostion there is no majority and minority, although there is the largest and smallest groups which is quite different to the concept of majority and minority. Secondly, if you dont believe in this survey then present us with a survey which is more reliable to you? third: present gov of Afghanistan have more Pashtoon than other ethnic groups(if thats what you meant in your post), even if there is full pashtoon in the gov, it will be a nightmare for pakistan because they will shout for merging of NWFP to afghanistna while other ethnic groups never do such a thing. This poll was conducted by BBC in all provinces of the country and they chose people randomly.

When the majority of the people of Afghanistan are not even participating in this government, its polls and opinions on who is popular and unpopular in Afghanistan have no merit. They say this poll was conducted in-person. Massive areas of Afghanistan are no-go areas - in fact the majority of the territory is - for representatives of the Afghan government. In such a situation, how is this poll in any way indicative of the popular Afghan voice?

This poll was conductec by the BBC, who is in the gov and who is not shouldnt matter here. by the way, present gov of afghanistan have more pashtoons than other ethnic groups. the other ethnic groups make up the largest opposition to this gov. and it is also wrong to say that massive areas of afghanistan is no go area. yes, there are alot of explosions, but to say it is no go area is totally wrong.

7 or 8 years are a very short period in the history of a nation. We are here to stay, as we have been for over a thousand years, and so are the Afghans. Let's see who is in power in Afghanistan in a year, five years and ten years. I have a feeling 'opinion polls' conducted a few years hence will have drastically different outcomes.

in present history of afghanistan people have always seen pakistan not trustwhorthy at least for the last 30 years. power of the gov is not important here, because it is saying about people's opinoin. surely if there is a gov of Mullah Omar, the gov(not people) will praise their pakistani masters.
Good. Development brings in goodwill, interference does not. A lesson for our western neighbor perhaps.

PS - On a side note, i guess not all nations in our immediate neighbourhood hate us!!

Lol so true :cheers:
I wouldn't count your chickens before they've hatched. Pakistan too has bitten its lip and invested $500M in Afghanistan as assistance to a government we have no faith in, and one that has no long term prospects. We've done so because we believe in our long term relationship with the Afghan people, despite the corrupt elements that find themselves in power today.

I hope the Taliban never return to power. But I do hope that a more representative government, free of corruption and more inclusive of the majority ethnic group soon replaces the farce currently on show in Kabul.

I agree with you. Let the Afghans decide on who they want, who they like, etc etc. Free from all outside interference. Including the interference from Pakistan's "strategic assets".

PS - the 2% figure seems a bit low, perhaps it was done only in Kabul?
Six million refugees and this is what Aghanis think of us. India went to war when few refugees landed in India from east Pakistan.

On one hand they detroy the statues on the other hand they want to be the best friends of those who worship them. If one looks at Afghan history one sees Ghaznvi and ghauri as the destroyer of statues, and look at Afghanis now, It is strange,

go figure,

I know some will say they were T.I. I would say not entirely true.

Should I believe in this survay done by an American magazine, I would take it with a grain of salt any survay dome by any paper or magazine, it is their top priority to sell their product by exegeration if that is what it will take.

Believe it man, its done by the BBC also and its quite true. Afghani's dont really like Pakistani's a lot. I know a few here also and i get the same reponse from them.
Let's not get into a war or words when the words from the other side are not even those of the Afghan people. Relax. This survey is crap and its sponsors will have very short political lives in Afghanistan.

have you got any more reliable survey than this?
I have no faith in this survey. The fact of the matter is that the government of Afghanistan is mostly made up of minority Northern Alliance remnants. ACSOR is government funded and in the context of the indisputably high levels of corruption in the Afghan government, can only be expected to tow the official government line.

When the majority of the people of Afghanistan are not even participating in this government, its polls and opinions on who is popular and unpopular in Afghanistan have no merit. They say this poll was conducted in-person. Massive areas of Afghanistan are no-go areas - in fact the majority of the territory is - for representatives of the Afghan government. In such a situation, how is this poll in any way indicative of the popular Afghan voice?

7 or 8 years are a very short period in the history of a nation. We are here to stay, as we have been for over a thousand years, and so are the Afghans. Let's see who is in power in Afghanistan in a year, five years and ten years. I have a feeling 'opinion polls' conducted a few years hence will have drastically different outcomes.

This is actually quite an extensive survey with inputs from a variety of sources. The results are actually expected to get even more India friendly with the amount of effort India is putting into Afghanistan and the relationship Indian enjoy with the people.
This is actually quite an extensive survey with inputs from a variety of sources. The results are actually expected to get even more India friendly with the amount of effort India is putting into Afghanistan and the relationship Indian enjoy with the people.

good, we believe you.
keep the good work up, build Afghanistan, as soon as possible.Its time for sharing responsibilities.

These Traitors.Pakistan should starve them to death.These Leeches feeding of our country for 3 decades and now how is they repay.They deserve a horrible death.Seal all the borders and make sure that not even a single grain does reach them.

There are quite a lot of countries that are helping Afghanistan already. If Pakistan wishes to stop im sure India will compensate that. It the choice of the people of Afghanistan on whom they support.
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