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2 US Commandos killed in Afghanistan firefight.

Pakistan defeated the Soviets? Whata laugh! And yes...we can grind across an ocean, remember that.

Americans defeated Soviets? Whata laugh!

Pakistan "planned" the war ....Pakistan "trained" the fighters fighting against the soviets... Pakistani commandos led operations directly against Soviets....yet...Americans defeated Soviets because obviously they gave some stingers ....:rolleyes:

Again , no one is talking about military victory here ;)
Americans defeated Soviets? Whata laugh!

Pakistan "planned" the war ....Pakistan "trained" the fighters fighting against the soviets... Pakistani commandos led operations directly against Soviets....yet...Americans defeated Soviets because obviously they gave some stingers ....:rolleyes:

Again , no one is talking about military victory here ;)
Americans trained them...ISI was only a middle man. I do seem to remember a lot of Pakistanis going to A'stan when the US arrived...where are they based at now?
Americans trained them...ISI was only a middle man. I do seem to remember a lot of Pakistanis going to A'stan when the US arrived...where are they based at now?

The Russians have given our commandos the title of The Black Storks, and not without reason.

Could recommend you some good books if you wish.
I have to say that NATO is being attacked more and more in Afghanistan and with deadly results. The most disheartening for the Coalition troops must be the insurgents who manage to infiltrate or even the non-Talibans who turn their guns against their trainers.
As far as Pakistan is concerned, there is no victory in sight without fully bringing on board Afghanistan's neighbors and Russia; short of that it will be back to the pre 9/11 era of proxy wars. Americans can afford to packup and leave if/when they realize that Afghanistan isn't worth a single death; a superpower can swallow bitter pills. Both Americans and Soviets have done that in Vietnam and Afghanistan, respectively.
Pakistan really needs to work with all of the regional players, including India, to find some peaceful solution for poor Afghans. Enough of these 'Great Games' already.
Americans trained them...ISI was only a middle man. I do seem to remember a lot of Pakistanis going to A'stan when the US arrived...where are they based at now?

You failed to understand a basic thing about them. "SHOOTING FROM OTHERS SHOULDERS IS NOT NEW FOR THEM". It starts from Mohammed Ghori who was from Afghanistan, to Operation Cyclone.
Afghan war is over for the U.S.A.

Islamic Asymmetric Warfare trapped U.S in Afghanistan...
Why bring in religion into everything? It's just 'asymmetric warfare' and has nothing to do with Islam!
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3478199 said:
technically you are wrong, you maybe playing the indian propaganda here just pathetically trying to belittle us in our personal matters that dont concern you, but even if we put aside all the indo pak matters which you are deliberatly trying to barge in, it was we not you who defeated the soviets, so yeah we pretty much know that

america hadnt had victory since WW2, that too you won by barging into somebody else's matters that didnt concern you at all, and your pathetic country lying way across the atlantic, still you got screwed for good 5-6 years all the allies combined by a few number of nazis which is more than pathetic

If it was you then u would have changed the geography of South asia :lol: and even you cant run a small operation like kargil or siachin successfully and u talk about breaking USSR?? go n find out the reson why USSR was broken? and why its said that U.S won the cold war b/w it and USSR.
Name of pakistan comes as pawn of U.S otherwise you coulnt go toilet without U.S help :lol: ...

Propaganda??A country which is running on lies n lies talking about propaganda :rofl:.

After eating billions of their AID for 60 yrs,now u calling them pathetic :no:
Good luck with that. Just as long as you remember that India's economy in the 1990's was not the same as it is now. Afghanistan is your neighbour, not ours. Keeping you struggling there will achieve more than all the pressure on your eastern front. If the Americans do leave and that's a big if, you guys are going to get a reality check like no other. Your purpose to the Americans having ended, there will be a teaching of a lesson like you can't dream of. Keeping you permanently bogged down on the Afghan frontier would be like a dream come true to Indian strategists. They must be salivating at the thought of paying you back in spades. With the American restraint gone, you will be regular & easy targets. The old adage of being careful with what you wish for is apt here. You mighty actually get what you so want, only not in the manner you imagine.
Desperation from Indian..Eh......There wont be any teaching-veaching of lessons that you will soon come to realise it hard way.You are still unable to realise it even after 14 years that usa has taken you for a ride for doing it jamadari and left you holding with a lollipop of cvili nuke deal.You have still not able to realise that usa being unable to get its pound of flesh in indian nuke market has been flaming the demonstrations at the russian nuke plant in Kudakulam.

