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23rd March: A walk down memory lane


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Mar 4, 2017
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The March 1940 Lahore Session of the All India Muslim League—the first in fifteen months—was an epoch-making meeting of the party. The session not only changed the fortunes of the party but also ultimately led to the partition of British India and the creation of Pakistan.

The reason for the importance of the session was the passing of the later dubbed, ‘Pakistan Resolution’, which gave a purpose and a goal to the Muslims of India. Presented on 23 March 1940 and passed a day later, ironically right across Lajpat Nagar on the other side of the Ravi river where in 1929 the Indian National Congress had passed the ‘Purna Swaraj’ (Complete Independence) resolution.

The Muslim League laid the foundation of the ‘Two Nation Theory’ and the demand for a Muslim homeland(s) in this session in the lush green Minto Park. Poignantly, Lahore was the city where both the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League had declared their goals, just a decade apart. The 1930s was a crucial time for the All India Muslim League (AIML).

It had argued that it represented the Muslims of India since its founding in 1906, but even as late as 1930 its total membership only touched a couple of thousand, among the ninety million-strong Muslim population of India. In the 1937 provincial elections, held for the first time under the Government of India Act 1935, the AIML also fared badly.
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23rd March: A walk down memory lane
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