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The only ones with an identity crisis are you guys, claiming everything from the Indus whilst most of you are related to none of it. IVC, Gandhara, Panini, Porus, Hinduism, even your damn nation's names come from our land (both Hindustan and India).
I am sorry but you are terribly misinformed! We don't have a identity crisis ,and the thing is we can trace our lines to rigvedic tribes
And yes we are related to everything you just said
GANDHARA is mentioned in Mahabharat
PORUS belonged to yadu clan of Kshatriyas
PANINI was the great sage and grammarian one of the most important authority on Sanskrit language (credited with standardising Sanskrit)
Pakistanis can only claim these things in basis of occupancy ,your country came into existence in 47 while ours known to the whole world hundreds years ago before islam
Nobody is calling you a non Muslim , whatever suits you mate

Your pre Islamic identity is lost so is your culture and your identity,
You were provided with a new identity ,after Arabs destroyed yours Hindu/Buddhist heritage
Now you guys are wannabe Arabs !

This is just funny how easily you are denying facts !
I mean it's clear proof that forced conversions happened in Arabia itself ! And you are in denial mode ,
Forced conversions happened in Persia , mesopotamia,Egypt ,and everywhere the Arabs went
Temples were broken to make way for the mosques, women distributed as war booty ,and the families of soldiers who fought against Arabs were captured and sold as slaves
A man is not defeated until he loses his culture and identity,my identity is the same since the first recital of rigveda ,let's talk about yours ?
I can't fathom being defeated? And I have PTSD? What kind of idiot are you buddy?
I can't help if you have an identity crisis!
You are creating facts from thin air, looks like you are trying hard to create a new identity

You are acting as if my people's history isn't mine, for all intents and purposes, yeah, you are calling me non-Muslim by acting like the only thing that makes me Muslim is that I worship Allah (The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful) when it goes much further than that.

No it's not, we love Porus, IVC and Panini too. Heck, I come from the same place as Porus (Jhelum, but I'm a little mixed with family from other places too).

We are wannabe Arabs and were converted by force to Islam just as much as you guys are wannabe Aryans and were converted by force to Hinduism. AKA, not much if at all.

You cannot forcefully convert someone, it isn't physically possible. You can pressure someone, but that's not the same thing.

We believe humanity was originally monotheistic and followed an ideology similar to Islam, and that we all just got corrupted over time. Islam is simply us returning to our natural state (in our view), and it's our primary identity now. We can still appreciate our own little cultures from the land we come from, but our Islamic identity is our primary one, equated with our identity as human beings. Even if you want to play the ethnic games, we do have ancestry from these Islamic conquerors and many ethnic groups from Pakistan did participate in these conquests.

Hindustan was our b!tch for a thousand years, we have influenced your society so much that your food, architecture, clothing and language has all been influenced by us heavily.

It's not new, it's just taken you guys a long time to catch on to our identity (many of you still haven't).
Yes we did, we took and currently own Point 5353 (highest peak in Kargil as well as it's dominating feature as per your own military), and outside of Kashmir we've taken Chamb sector and some of the Rann of Kutch. Combine that with the 37% of Kashmir we currently hold, and we hold more Hindustani territory than vice versa.
Looks like a tiny point is good enough to give you a sense of Victory?
You lost half your population and yet you claim to be making gains? I mean how sick is that?
Who holds siachin glacier? Who had 5000 square km territory in the west in 71?
I am sorry but you are terribly misinformed! We don't have a identity crisis ,and the thing is we can trace our lines to rigvedic tribes
And yes we are related to everything you just said
GANDHARA is mentioned in Mahabharat
PORUS belonged to yadu clan of Kshatriyas
PANINI was the great sage and grammarian one of the most important authority on Sanskrit language (credited with standardising Sanskrit)
Pakistanis can only claim these things in basis of occupancy ,your country came into existence in 47 while ours known to the whole world hundreds years ago before islam

Names mean jack-all, what matters is the land and the people. Our people and our land didn't pop into existence in 1947, therefore, yes all the history of the Indus is ours. I come from the same city as Porus and find it hilarious that you call me a fake wannabe whilst claiming my people as your hero, lol.
Looks like a tiny point is good enough to give you a sense of Victory?
You lost half your population and yet you claim to be making gains? I mean how sick is that?
Who holds siachin glacier? Who had 5000 square km territory in the west in 71?

No, 1000 years of Islamic conquests of Hindustan is enough to give me a sense of victory.

Bangladesh was more of a colony than a proper part of Pakistan, they may have made most of the population but they contributed next to nothing (other than the Urdu speakers, many of which shifted to Pakistan post 71). We simply ruled over them.

I'm not including land that was returned because it was returned, no gains were made. Also, by that logic I can just go back to when Muslims ruled over most of Hindustan.

The Siachen isn't even 1/10th of the rest of Kashmir that we snatched from you.

Meaning they are fighting a losing battle.

Until the resistance stops, the battle will never be lost.
You are acting as if my people's history isn't mine, for all intents and purposes, yeah, you are calling me non-Muslim by acting like the only thing that makes me Muslim is that I worship Allah (The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful) when it goes much further than that.

