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Well flyingealge..we quite frankly don't even know if she was arrested in Pakistan or Afghanistan.Even US acknowledges she was arrested in Afghanistan and if that is true then i don't see how she can be innocent.I mean what a normal Pakistani Lady would be doing in Afghanistan during a war...?
Well flyingealge..we quite frankly don't even know if she was arrested in Pakistan or Afghanistan.Even US acknowledges she was arrested in Afghanistan and if that is true then i don't see how she can be innocent.I mean what a normal Pakistani Lady would be doing in Afghanistan during a war...?

Ya I endorse your views.We dont know much about the story
Well flyingealge..we quite frankly don't even know if she was arrested in Pakistan or Afghanistan.

Its true we don't know the real story but she is a muslim, a Pakistani and a lady. If she is guilty she should be punished according to our rules. It's a different discussion that is she enocent or not etc.

In one of the replies "Arslanaslam123"(Permalink #19) writes that we dont want to win a war having our daughter in enemies hand. I quote this example only to clear Arslan's view.

Three objections were raised
1. Economically
2. Time comitment
3. Medically

I think I clear my views in the last reply :) Is it or Not?
Well, She is American Pakistan by nationality so if she is caught in Afghanistan she would be tried in America as an American Citizen.This example is flawed imho.She was not in Afghanistan to defend Pakistan while you want to defend Pakistan by joining Proffesional Armed Forces of Pakistan.
perhaps not an appropiate thread to discuss Dr. Afia,
Sir Patriot you know this better then many, atleast then myself,

let us stick to the topic sir,
i hope you do not mind,,

These days women have been in almost every field, IT, Defence Forces, Banks, Business, Marketing, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers etc. Even a few in PAF as Pilot and if they are in limited numbers in Flying there might be so many reasons, but in Civil Aviation there are more female pilots....It is said "a bird in hand is better than two in the bush"...If u can do Private Pilot course then its good, but it will perhaps not help in getting in PAF as Pilot, u have to pass tests for that and more importantly if they require....
2.... Go in South Africa where Mr. Mike Beachy-Head is the owner of private Airforce having 11 fighter Jets and any one can fly them along any one of his pilot.... The aircraft includes Hawker Hunter, Lightening etc. cost of fly Rs. 10 Lacs.. website Welcome to Thunder City
Forcetrip nobody is talking about religion here.I am talking about physical aspect.It is unrealistic to expect women to go beyond 10-11 years (While Air Force invests huge amount of money on them and expect them to stay for at least 25-35 years) If they remain unmarried then it is ok but marraige, children, family etc will play important parts in how long a woman can stay in air force.As Muradk mentioned in one of his post that there were 2 women who were given full fighter training but the day they sat on fighter they decided to quit and PAF 1 million training was wasted.Also knowing Indian Mentality i can't even imagine what they would do to women of PAF (They did kill PAF Pilot who ejected over India by beating him very badly)..
Investing money on women's education is *Never* lost my friend. They say you educate a woman, its like you've educated a generation.

Pakistani women are busy with stupid Dramas and nonsensical Indian movies 24*7 and as a consequence they neither comprehend nor understand what "sacrifice" really means in spiritual and worldly sense. Today's "Burger families" raised on bread and butter having no concept of self-sacrifice are a proving to be a disaster for tomorrow. How do you expect such women to raise competent, ethical and brave soldiers for tomorrow?

Speaking of Sacrifice, it is an ingredient to self-reliance, governance, and achieving great honour in this world and in the sight of God. The greatest example we have is of Prophet SAW who sacrificed everything he had in his life. Matter of fact his sacrifices amount more than that of Ibrahim, Musa, etc. AS and all of the other Prophets combined. Mother of Sahabas used to give away all of their sons to the Prophet SAW and later Khaleefas to participate in battles. And their generations ruled the world and beyond...were promised Heavens at their doorstep so to speak. Today mothers are too scared to let their sons out for namaz...its pathetic, but true story lol

I'd say PAF should invest a hell a lot more on training women fighter pilots. In fact we should have an Advanced Womens Fighter Wing like no other country. Although I understand its not the jurisdiction of PAF to educate women in Pakistan, but at least they can create a space and offer equal opportunities for them in that institution so they can compete with others on merit and never sense any discrimination.

Using women at the battle field is all situation specific and would be upto PAF to decide...and i dont think PAF is stupid enough to send a squadron of female pilots to counter enemy. so leaving that aside...Can you imagine a sister and daughter of today and mother of tomorrow having excelled in everything that PAF requires yet being denied the opportunity to serve and sacrifice for her Nation just because she's a female? Do you think she's going to love her country? More importantly, do you think she would instill love in the hearts of her children for Pakistan and the Armed forces? let alone encouraging them to enlist...

Your opinion is sound at the micro level and short-term saving for the PAF economically speaking. But its short of vision and foresight for a better tomorrow....
I’m a girl I appeared in GDP 117 in 2003 after doing my F.Sc. Unfortunately I was NOT Recommended by ISSB. I was appreciated by all of my group members and had a re-interview. I am waiting from last 5 years for such a chance again. Now I’m a graduate. I’m a computer analyst and heading a software house.

