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Apr 24, 2007
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Until about two decades or so ago, it was a convention to name all storms after the names of women. That is why we know the tropical cyclone that hit New Orleans and surrounding areas as the ‘Hurricane Katrina’. The wisdom behind the convention, probably was that only women can cause the devastation caused by a storm and hence storms should be named after women. Then the women rights organizations started to object to this custom and the storms came to be named after names of men also. I just googled the ’names of storms’ and discovered a stunning sentence on the bbc.co.uk website and it reads, ‘Strangely, research shows that hurricanes with female names are more likely to hurt more people that those with males names’.
I have written this preamble because Pakistan’s politics has just been hit by a storm called ‘Cynthia’. Cynthia, an American journalist/blogger/agent/academician has caused a royal riot in the political circles of Pakistan. Basically, she has levelled some serious allegations of moral turpitude amongst the Pakistani politicians of all hues. The allegations pertain mostly to, gay tendencies, rape, physical harassment (groping in this case), vendetta rapes, use of sex toys and other such traits prevalent in the Pakistani political elite. She apparently has a trove of information and details about misdemeanor (sexual and otherwise) of many among our political elite. Since the hardest hit was the PPP, its defense brigade was immediately deployed and commenced the job assigned to it. However, every move that this brigade made was blunted by the lady. Shazia Marri was silenced by the disclosure of her secret marriage to the Sind CM. Sehar Kamran was silenced by disclosure of her fraud case in Saudi Arabia. Murtaza Wahab was silenced by a few of his (compromising) photographs in the company of some unknown ‘friends’ and the commander of the brigade was silenced by his purported parental links to drug trafficking. Another unknown defender wrote a small piece in which he unwittingly disclosed more than what Cynthia had done.
All in all, the disclosures are a litany of charges against the political elite and more astonishingly (to some, may be), the acts were performed in high offices (literally) of the state of Pakistan. According to this unknown defender, Cynthia was granted visa under the Hussain Haqqani free visa spree and was part of a honey trap, hmmm, a honey trap that worked to ultimate meaning of the phrase, trapping the most powerful and the most relevant in the honeycomb! The on-going episode is an eye opener for those who think that we elect our politicians to serve the electorate. It exposes, if any exposure was needed after Hareem Shah and Sundus Khattak episode, the ease with which a beautiful and willing woman can gain access to the highest places and mingle with the lot that is charged with the most sensitive of jobs of the state. It exposes the insensitivity of the political elite to the burden they carry on their shoulders. It exposes the ease with which our highest offices can be intruded and manipulated. It exposes the moral degeneration that afflicts our political elite. It exposes the lethal damage that can afflict the state given the hereditary politics of Pakistan. It also exposes the blind following that our political leaders have come to garner and finally it expose the latent dangers to the state when known thugs, swindlers, murderers, blackmailers and downright traitors are handed the reins of State of Pakistan. I was a witness to the grimmest of scenes of swearing in of AAZ and I was honestly ashamed to be a part of it. I could not however, avoid it because I was then the CNS and hence compelled to be a participant. Under occupation of this despicable individual, the sacrosanct place, the President House, became a den for sex orgies, criminals’ shelter and for intrigues against the state and much more.
What is painfully ironic is that all these activities were done using the taxpayer’s money. Cynthia was given a job, a house, a car and other facilities for what she willingly did or was forced or drugged to do. What is more worrying is the possibility that much more might have been compromised through this successful honey trap and what services (to foreign entities) might have been provided by our politicians under threats of exposure of such like deeds of theirs? Indeed, many of the mysterious happenings of the last PPP rule can now be understood looking through the lenses of these revelations. Now that the storm has been kicked up, what will be the damage? Going by the above quoted survey, the storm should cause a lot of damage to a lot of people but going by experience and observation, most likely not much can be expected. Already, the spin doctoring is in full swing with all sorts of tactics are being used to deflect the issue and muddy the scene. I am sure a plan is being carved out to cleanse the image of the stalwarts involved. In the land of the pure, many will praise the manhood of some for ‘doing’ an American woman. Many will call it an effort by the ‘agencies’ to tarnish the image of the politicians and to bring them in line for serving their ‘interests’. All this damage control will be gleefully taken up and propaganda will be spewed by some profoundly serious looking senior politicians and analysts and what is worse is that many among the gullible masses will believe the falsehood.
In a non-Islamic country, such revelations would have caused a few resignations and indeed one odd suicide but in the land of the pure, it is going to be business as usual albeit with sensible patriotic few wondering, how this nuclear state is being run or indeed not run!
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