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20,000 Muslims killed in Burma by police

Regardless of the truth about reported numbers, the attitude of bhartis and their language reflects hollowness of their chracter and intelect level. well what do you expect from animals who kill their own children, world's biggest child murdering nation. If they are so insensitive towards their own hindu flesh and blood joking about murder of other religions must come naturally to them..................Kudos bhartis you live up to our expectations.............
It's that illegal child nation called Bangladesh that should take the initiative after all they are the ones directly involved in that region. Though those people asking "Where is America", you people ought to be smacked shameless peasants you sound like beggars.
Regardless of the truth about reported numbers, the attitude of bhartis and their language reflects hollowness of their chracter and intelect level. well what do you expect from animals who kill their own children, world's biggest child murdering nation. If they are so insensitive towards their own hindu flesh and blood joking about murder of other religions must come naturally to them..................Kudos bhartis you live up to our expectations.............

are you attending zaid hamid school of bharati education.
This terrible...
The Rohingya minority needs the world protection.
Killing of Muslim in Myanmar must be stopped immediately,
powerfull islamic countries like iran , turkey and indonesia must put pressure on Government of Myanmar .

From 3 million to 30 million? Christ!

Actually he mean to say 30 Lakhs, Its confusing for India to understand Millon and Bill, I also use to confuse sometime....

@Topic: We have seen in Past Muslims using false propaganda and exagarating figures. No doubt some thing Bad is happening in Burma, but 20,000 in few months is very huge figure. If 20,000 ppl die in few week it will be big news,....
Actually he mean to say 30 Lakhs, Its confusing for India to understand Millon and Bill, I also use to confuse sometime....

@Topic: We have seen in Past Muslims using false propaganda and exagarating figures. No doubt some thing Bad is happening in Burma, but 20,000 in few months is very huge figure. If 20,000 ppl die in few week it will be big news,....

Okis...my bad.

I agree, these figures are exaggerated. But then, they do not allow foreign media to access the region. Although, it is difficult to hide a genocide.

It's hard to say what's exactly going on over there. The Rohingyas who came running here seemed terrified. Also, a lot of unverifiable information flying around.

I wish someone send some recon over there :angry:
Where are the "RIP's" by our usual human rights champions ???

More than 20,000 Muslims are killed this month in Burma (Mayanmar) by police, army and Buddhist extremists.Now whr is f***** UN????

Whr is America????
Whr is media????

They don't care, only Israelis and Westerners are human. When will you understand this?
20,000 dead :disagree: dont know where you guys get these figures from
1. Where is UN and UNHRC?

2. What Muslim Ummah? There is none.

3. You're disgusting. Whether it's 20,000 or 80, Muslims were killed

4. And magically, you know it's exxagerated.

It's not MAGIC, It's LOGIC......since we have proof (links) of the actual no. of people 'killed' BUT you didn't provide any proof......so the logical conclusion is that you are exaggerating.......

The official death toll so far is more or less 80 including Buddhists.....
Why is it always the US? The world powers? How about Muslim nations go do something to save their fellow Muslims instead of just using and abusing them for their own selfish reasons.

Pakistan itself can more than easily take care of Burma and rescue these Muslims if they desired to.
Why is it always the US? The world powers? How about Muslim nations go do something to save their fellow Muslims instead of just using and abusing them for their own selfish reasons.

Pakistan itself can more than easily take care of Burma and rescue these Muslims if they desired to.

If any country 'touches' Burma.......China will smoke their a**....

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