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2 US Commandos killed in Afghanistan firefight.

Now you wanna change the scenario? We're you able to see where India was introduced?

There's no scenario in the first place ... Telling you the consequences of entering your forces into the " graveyard " called Afghanistan is not trolling ... Mentioning and comparing other insurgencies of entirely different magnitude and conditions , as it happens is ...

Continue though !
There's no scenario in the first place ... Telling you the consequences of entering your forces into the " graveyard " called Afghanistan is not trolling ... Mentioning and comparing other insurgencies of entirely different magnitude and conditions , as it happens is ...

Continue though !

Thanks for the lecture.. Telling me that if my countries forces if enter will face consequences when they have not entered yet and when it was not even asked... :tup:
R.I.P. to the soldiers......

R.I.P. to the soldiers......
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3478199 said:
technically you are wrong, you maybe playing the indian propaganda here just pathetically trying to belittle us in our personal matters that dont concern you, but even if we put aside all the indo pak matters which you are deliberatly trying to barge in, it was we not you who defeated the soviets, so yeah we pretty much know that
If it's US AND pak that defeated the soviets, then it is BOTH US AND pak that is loosing in Afghanistan. :meeting:
There are a lot of lolly's and it goes both ways - what we lack is a pragmatic leader and until then we will remain wallowing in mediocrity and it actually agrees with the Indian psyche :lol: we always believed in the live and let live and it will take something like Mao's cultural revolution or Hitler's Nazi theory or Stalin's theory, and only option I see of something like that happening is the Hindutvadhi Movement, until that time we will let diplomacy take its course.

Fascinating to see you bringing this up in a Pakistani forum for all the world to see! I thanked for your honesty. I
May be there is merit to your theory about a 'pragmatic' leader for India in future; but do remember that Hitler, Mao, and Stalin had millions of their own citizens killed directly or through involvement in wars. May be, given India's large population you wouldn't mind a few million fellows killed?

IMO India is better off on the evolutionary path it is on. Sure, corruption is huge and that's slowing down India a lot and that should be one of the topmost priority but not wars and megalomania!
Americans defeated Soviets? Whata laugh!

Pakistan "planned" the war ....Pakistan "trained" the fighters fighting against the soviets... Pakistani commandos led operations directly against Soviets....yet...Americans defeated Soviets because obviously they gave some stingers ....:rolleyes:

I would say neither Pakistan nor the US defeated the soviets.. The soviets were defeated by the religious card which was used by *some* people in the top... Yes they were Pakistani but the religious motivation itself was carried out not by Pakistan but some nut jobs who came from the Islamic world who were delusional...

The infrastructure and logistics were handled by Pakistan...

Again , no one is talking about military victory here ;)
if it was a military victory, they would have been under Pakistani control but seeing what Taliban is now I do not think they are under anyone's control...

Fascinating to see you bringing this up in a Pakistani forum for all the world to see! I thanked for your honesty. I
May be there is merit to your theory about a 'pragmatic' leader for India in future; but do remember that Hitler, Mao, and Stalin had millions of their own citizens killed directly or through involvement in wars. May be, given India's large population you wouldn't mind a few million fellows killed?

IMO India is better off on the evolutionary path it is on. Sure, corruption is huge and that's slowing down India a lot and that should be one of the topmost priority but not wars and megalomania!
True, hope we do not see a leader like them... But it is only what people who are pushed to the wall without options resort to, hope that day never comes..
Let me know which neighbour of Afghanistan(except Pakistan) or even the world power want the U.S to lose the Afghanistan?

IF you are implying that I mentioned that all of Afghanistan's neighbors want the US to leave then that's not correct. I don't have enough info to make a decision on that. My guess is that Iran wants the US to leave. Pakistanis too want the US to leave. About China and Russia--may be they too want the Americans to leave?

Anyway, my post was about how Pakistan should work to NOT go back to the pre 9/11 days in Afghanistan where various proxy wars were happening along with Afghan's own tribal wars...

2014 is not far off--we will be here in this forum and will know more whether the promise to keep significant troops after 2014 was a tactical propaganda tool to gain some leverage in negotiation or it was a real plan.
IF you are implying that I mentioned that all of Afghanistan's neighbors want the US to leave then that's not correct. I don't have enough info to make a decision on that. My guess is that Iran wants the US to leave. Pakistanis too want the US to leave. About China and Russia--may be they too want the Americans to leave?

Anyway, my post was about how Pakistan should work to NOT go back to the pre 9/11 days in Afghanistan where various proxy wars were happening along with Afghan's own tribal wars...

2014 is not far off--we will be here in this forum and will know more whether the promise to keep significant troops after 2014 was a tactical propaganda tool to gain some leverage in negotiation or it was a real plan.

Fair enough - Lets see how it pans out. :agree:

But here is news about Putin wanting US to stay in Afghanistan ---

ULYANOVSK, Russia, Aug 1 (Reuters) - NATO forces should stay in Afghanistan until their job is done, Russia President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday, suggesting they should stay beyond a planned withdrawal of most combat troops in 2014.

