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14 dead in shooting at San Bernardino, Calif., center for disabled; 3 suspects on loose

This is not coherent. Please make it clear so that I can reply.
Really? Which part? that mainstream media aired it or the part that you are supposed to read a whole post in context not select few lines and wonder what they mean...
Really? Which part? that mainstream media aired it or the part that you are supposed to read a whole post in context not select few lines and wonder what they mean...

What context am I supposed to infer when posters allege that it was 3 white males responsible for this mess? How retarded and deluded must one be to actually search and come up with that?
What context am I supposed to infer when posters allege that it was 3 white males responsible for this mess?
The very fact it was CBN or something that was playing that when the shooting was going on and CNN also....

How retarded and deluded must one be to actually search and come up with that?
You mean to actually watch the news and hear the news is retarded and deluded?! Go figure! No wonder indians are as they are :tsk:
The very fact it was CBN or something that was playing that when the shooting was going on and CNN also....

You mean to actually watch the news and hear the news is retarded and deluded?! Go figure! No wonder indians are as they are :tsk:

Yes.. Please go on with your theory about it being a false flag attack. That sounds highly logical. Don't forget to highlight this at international press conferences and draw attention to it. Let's see how you fare. What say?

and again, comprehension and English fail you.. No wonder you are where you are..
I just finished my Doctorate in Nanoelectronics from a leading research centre in Europe and so have many of my fellow countrymen here.. so I do know where I stand.
Please go on with your theory about it being a false flag attack.
did I say it is a false attack? I dared to question how witness seeing 3 white male became a female?

That sounds highly logical.
and eye witness seeing 3 white males in military uniform - eye witnesses described the clothes which didnt match the Muslim guy...Apparently he is used to running away while changing his clothes ...VERY LOGICAL!

3 WHITE MEN = 1 man and 1 woman shot and handcuffed?

and again, comprehension and English fail you.
so eye witness were fake...ok :agree:

I just finished my Doctorate in Nanoelectronics
how is that related to English?

No wonder you are where you are..
Cheap remark! Shows mental level despite having a doctorate degree :tsk:

so have many of my fellow countrymen here
and so?

so I do know where I stand.
Speak for yourself very incoherent!
You are accusing eye witness of being false because media has shot and handcuffed someone who fits your idea of a wanted people :tsk:

You are trying to vouch for some random online people just coz they have your county's flag BECAUSE some of your countrymen have completed PhD? :o:

Man talk about logic!
You're essentially arguing against the ideological concept of "one true faith" (no matter what the religion is called), correct?

My comment was perhaps not phrased correctly - I was calling the alleged comments of Pakistanis directed at Indian soldiers killed by insurgent groups distasteful.

You are avoiding my direct questions. .

1. I asked you when Pakistan deems it right to use military power to attack jihadis..why is it wrong when others do it?.

2. When zakir naik who is the spiritual leader for millions of sunnis advocates that "Muslims have the right to build mosques and maddrasahs in non Muslim countries..non Muslims should not build their places of worship or advocate their religion in Muslim countries because Islam is the true religion. .doesn't it highlight what solomon points to the bigotry of Muslims? .

But I understand you getting uncomfortable when faced with reason..

But let's get to topic..

One issue that rankles me regarding the two major jihadi attacks recently..

1. The Paris attack that killed 130 innocents..

And 2. The American attacks.

Here's what's troubling..

“The last time I heard from him was four or five months ago via Skype. As usual, he didn’t say where he was or what he was doing. He spoke a lot about jihad. What can I say? It was like talking to someone different, someone who had been brainwashed. There wasn’t anything more to say to him.
Paris attacks: police identify third Bataclan assailant | World news | The Guardian

“Farook’s mother lived with the couple but she stayed upstairs and didn’t notice they had stockpiled 12 pipe bombs and well over 4,500 rounds of ammunition.”

Farook’s mother didn’t notice the twelve pipe bombs and well over 4,500 rounds of ammunition because she “stayed upstairs”? Was she an invalid, then, who never ventured downstairs at all? If so, why did the couple leave their six-month-old daughter in her care when they went off to shoot Infidels for Allah?

And now it has come out that Mom did venture downstairs now and again after all, and that her eye may indeed have caught the site of a stray pipe bomb or two. According to the Daily Mail, “FBI agents found an empty GoPro package, shooting targets and tools inside a car belonging to” Rafia Farook, Syed’s mother. Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik mounted GoPro cameras on their body armor before they began their jihad massacre; apparently, like other jihad killers before them, they hoped to cheer and encourage the faithful with scenes of the bloodbath. Authorities are investigating the possibility that Rafia Farook aided in the planning and preparation of the San Bernardino jihad massacre.

Rafia might have taken this car to meetings of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), of which she was an active member. ICNA openly supports Sharia and the caliphate, and has links to the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as to the Pakistani jihad group Jamaat-e-Islami.
old man Farook said that his son was an open supporter of the Islamic State, and, of course, hated Israel: “He said he shared the ideology of al-Baghdadi to create an Islamic state, and he was obsessed with Israel.” Moderate “unbeliever” Papa then told his son to bide his time since, in the immortal words of Tom Lehrer, everybody hated the Jews: “I kept telling him always: stay calm, be patient, in two years Israel will no longer exist. Geopolitics is changing: Russia, China, America too, nobody wants the Jews there.” Moderate!

