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1 dead 2 injured in alleged firing by Nepal Army on Indo-Nepal border

Bangladesh because there are hints of the army's uneasiness and Indian puppet Hasina's days may be numbered.
Hasina's position is rock solid. Bangla Army will never do anything. One wrong and watch how Bangla tiger economy joins Pakistan as pauper economy when the western markets close for garment imports.
Looks like even the smallest nation involved in the border dispute is willing to stand up to India. India is the real bully. Now practically every nation surrounding India hates them. Except for Bhutan. I deliberately didn't include Bangladesh because there are hints of the army's uneasiness and Indian puppet Hasina's days may be numbered.

I agree with every sentence of your post.
But regarding Bhutan, they are the same. Bhutan just lack the ability of Pakistan to resist India pressure. Bhutan is too small, too fragile. They knew their best chance of survival is flattering Indians.

On the other hand, Bhutan enforced the law on Bhutan national/ethnic clothes, restrict tourism of Indians with lifting the bar.

Bhutan benefit a lot from Doklam standoff, they knew it's the best chance to get rid of India control a little bit.

The border between China and Bhutan is some highest mountains on earth just like Nepal. Bhutan/Nepal knew China intention very clearly, China only want to make sure Bhutan/Nepal survive and independent. China has zero interest to cross the highest snow mountain on earth to invade those two countries. Their real threat are Indians.

Nepal can stand up with China's back. Bhutanese must be very careful, they don't want to repeat Sikkim.

Bangladesh is taking advantage of Pakistan India conflicts. India is busying on Pakistan, so Bangladesh can enjoy some freedom from India controllling.

Bangladesh geography is very flat, can NOT resist Indian invasion. Also India is holding their water tap on Brahmaputra River. It's really scary to them, especially when Indians are doing water divert projects on the upper stream.

But as you can see, Bangladesh is buying China tanks as well. They knew one day India will try to knee on their throat as well when India is strong enough to attack both Pakistan and Bangladesh. It's just about time.
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Hasina's position is rock solid. Bangla Army will never do anything. One wrong and watch how Bangla tiger economy joins Pakistan as pauper economy when the western markets close for garment imports.

I still have my doubts on their "numbers". Don't really know how they will tackle after graduating from LDC status.
Looks like even the smallest nation involved in the border dispute is willing to stand up to India. India is the real bully. Now practically every nation surrounding India hates them. Except for Bhutan. I deliberately didn't include Bangladesh because there are hints of the army's uneasiness and Indian puppet Hasina's days may be numbered.


According to Swami's interview I posted yesterday, even Bhutan has entered an agreement with China. They are under Indian security blanket, but they want to turn like Nepal did.
Looks like even the smallest nation involved in the border dispute is willing to stand up to India. India is the real bully. Now practically every nation surrounding India hates them. Except for Bhutan. I deliberately didn't include Bangladesh because there are hints of the army's uneasiness and Indian puppet Hasina's days may be numbered.


More trouble for Modi's Hindustan. Every single neighbor is finding trouble with Hindustan.
I still have my doubts on their "numbers".
I don't. Everywhere in UK I trip over 'Made in Bangla' garments in UK. From Next, to Primark, to H &M etc. I don't ever see 'Made in Pak'. So that tells me something.

Don't really know how they will tackle after graduating from LDC status.
They will. The effect of large scale industrial development is it re-configures the political/social structures. Meaning it introduces milliions of females into productive, modern global economy, companies, supply chain and work ethic etc. Once this happens societies are ready to evolve up the value chain. This will happen in Bangla. I expect electrical product assembly to take off next.
Lolol... Once the railway into Nepal is ready, India is fcked.
Its more like Nepal is fucked- Srilanka can vouch for that and so can many African countries. All India needs to lock the Indian side of the border and Kalas-Nepal is Fucked.

LOL they are going to revolt now. You stole Nepalese land.
Oh they can also try- India will just lock the open border and leave the Nepali's to their devices- Thats all.
Bihar State Police is enough to cut Nepalese army into pieces
No need to send the army

bhejtay nai sirf likhtay ho phorum peh!

mitrrrunnn perception choro real may kuch karo!
I don't. Everywhere in UK I trip over 'Made in Bangla' garments in UK. From Next, to Primark, to H &M etc. I don't ever see 'Made in Pak'. So that tells me something.

Nahh, just tells that we graduated sooner from an LDC than we should have. 10-15 years ago those were made in Pakistan. It's not a level playing field, they have a lower GNI, there is a reason why they are willing to stay in LDC, the pros outweigh the cons. Although we have been given GSP plus, but its not the same. We came out of our energy crises, the only thing that is in the way is our labor cost and the preferential status. I see our future bright, just have to stabilize and endure for 5-7 years.

Meaning it introduces milliions of females into productive, modern global economy, companies, supply chain and work ethic etc.

Your assumptions about Bangla are way too optimistic, the giants like China, Vietnam, Indonesia are still there. Other countries aren't sitting idle, everything in every country is in motion. This is just a bubble phase for Bangladesh, they can't keep on living on garment production and expect to prosper. As soon as their products become expensive and they lose LDC, countries/regions are gonna look for cheaper options.

Hasina's position is rock solid.
Though, I agree with this. The autocratic gov. provides sense of stability, which is great for FDI. This is an area we really need to work on. Though for past 2 governments we had stability so, positive signs... But still I don't like the dynamics of Pakistani politics, the narratives and the lengths at what our politicians go, make it quite un-easing, and I don't like it.
Them banyias had been threatening Nepal a tiny sovereign country with blockade, lol & a befitting reply at the earliest opportunity has been given. This is called surgical strike 101
B.C PM Phodi needs to resign.
bola tha naa....
Having been to nepal three times, I can vouch for this. Nepali people love Pakistan and hate Indians.
I did ask why and they said the bastards land and the 1st thing they ask for is where to find prostitutes and I said dont we Pakistanis and the driver told me to date he has only has respectful Pakistani clients...I was so pleased
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