No it's not, we love Porus, IVC and Panini too. Heck, I come from the same place as Porus (Jhelum, but I'm a little mixed with family from other places too).

We are wannabe Arabs and were converted by force to Islam just as much as you guys are wannabe Aryans and were converted by force to Hinduism. AKA, not much if at all.

You cannot forcefully convert someone, it isn't physically possible. You can pressure someone, but that's not the same thing.

We believe humanity was originally monotheistic and followed an ideology similar to Islam, and that we all just got corrupted over time. Islam is simply us returning to our natural state (in our view), and it's our primary identity now. We can still appreciate our own little cultures from the land we come from, but our Islamic identity is our primary one, equated with our identity as human beings. Even if you want to play the ethnic games, we do have ancestry from these Islamic conquerors and many ethnic groups from Pakistan did participate in these conquests.

Hindustan was our b!tch for a thousand years, we have influenced your society so much that your food, architecture, clothing and language has all been influenced by us heavily.

It's not new, it's just taken you guys a long time to catch on to our identity (many of you still haven't).

What a piece of crap.
If that's your perception then our perception is an outside ideology has occupied our beloved piece of land illegally. And this is the sole reason why Akhand Bharat ideology takes shape. And this makes India authentic and true owner of whole Kashmir. By the way my previous post is perfect example of mental process of the posters.

One thing is noticeable, these fellas always end up discussing ancestors, heritage, invasion few hundred years rule etc etc. No matter how much a few Pakistanis behave but there is a Hindu Chaap on them a few hundred years of invasion won't make them colorado hunks. Kashmir is a land dispute, and honestly Jannat for Pakistani army. They send in their BAT, CAD SSG in disguise , Indian forces show them the real path to Jannat!
ou are acting as if my people's history isn't mine, for all intents and purposes, yeah, you are calling me non-Muslim by acting like the only thing that makes me Muslim is that I worship Allah (The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful) when it goes much further than that.
What's your history? You are conquered culturally and mentally ,you are arabian's bi!ch
No wonder Pakistani writers are calling themselves religious slaves of Arabs and cultural slaves of india
What a piece of crap.
If that's your perception then our perception is an outside ideology has occupied our beloved piece of land illegally. And this is the sole reason why Akhand Bharat ideology takes shape. And this makes India authentic and true owner of whole Kashmir. By the way my previous post is perfect example of mental process of the posters.

Wrong, the land of the Indus has nothing to do with most Hindustanis. The people of the Indus embraced Islam, intermarried with the foreign conquerors and tagged along with them, with us being their descendants.
No it's not, we love Porus, IVC and Panini too. Heck, I come from the same place as Porus (Jhelum, but I'm a little mixed with family from other places too).
You may be from the same region but that doesn't make you related to him ,only yadu vansh can claim to be his clansmen and his descendents
What's your history? You are conquered culturally and mentally ,you are arabian's bi!ch
No wonder Pakistani writers are calling themselves religious slaves of Arabs and cultural slaves of india

Not at all, we are only slaves to Allah (The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful). Islam is just us returning to humanity's natural state.

You may be from the same region but that doesn't make you related to him ,only yadu vansh can claim to be his clansmen and his descendents

No, his relatives are the modern day Pothwaris, no matter what you claim.

Well, they will run out of people like this.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.
We are wannabe Arabs and were converted by force to Islam just as much as you guys are wannabe Aryans and were converted by force to Hinduism. AKA, not much if at all.
Hmm , I am not just a wannabe I am in fact an Aryan by both religion and birth
Hinduism is not a single religion in fact it's a bunch of different sects because no body forced his ideology on others
Wrong, the land of the Indus has nothing to do with most Hindustanis. The people of the Indus embraced Islam, intermarried with the foreign conquerors and tagged along with them, with us being their descendants.
Wrong the land of Indus is our land and Islam is an outside ideology even the scriptures are written from left to write :lol:. Return our land as we Bhartiya are the true owners of it similarly Kashmir is the land of Kashyap Rishi so by your own logic it should belong to Hindus. :rofl:
We believe humanity was originally monotheistic and followed an ideology similar to Islam, and that we all just got corrupted over time. Islam is simply us returning to our natural state (in our view), and it's our primary identity now. We can still appreciate our own little cultures from the land we come from, but our Islamic identity is our primary one, equated with our identity as human beings. Even if you want to play the ethnic games, we do have ancestry from these Islamic conquerors and many ethnic groups from Pakistan did participate in these conquests.
Your belief means nothing to be exact! Islam came into existence in 7 the century
Hmm , I am not just a wannabe I am in fact an Aryan by both religion and birth
Hinduism is not a single religion in fact it's a bunch of different sects because no body forced his ideology on others

Unless you're light skinned and brahmin you are not Aryan.

Your belief means nothing to be exact! Islam came into existence in 7 the century

And Hinduism came into existence after the Aryans conquered the region. Your point?
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