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We should leave that choice to women. You cannot impose your rules on them. You can explain to them that they can face further risks by falling into enemy hands.
I’m a new member of this forum. I joined this couple of months before. I found it quite helpful. Today I want to place a question in front of all of us. My question is pointed towards a thread posted on 17-Jan-2008 by Blackwater, title “Women fighter pilots in PAF”

There are 51% females in Pakistan. The girls selected by PAF were not capable for fighters but that doesn’t mean that all the girls are not fit for this. At least they should keep on surfing. But what happen after 2004 PAF is not inviting females for GDP.

I’m a girl I appeared in GDP 117 in 2003 after doing my F.Sc. Unfortunately I was NOT Recommended by ISSB. I was appreciated by all of my group members and had a re-interview. I am waiting from last 5 years for such a chance again. Now I’m a graduate. I’m a computer analyst and heading a software house.

I don’t have any job problem. I’m not impressed by any drama played on PTV or so. My father is retired officer of PAF. It is in my blood and I think there are many females present in this country those have the same situation like me. Via this forum I want to express the feelings of 51% females in front of you people. If someone can do any thing in this regard, is always welcomed.
lolz the same batch where i was rejected as well good old GDP 117 AKYT we do have a lot of GDP117 victims over here good to see that :)
if they dont freak out under pressure and maintain their cool, then they should be inducted in gdp.. it would add great power to the force, but also induce a sense of competition among the genders.

being skillfull and having strong nerves are 2 different things...

strong marketing to get more female gdp should be done... like in usaf, they tour with thunderbirds, meet people, inculcate a sense of patriotism and pride in the uniform in women/children[next generation]
So what? Men would be tortured and perhaps raped too.

I mean I don't want to talk big, but these people are willing to sacrifice themselves for the country. What happens to their bodies once that purpose is served is secondary.

I say we let them fight!
well no noo one like to let the daughter of nation fall into enemies hand, it is atleast like this in our culture. when people asked there girls to suiside when attacked by Hindus during partition then how can they be allowed to fall to enemy. people in our culture will like to lose a battle rather then wining it at a risk of the daughters of nation being captured. this is why women pilots are not a favourable option. yes they must be appreciated in fields where they can render the services without any such risk.
sir my point is that this so called slogan of "women rights" and the chants of women seeking equla rights to men is just somethong that looks good on NGO papers. in real life there are limitation of both the sex of many knid. that is how Allah have made us, this does not means that women are deprived of rights. there are many thing where they can and do excel Men and i guess it will be appropiate to use there skills there,
i hope you inderstand my point and perhaps i will like to have views of flying eagle on this !!

well it is all about distribution of workforce and "Right Job for right Person", men are 49% of our population and forming a military force out of them is not much of a task. it is not about women lack nerves. for me a doctor operating a heart patient is under more stress then a person fighting at the front, if women can fulfill the first job then they are good enough for the other but the thing is that why conduct them in places where we are staking our dignity at risk, specially when we can do without it!!
for me Women are not there to be at the war front but to make sure that those who are there are the best. they are good administrators, doctors engineers and all then why the risky job.
look ladies, it is no offense to you and i hope you do understand my point of thought!!

well it is all about distribution of workforce and "Right Job for right Person", men are 49% of our population and forming a military force out of them is not much of a task. it is not about women lack nerves. for me a doctor operating a heart patient is under more stress then a person fighting at the front, if women can fulfill the first job then they are good enough for the other but the thing is that why conduct them in places where we are staking our dignity at risk, specially when we can do without it!!
for me Women are not there to be at the war front but to make sure that those who are there are the best. they are good administrators, doctors engineers and all then why the risky job.
look ladies, it is no offense to you and i hope you do understand my point of thought!!


a lot of my female docter collegues even having higher grades than boys used to freak out in icu/er and male docters remained clear sighted enough to do what was necessary to save the life... so management under pressure/ fear of blood/ fear to die/ fear to fail in task... leads to doubts... this cant be in a professional person.

it doesnt mean that all female docs are like trhat.... but majority yes... go to medicine/ radiology cuz they cant bloom in prussure or cant take pressure on day to day basis..... so they dont go in demanding field.. creating a vaccum as 70% of med school seats are occupied by them.

yes i agree with you on daughter not to be sent on missions where they could get captured.
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lolz the same batch where i was rejected as well good old GDP 117 AKYT we do have a lot of GDP117 victims over here good to see that :)

There must be some good reason for that dont you think so ?

I would not comment whether women are suitable for it or not but i would say that there were some strong reasons which led to stopping the recruitment. I dont want to elaborate.

