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May 20, 2009
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I’m a new member of this forum. I joined this couple of months before. I found it quite helpful. Today I want to place a question in front of all of us. My question is pointed towards a thread posted on 17-Jan-2008 by Blackwater, title “Women fighter pilots in PAF”

There are 51% females in Pakistan. The girls selected by PAF were not capable for fighters but that doesn’t mean that all the girls are not fit for this. At least they should keep on surfing. But what happen after 2004 PAF is not inviting females for GDP.

I’m a girl I appeared in GDP 117 in 2003 after doing my F.Sc. Unfortunately I was NOT Recommended by ISSB. I was appreciated by all of my group members and had a re-interview. I am waiting from last 5 years for such a chance again. Now I’m a graduate. I’m a computer analyst and heading a software house.

I don’t have any job problem. I’m not impressed by any drama played on PTV or so. My father is retired officer of PAF. It is in my blood and I think there are many females present in this country those have the same situation like me. Via this forum I want to express the feelings of 51% females in front of you people. If someone can do any thing in this regard, is always welcomed.
You should apply in other Non-GD(P) branches like IT, Admn. and Special Duties, Air Defence, etc.
One thing more Just email Sir Murad, he would help you...His display name is "MuradK"...Just find him in the forum "Military Aviation"
No, it's not Gender bias but what if they eject over enemy territory..??They will be tortured, raped etc.So its better to keep women at home and send men over enemy territory.
No, it's not Gender bias but what if they eject over enemy territory..??They will be tortured, raped etc.So its better to keep women at home and send men over enemy territory.
So what? Men would be tortured and perhaps raped too.

I mean I don't want to talk big, but these people are willing to sacrifice themselves for the country. What happens to their bodies once that purpose is served is secondary.

I say we let them fight!
If they can fly better then why not? .. That makes little sense .. Even our men can be raped.. A soldier is a soldier nowadays.. Even the US army the women dont fight on the front lines .. but they get similar training .. it just depends on what century you are personally living in your head.
Forcetrip nobody is talking about religion here.I am talking about physical aspect.It is unrealistic to expect women to go beyond 10-11 years (While Air Force invests huge amount of money on them and expect them to stay for at least 25-35 years) If they remain unmarried then it is ok but marraige, children, family etc will play important parts in how long a woman can stay in air force.As Muradk mentioned in one of his post that there were 2 women who were given full fighter training but the day they sat on fighter they decided to quit and PAF 1 million training was wasted.Also knowing Indian Mentality i can't even imagine what they would do to women of PAF (They did kill PAF Pilot who ejected over India by beating him very badly)..
Forcetrip nobody is talking about religion here.I am talking about physical aspect.It is unrealistic to expect women to go beyond 10-11 years (While Air Force invests huge amount of money on them and expect them to stay for at least 25-35 years) If they remain unmarried then it is ok but marraige, children, family etc will play important parts in how long a woman can stay in air force.As Muradk mentioned in one of his post that there were 2 women who were given full fighter training but the day they sat on fighter they decided to quit and PAF 1 million training was wasted.Also knowing Indian Mentality i can't even imagine what they would do to women of PAF (They did kill PAF Pilot who ejected over India by beating him very badly)..

Women are professionals and can go up if given the chance....you are just dicounting them outright because of you preconceived notion of their inferiority to men in professionalism....you seem to be out of touch with the times dude...have a look at the thread about the most powerful women...no Pakistanis there....and sure wont be as long as Chauvinists like you keep marginalising them sitting right out of your chairs.

.Also knowing Indian Mentality

Got caught on your gender bias so what you do....you blame the Indian Mentality....Bravo...way to go dude.
Dude there is a lot of difference between Office Job and Fighter Pilot's job.gender bias..what are you talking about lol..read some of my previous posts and you will see whether i have Gender Bias or not.
Dude there is a lot of difference between Office Job and Fighter Pilot's job.gender bias..what are you talking about lol..read some of my previous posts and you will see whether i have Gender Bias or not.

And I am sure you have done thorough research and come with the scientific conclusion that women are not suited for air force.
Please be kind enough to share these insights out of your thorough experience with flying with us...until then...you're just another artefact of chauvinism :)
Why not?
Women are usually shorter than men, so they would be better able to cope with g-forces encountered during dogfights.

But I personally believe that women who join the PAF should be allowed to be fighter pilots under the clause that they would agree to long term contraception.

I know that sounds very chauvinistic but think of it this way. If women pilots have to punch out over enemy territory it cannot be assured that they would not be raped, no matter how dear human rights are to the enemy.

Secondly, if a woman pilot becomes pregnant, its obvious that she wont be able to maintain herself at the tip-top physical condition air combat demands.
And the high g turns would almost certainly harm the unborn baby.

So it would be a huge loss to the PAF.

Sadly it comes down to the simple question. Combat or Children?

Other than that, I do not feel women can't do anything that us men can't do.

@Forcetrip: These people recognise the risk of what would happen to them when they go to war.

@Flying eagle: Good luck. :)
I’m a new member of this forum. I joined this couple of months before. I found it quite helpful. Today I want to place a question in front of all of us. My question is pointed towards a thread posted on 17-Jan-2008 by Blackwater, title “Women fighter pilots in PAF”

There are 51% females in Pakistan. The girls selected by PAF were not capable for fighters but that doesn’t mean that all the girls are not fit for this. At least they should keep on surfing. But what happen after 2004 PAF is not inviting females for GDP.

I’m a girl I appeared in GDP 117 in 2003 after doing my F.Sc. Unfortunately I was NOT Recommended by ISSB. I was appreciated by all of my group members and had a re-interview. I am waiting from last 5 years for such a chance again. Now I’m a graduate. I’m a computer analyst and heading a software house.

I don’t have any job problem. I’m not impressed by any drama played on PTV or so. My father is retired officer of PAF. It is in my blood and I think there are many females present in this country those have the same situation like me. Via this forum I want to express the feelings of 51% females in front of you people. If someone can do any thing in this regard, is always welcomed.

send me your dad name through PM thank You.
Forcetrip nobody is talking about religion here.I am talking about physical aspect.It is unrealistic to expect women to go beyond 10-11 years (While Air Force invests huge amount of money on them and expect them to stay for at least 25-35 years) If they remain unmarried then it is ok but marraige, children, family etc will play important parts in how long a woman can stay in air force.As Muradk mentioned in one of his post that there were 2 women who were given full fighter training but the day they sat on fighter they decided to quit and PAF 1 million training was wasted.Also knowing Indian Mentality i can't even imagine what they would do to women of PAF (They did kill PAF Pilot who ejected over India by beating him very badly)..

I completely approve of what Patriot said. This has many facets, Economic, Medical, Military, Cultural, Religious, and Gender.

You can have women fighter pilots in the PAF if they have no family life of their own for all the serving time with the PAF fighter wings, they cannot marry, be pregnant, have time with children and so on.

If there are women who would despite all this want to be a fighter pilot, then they should be allowed.

All such women must also recognize the mentality of war. War is War. When the enemy captures you, dont expect to be treated like a princess in your own house. That is where Gender is an important factor.

Economically, it is just not viable or sane to spend millions on training female fighter pilots who cannot even live upto the money spent on them if they decide to have a family. India might be a rich nation to have such luxuries or the US, But sorry and thanks but no thanks, Pakistan cannot spend such millions into thin air.

Despite all this, as I said, If there are women who would despite all this want to be a fighter pilot, then they should be allowed.

As in the end, what counts is conviction. And females are no less than any male if they have true conviction as the original poster Flying Eagle seems to be.
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