As for Pakistan,it is like the jewel in the crwon of USA empire as once Indian subcontinent was for british empire.Why do you think usa is so desperate to save pakistan?Is it just to get its cooperation In WOT and get the hell out of Afghanistan....?NO.
USA is saving Pakistan as it main bulwark in asia which provides it the mercenary armies for its wars around the world as once Indian subcontinent provided the mercenary army to the british in the form of British india ary.

What do you think when usa provides lethal weapon system lke PC-3 Orions and ships saying they need these to fight Taliban....then Indians must be the most stupidest creature on the face of earth,even more stupid then the DODO itsel to believe USA on its face value and outsource its own WOT and foreign policy to usa.This for some eye-opener for the Indians by praveen swamy...

Large parts of the U.S. aid (see chart) have been made up of military assistance — assistance many analysts have argued is used mainly to develop its capacities to fight a war with India. “For example,” the report states, “of the some $2.1 billion in Foreign Military Financing provided to Pakistan from FY2002-FY2010, more than half has been used by Islamabad to purchase weapons of limited use in the context of counter-terrorism.”

Pakistan has used the aid to purchase equipment that could be used in a war against India — among them, eight P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft valued at $747 million; six AN/TPS-77 surveillance radar used to locate artillery positions, worth $100 million; 6,312 anti-armour missiles worth another $100 million; and the USS McInerney, a missile frigate, which has received an $65 million refurbishment.

In addition, the aid has part-funded 60 midlife kits for Pakistan’s F-16A/B combat jets, accounting for $477 million of the $891-million cost.

The Hindu : News / International : U.S. waived counter-terror conditions for aid to Pakistan, new official report states

Btw indians are still waiting for david headley to face trial in india for 26/11 whom usa govt is protect like its another jewel.In never see you Indians the chamchas of USA go ballistic on David headley issue here as you burst up like mere mention of hafiz saeed and pakistan wrt 26/11.
Desperation from Indian..Eh......There wont be any teaching-veaching of lessons that you will soon come to realise it hard way.You are still unable to realise it even after 14 years that usa has taken you for a ride for doing it jamadari and left you holding with a lollipop of cvili nuke deal.You have still not able to realise that usa being unable to get its pound of flesh in indian nuke market has been flaming the demonstrations at the russian nuke plant in Kudakulam.

As for Pakistan,it is like the jewel in the crwon of USA empire as once Indian subcontinent was for british empire.Why do you think usa is so desperate to save pakistan?Is it just to get its cooperation In WOT and get the hell out of Afghanistan....?NO.
USA is saving Pakistan as it main bulwark in asia which provides it the mercenary armies for its wars around the world as once Indian subcontinent provided the mercenary army to the british in the form of British india ary.

What do you think when usa provides lethal weapon system lke PC-3 Orions and ships saying they need these to fight Taliban....then Indians must be the most stupidest creature on the face of earth,even more stupid then the DODO itsel to believe USA on its face value and outsource its own WOT and foreign policy to usa.This for some eye-opener for the Indians by praveen swamy...

Btw indians are still waiting for david headley to face trial in india for 26/11 whom usa govt is protect like its another jewel.In never see you Indians the chamchas of USA go ballistic on David headley issue here as you burst up like mere mention of hafiz saeed and pakistan wrt 26/11.

1)Civil nuke deal is not lollypop.There is liability issue if some accident happens and U.S is not ready to pay compensation which india is demanding or even russia is reluctant.Govt here is already suffering from one scandal to other n they cant move this bill now alteast...

2)There are all type of protesters in kundakulum. Including western supported and those who have nuclear plant phobia.

3)U.S saves pakistan coz U.S have got a slave in form of pakistan.Their leaders to military is sold out of U.S and why U.S will leave so called jewel?

4)Fyi,Pakistan gets this weapon by giving money to U.S not in aid.Even f-16's are not in aid and india already have superior systems what pakistan have.

5)India dint give their foreign policy to U.S,their are interest n u will have to give n take..NO body give anything in free even our closest friend russia...:wave:
Desperation from Indian..Eh......There wont be any teaching-veaching of lessons that you will soon come to realise it hard way.You are still unable to realise it even after 14 years that usa has taken you for a ride for doing it jamadari and left you holding with a lollipop of cvili nuke deal.You have still not able to realise that usa being unable to get its pound of flesh in indian nuke market has been flaming the demonstrations at the russian nuke plant in Kudakulam.