Good luck to the lady will pray if she gets what she desires
No, it's not Gender bias but what if they eject over enemy territory..??They will be tortured, raped etc.So its better to keep women at home and send men over enemy territory.

Thats one of the reason , the other thing is that IMO air force spend huge amount of resources for a pilot to be trained and it takes time to be a good fighter pilot but as our custom in the world a girl if she wants to follow an individual career path, in most of the cases there is pressure on them to get marry and have kids, motherhood and combat piloting can be very demanding , may be that's the reason most of the air force do not allow combat operation and yes getting shot down over enemy territory is also there.
a lot of my female docter collegues even having higher grades than boys used to freak out in icu/er and male docters remained clear sighted enough to do what was necessary to save the life... so management under pressure/ fear of blood/ fear to die/ fear to fail in task... leads to doubts... this cant be in a professional person.

it doesnt mean that all female docs are like trhat.... but majority yes... go to medicine/ radiology cuz they cant bloom in prussure or cant take pressure on day to day basis..... so they dont go in demanding field.. creating a vaccum as 70% of med school seats are occupied by them.

yes i agree with you on daughter not to be sent on missions where they could get captured.

well what i wsa trying to say was not that male docters are less capable the women. mypoint was that why use the women for taks where there and the nations dignityis at stake when they can serve the nation in an equally beneficial way while being secure!!
well the idea of women in military is not working well for US even with lots of harresment case being reported. but they being shameless about this issue are not going to stop there induction into military, it is there culture whereas a Muslim cannot image about this.the point is simple, think for yourself, a man war prisioner in india vs a women falling prisioner, the imaganation make it all clear!
anywy all this was my point of thought and i am not supposed to force it on anyone. maybe the female members can share there views about all this!

There must be some good reason for that dont you think so ?
Ya sure I had time well spent in Kohat ISSB. It was first time ever I was out of my home I even didn't know the whereabouts of Kohat neither I ve been to Islamabad before from where I was to get the bus for Kohat but it was a good adventure and I loved it at least It gave me exposure to outside world we had a very good and eventful time ova there made a lot of friends (even though none has been in contact after the end of ISSB) but it was a good one I enjoyed it.It was also the first time ever I spoke up in English:rofl:loved it when ever I stand and look behind in my past it is certainly a bright spot in my memories.I have even kept my rejection letter to date as it reminds me of this joyful event .Loved it:smitten:
(BTW I think it was 2002 nov rather than 2003 as she mentioned)
I agree with righteous_fire, to make a pilot its a huge investment, I have heard if a pilot is away from flying say one month he has to come again with usual drills in a double seater...what happened if a female pilot goes on maternity leave...can PAF affords after say one year, to re-train them???
I’m a new member of this forum. I joined this couple of months before. I found it quite helpful. Today I want to place a question in front of all of us. My question is pointed towards a thread posted on 17-Jan-2008 by Blackwater, title “Women fighter pilots in PAF”

There are 51% females in Pakistan. The girls selected by PAF were not capable for fighters but that doesn’t mean that all the girls are not fit for this. At least they should keep on surfing. But what happen after 2004 PAF is not inviting females for GDP.

I’m a girl I appeared in GDP 117 in 2003 after doing my F.Sc. Unfortunately I was NOT Recommended by ISSB. I was appreciated by all of my group members and had a re-interview. I am waiting from last 5 years for such a chance again. Now I’m a graduate. I’m a computer analyst and heading a software house.

I don’t have any job problem. I’m not impressed by any drama played on PTV or so. My father is retired officer of PAF. It is in my blood and I think there are many females present in this country those have the same situation like me. Via this forum I want to express the feelings of 51% females in front of you people. If someone can do any thing in this regard, is always welcomed.

Dear sister, Salaam Aleykum and Ramazan Mubarak to you and your family.

I can imagine you are frustrated. As far as I am aware, there are only 2 female fighter pilots while the other females in PAF are with engineering/aeronautical research/medical wings of the service.

I know you are just asking a question, and not asking for sympathy. My uncle is also a retired PAF officer, guidance I'm sure even your father could provice. Help is another question.....

I think a great start would be for you to lobby your case --even if you and women like you have to go to the press. Just know that somewhere out there, there are people (men and women) who are 1000% behind you.

God bless you. Jeetay rahon. :pakistan:
while the maternity leave is FAIR to be brought up, I still dont think it should bound women from NOT being part of the squadrons.

as for the POW question, i think its silly. People who join Armed Forces --regardless of gender --waive this "right to comfort"......War is war. If you are willing to sacrifice your life towards defence of your country then why should gender matter?

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