Putin: NATO Should Stay In Afghanistan
Fascinating to see you bringing this up in a Pakistani forum for all the world to see! I thanked for your honesty. I
May be there is merit to your theory about a 'pragmatic' leader for India in future; but do remember that Hitler, Mao, and Stalin had millions of their own citizens killed directly or through involvement in wars. May be, given India's large population you wouldn't mind a few million fellows killed?

IMO India is better off on the evolutionary path it is on. Sure, corruption is huge and that's slowing down India a lot and that should be one of the topmost priority but not wars and megalomania!

:lol: Believe me even I don't want what I said there - but lot of people here expect us to match up to the countries that went through this atrocity, we are looked at as a soft power floating in mismanagement and slow in everything, so how does one bring things up to speed - kill the millions that Mao killed, pump up nationalism like how Hitler did and then put power in the hands of a few or a dictator and run the country like a factory.

Until something so drastic takes place people should expect India to go ahead with whatever problems it has presently.
Bull Juice just bull...

Pakistanis set up camps for training even BEFORE U.S' consideration of getting involved in this war. Actually , Americans were 'hesitant' to go against the Red Army in Afghanistan. Remember the words "Afghanistan is a closed chapter now" ....These words were uttered by American top man , not Pakistani one. We convinced you that we can handle it and we did.

It disguise of this war , we got billions in aid....we completed our nuclear program...got all the latest weaponry (F-16s in 80's) ... and we even achieved our objective ...

A COMPLETE strategic victory for Pakistan....but yes , alot of social problems came with it too...

What was your contribution to the war? "Hesitancy" in going against USSR? Some stingers? :azn:

U.S chose the wrong battle-ground ....

Fall of U.S in Afghanistan will be a DREAM come true for Pakistan , China , Russia , and wider Islamic World ... And THAT is what going to happen.... After Soviet fell , Islam permanently gained millions of sq kilometers in territory and ENTIRE Central Asia became an independent Muslim-Majority region Mashallah ... Fall of U.S in Afghanistan will give more 'space' for Islam to spread and Islam will further "consolidate" its unchallenged status of 'the most practiced faith of the planet Earth',Inshallah!! (Nominally , the second ) ...

Plus : Fall of U.S in Afghanistan doesn't mean US will fade away like USSR....but a political defeat that would cost trillions to U.S economy.... and that goal is very near...

As world becomes more 'neutral' .... Islam gets ample space to spread its cultural , social , religious , and even political influence....Inshallah...

In the mean time , you might wanna check this one?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Wish in one hand....you know the rest.
1)Civil nuke deal is not lollypop.There is liability issue if some accident happens and U.S is not ready to pay compensation which india is demanding or even russia is reluctant.Govt here is already suffering from one scandal to other n they cant move this bill now alteast...

2)There are all type of protesters in kundakulum. Including western supported and those who have nuclear plant phobia.

3)U.S saves pakistan coz U.S have got a slave in form of pakistan.Their leaders to military is sold out of U.S and why U.S will leave so called jewel?

4)Fyi,Pakistan gets this weapon by giving money to U.S not in aid.Even f-16's are not in aid and india already have superior systems what pakistan have.

5)India dint give their foreign policy to U.S,their are interest n u will have to give n take..NO body give anything in free even our closest friend russia...:wave:

Wish in one hand....you know the rest.

Classy response to my rant , uh? ....:smokin: Good.

BTW , we don't need any thing in our hands...

U.S policy makers f*cked it up for themselves....

Are you voting for Obama or Romney? Just asking...
:lol: Believe me even I don't want what I said there - but lot of people here expect us to match up to the countries that went through this atrocity, we are looked at as a soft power floating in mismanagement and slow in everything, so how does one bring things up to speed - kill the millions that Mao killed, pump up nationalism like how Hitler did and then put power in the hands of a few or a dictator and run the country like a factory.

Until something so drastic takes place people should expect India to go ahead with whatever problems it has presently.

By its very religious and ethnic composition India is forced to go with an evolutionary route. And there is nothing wrong with that. A 'strong man' may come along but there needs to be some unifying ideology behind that. In case of India, as you imply, Hindutva is a strong candidate, along with some kind of 'class' based struggle such as communism. I really don't think India yet has enough of a middle class to form a powerful pressure group, as it exists in America; but once the evolutionary phase gets to the stage of a large, responsible middle class India will achieve greatness without resorting to the three gentlemen mentioned above...
PS. For Hindutva to succeed India will have to bring the Indian Muslims on board; BJP has a lot of work to do...
Did you notice how many Insh'allahs are required to bring down US..just counter by saying Insh'Jesus nothing will happen...:lol:

Retarded indian , read my reply to him ... Did I mention the word "rant" in my reply?

Juice is not a kid , like you. hah.
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