As for Pakistan,it is like the jewel in the crwon of USA empire as once Indian subcontinent was for british empire.Why do you think usa is so desperate to save pakistan?Is it just to get its cooperation In WOT and get the hell out of Afghanistan....?NO.
USA is saving Pakistan as it main bulwark in asia which provides it the mercenary armies for its wars around the world as once Indian subcontinent provided the mercenary army to the british in the form of British india ary.

What do you think when usa provides lethal weapon system lke PC-3 Orions and ships saying they need these to fight Taliban....then Indians must be the most stupidest creature on the face of earth,even more stupid then the DODO itsel to believe USA on its face value and outsource its own WOT and foreign policy to usa.This for some eye-opener for the Indians by praveen swamy...

Btw indians are still waiting for david headley to face trial in india for 26/11 whom usa govt is protect like its another jewel.In never see you Indians the chamchas of USA go ballistic on David headley issue here as you burst up like mere mention of hafiz saeed and pakistan wrt 26/11.

Kinda agree with you on that - Jinnah actually enticed the Brits of the new country being an army on hire for them hence the partition and the Americans have been cashing in on that till date.

There are a lot of lolly's and it goes both ways - what we lack is a pragmatic leader and until then we will remain wallowing in mediocrity and it actually agrees with the Indian psyche :lol: we always believed in the live and let live and it will take something like Mao's cultural revolution or Hitler's Nazi theory or Stalin's theory, and only option I see of something like that happening is the Hindutvadhi Movement, until that time we will let diplomacy take its course.

Btw indians are still waiting for david headley to face trial in india for 26/11 whom usa govt is protect like its another jewel.In never see you Indians the chamchas of USA go ballistic on David headley issue here as you burst up like mere mention of hafiz saeed and pakistan wrt 26/11.

It will happen in due course - it's not exactly like he is running around free like Hafiz sayeed is. :lol:
sexy....... Yesterday one was killed and today 2. Indians i can understnd your feelings.
Desperation from Indian..Eh......There wont be any teaching-veaching of lessons that you will soon come to realise it hard way.You are still unable to realise it even after 14 years that usa has taken you for a ride for doing it jamadari and left you holding with a lollipop of cvili nuke deal.You have still not able to realise that usa being unable to get its pound of flesh in indian nuke market has been flaming the demonstrations at the russian nuke plant in Kudakulam.

As for Pakistan,it is like the jewel in the crwon of USA empire as once Indian subcontinent was for british empire.Why do you think usa is so desperate to save pakistan?Is it just to get its cooperation In WOT and get the hell out of Afghanistan....?NO.
USA is saving Pakistan as it main bulwark in asia which provides it the mercenary armies for its wars around the world as once Indian subcontinent provided the mercenary army to the british in the form of British india ary.

What do you think when usa provides lethal weapon system lke PC-3 Orions and ships saying they need these to fight Taliban....then Indians must be the most stupidest creature on the face of earth,even more stupid then the DODO itsel to believe USA on its face value and outsource its own WOT and foreign policy to usa.This for some eye-opener for the Indians by praveen swamy...

Btw indians are still waiting for david headley to face trial in india for 26/11 whom usa govt is protect like its another jewel.In never see you Indians the chamchas of USA go ballistic on David headley issue here as you burst up like mere mention of hafiz saeed and pakistan wrt 26/11.

Some misplaced concepts here I feel, Americans feel and indeed they might be right in that Pakistan will slip into what Afghanistan was pre 9/11.. Not that it is only Pakistan's fault for its current assessment, another issue is that they are a nuclear armed country, even if that risk is low it is still a risk they are not willing to take..

Looking at the eagerness of Americans to leave and a growing realisation that the world is becoming multipolar ad the bad blood in the Islamic world, US will be better off to mind it's own business.

Regarding India and the lollipops, there is benefit for both India and US and that is just about it. US cannot ignore a rising economy, they are a capitalistic country and want to do business where there is money to be had.. Cold facts...

sexy....... Yesterday one was killed and today 2. Indians i can understnd your feelings.

That is the issue, you guys will never understand us and hence can never win against us...
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