So right in the heart of sunny Redlands, California, where Syed Rizwan and Tashfeen lived with their baby and Rafia (however safely ensconced upstairs, away from the pipe bombs, Grandma may have been), there was an open supporter of the Islamic State and an open supporter of the concept of the caliphate. Then we must not forget the winsome Tashfeen, whopledged allegiance to the Islamic State during the attack, was linked to a jihadi mosque in Pakistan, and who had become, in one of her teacher’s words, “a religious person” who often told people “to live according to the teachings of Islam.”
Meet the Farooks: The Modern Jihad Family | Frontpage Mag

In both cases..The families did not report their jihadi off springs..and after the act has been committed...feign ignorance about their off spring's jihadi ways.

If the parents had reported their jihadi off spring's activities..many innocent lives would have been saved.
did I say it is a false attack? I dared to question how witness seeing 3 white male became a female?

and eye witness seeing 3 white males in military uniform - eye witnesses described the clothes which didnt match the Muslim guy...Apparently he is used to running away while changing his clothes ...VERY LOGICAL!

3 WHITE MEN = 1 man and 1 woman shot and handcuffed?

so eye witness were fake...ok :agree:

how is that related to English?

Cheap remark! Shows mental level despite having a doctorate degree :tsk:

and so?

Speak for yourself very incoherent!
You are accusing eye witness of being false because media has shot and handcuffed someone who fits your idea of a wanted people :tsk:

You are trying to vouch for some random online people just coz they have your county's flag BECAUSE some of your countrymen have completed PhD? :o:

Man talk about logic!

Really.. What about the other eye witnesses and people who said that it was clearly farook and his wife?

San Bernardino Shooting Witness: "I Thought I Was Going To Die" - BuzzFeed News

They are fake I guess.. :agree:

How is that related to English? You completely misunderstood what I said I said and went ahead and hinted at me saying that listening to and following the news was retarded and deluded.
No no you're right. Just amazing comprehension and English skills there.

I was talking about the mental state of people searching and coming up with conspiracies in the time of a tragedy because apparently saving the face of religion is more important that human lives.

Cheap remark.. Wait let me refresh your memory:

"No wonder indians are as they are :tsk:"

A very apt reply to that snide and classless statement I would say.

I have given accounts of other eyewitnesses and it's freely available on the internet.

But guess what.. you search for reasons or even the tiniest shred of doubts to save religion in the face of this unspeakable tragedy. That is more important to you. It's this apologist mindset that helps terrorism. There is no saving for people who will always put blind faith and indoctrination above humanity. Trust me on this.

I don't know who you are.. but trust me.. learn to put humanity above faith.
2. When zakir naik who is the spiritual leader for millions of sunnis advocates that "Muslims have the right to build mosques and maddrasahs in non Muslim countries..non Muslims should not build their places of worship or advocate their religion in Muslim countries because Islam is the true religion. .doesn't it highlight what solomon points to the bigotry of Muslims? .
I have never heard him say this :unsure:

2ndly most Pakistanis dont take him as any spiritual leaders....
Man talk about logic!

So...where are the farook's? And why is their family on press trying to feign ignorance about the knowledge that their offspring's went jihadi?. Their 6 month old baby is waiting for its parents..

when using words, it is best to familiarize with them...Jihad is an ARABIC word meaning to strive...

I read and write English..not Arabic. .and in English..its called a jihadi attack.

You heard of jihadi John and jihadi Jane?
They are fake I guess.. :agree:
The very thread you are commenting on says this:
"Up to three people entered the building and opened fire on people inside the building," Burguan said at a news

How is that related to English? You completely misunderstood what I said I said and went ahead and hinted at me saying that listening to and following the news was retarded and deluded.
You said it was retarded I quoted you:

How retarded and deluded must one be to actually search and come up with that?

You mean to actually watch the news and hear the news is retarded and deluded?! Go figure! No wonder indians are as they are :tsk:

Source: 14 dead in shooting at San Bernardino, Calif., center for disabled; 3 suspects on loose | Page 48
they were wahhabis, they did what wahhabis are commanded to by the perfect written word of the one true god... go and kill infidels.

pretty open-and-shut case really. :coffee:

@mpk1988 .. have a look at this thread for some lulz, my mind was blown.:suicide:
It's all in the family, apparently:

"In yet another twist to the case, state marital records examined by Reuters on Tuesday revealed that the man said by authorities to have furnished the couple with the two assault-style rifles used in the attack was related by marriage to Farook's family. Specifically, Enrique Marquez, whose home was raided over the weekend and was being questioned by federal investigators on Tuesday, became married last year to Mariya Chernykh, whose sister is married to Farook's older brother, Raheel Farook."

Gun Supplier In California Shooting Connected To Syed Farook's Family

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