I don’t have any job problem. I’m not impressed by any drama played on PTV or so. My father is retired officer of PAF. It is in my blood and I think there are many females present in this country those have the same situation like me. Via this forum I want to express the feelings of 51% females in front of you people. If someone can do any thing in this regard, is always welcomed.

There's nothing in your blood. You're just inspired by your dad's persona who happened to be PAF officer. If your dad was a doctor, do you think you'd still want to be a PAF officer? Your dad is successful in your eyes hence you want to follow him. What does blood got to do with it?

If you're so determined and passionate and believe in yourself that you're so capable then why would you ask others for favours to get you into the PAF through a backdoor?

You want to become a soldier. You to achieve greatness. Then you will have to show the spirit and fight it out to get what you want to become.

Welcome to the board and Ramadan Kareem :)
You're too harsh, firefighter.She genuinely want's to join PAF..
You're too harsh, firefighter.She genuinely want's to join PAF..


That word does not exist in the hearts and minds of real soldiers. You must be a civilian.

If she finds me harsh you think she'd make a good fighter pilot? ;)
Your dad is successful in your eyes hence you want to follow him. What does blood got to do with it?

Yes offcourse my father is sucessful in my eyes. I'm also sucessful in my life. I acheived such a position for which people spend their whole life. My annual earnings are 7 figured. I'm passing a very relaxed and luxiuary life but still I want to join PAF, Why???? Because its in my blood. From my grand parents to my father, from my father to my me and my younger brother. When we send my bro for the admission in "Play Group" during the interview he said to the principal that he want to become a "Fighter Pilot". The principal was also from the armed forces, he called my father and appreciate this. No one from our family told him about this. My father get retired in 1996 and he was admitted in 1998.

If you're so determined and passionate and believe in yourself that you're so capable then why would you ask others for favours to get you into the PAF through a backdoor? :)

I'm waiting 4m last 5 years and what do you think I was just sitting in my home and waiting that someone will come and hold my hand and ll say you are welcome in the PAF? No, I mailed and send letters to different officials of PAF. I believe in Allah Almighty and then in myself. If you are not a civilien then you should know that No one can enter in PAF through a backdoor. Yes, I'm asking different people in this regard but it is only because to bring a revolution you have to change yourself and then others. And I strart working to change other people's mind.

You want to become a soldier. You to achieve greatness. Then you will have to show the spirit and fight it out to get what you want to become. :)

I'm fighting to get what I want but in a proper way. A group of people with same thinking can bring a change. Creation of Pakistan is one of the examples.

Welcome to the board and Ramadan Kareem :)

Thanks and Ramazan Mubarik to you too.
Yes offcourse my father is sucessful in my eyes. I'm also sucessful in my life. I acheived such a position for which people spend their whole life. My annual earnings are 7 figured. I'm passing a very relaxed and luxiuary life but still I want to join PAF, Why???? Because its in my blood. From my grand parents to my father, from my father to my me and my younger brother. When we send my bro for the admission in "Play Group" during the interview he said to the principal that he want to become a "Fighter Pilot". The principal was also from the armed forces, he called my father and appreciate this. No one from our family told him about this. My father get retired in 1996 and he was admitted in 1998.

I'm waiting 4m last 5 years and what do you think I was just sitting in my home and waiting that someone will come and hold my hand and ll say you are welcome in the PAF? No, I mailed and send letters to different officials of PAF. I believe in Allah Almighty and then in myself. If you are not a civilien then you should know that No one can enter in PAF through a backdoor. Yes, I'm asking different people in this regard but it is only because to bring a revolution you have to change yourself and then others. And I strart working to change other people's mind.
Its good to see you're availing all of your options but I would suggest you improve on your interviewing ability and get yourself at least reviewed by an officer of good standing. They should be able to give you an insight into what is exactly expected out of the interview and comment on your performance and recommend areas of improvement. For the most part interview is key to getting yourself in the doorstep. Its your only opportunity to convince your worth. In fact its an art and you have to learn it.

I'm fighting to get what I want but in a proper way. A group of people with same thinking can bring a change. Creation of Pakistan is one of the examples.

Thanks and Ramazan Mubarik to you too.
I'm glad to see much effort and hardwork you've done to get into PAF but so long as theres a glimpse of hope one can even conquer mountains with persistence and determination

I'm an ex-canadian air force serviceman I dont kno much bout how PAF functions in terms of famale recruitment even though i am Pakistani. I can tell you Canadian system of recruitment is totally different ...seen many female air cadets having so much will and determination pass through the tests to join fighter squadrons that I think PAF should provide similar or equal opportunities for our women
I'm glad to see much effort and hardwork you've done to get into PAF but so long as theres a glimpse of hope one can even conquer mountains with persistence and determination

Inshaw Allah

I can tell you Canadian system of recruitment is totally different ...seen many female air cadets having so much will and determination pass through the tests to join fighter squadrons that I think PAF should provide similar or equal opportunities for our women

22 years is the last age one can apply for the GDP and 30 years for the Non-GD branches....this factor may also be looked into it...

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