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  1. Martian2

    China Ranks World #5 in USPTO Patents

    For 2017, China ranked world #5 in USPTO patents with 14,038 patents granted. The top ten list of countries with highest annual USPTO patents granted hasn't changed much in 10 years. There is no new upcoming "next China." TOTAL PATENTS IN USPTO (PATENT) | StatNano
  2. Martian2

    China Xi'an UnilC Semi sells in-house DDR4 DRAM | AnandTech

    China has reached a milestone. Xi'an UnilC Semi is selling its own designs of DDR4 DRAM chips and modules. "DDR4 SDRAM is the abbreviation for 'double data rate fourth generation synchronous dynamic random-access memory,' the latest variant of memory in computing. DDR4 is able to achieve higher...
  3. Martian2

    China vs Vietnam: Exxon won't decide on Blue Whale until 2019 | The Diplomat

    Exxon is planning to drill 10 nautical miles outside of China's Nine Dash Line map. However, a natural gas field is large and gas will be siphoned away from China's side. Due to Chinese threats of economic retaliation against Exxon, the company has delayed an investment decision until 2019...
  4. Martian2

    China strengthening air defenses with eye on India | CNN

    China is building up its military airpower in western China. We want to know: why now? I think China feels very comfortable over its control of the South China Sea. There are seven new militarized islands. China has laid a long undersea pipeline to begin extraction of South China Sea natural...
  5. Martian2

    China has 7 new military bases in S. China Sea: U.S. | ABS-CBN News

    The United States has 11 aircraft carrier battle groups. Yet, the US never tried to stop China from reclaiming and militarizing its South China Sea islands. Why? If the US Navy attempted to stop Chinese island construction, China's PLA would most likely have marched into Outer Mongolia with...
  6. Martian2

    China completes 195 km undersea pipeline for the South China Sea | GB Times

    China is about to begin extraction of natural gas from the South China Sea and pump it into South China. "CGTN Published on Feb 19, 2018 China has finished building a 195 km-long undersea pipeline, the longest of its kind in the world, in the South China Sea. The pipeline will support a gas...
  7. Martian2

    Taiwan's TSMC overtakes INTEL in chip density | Madison

    The two largest semiconductor logic-chip manufacturing companies in the world are Intel and TSMC. Logic chips are the most technologically-challenging to fabricate and sophisticated in design. Samsung is dominant in the simpler memory chips, but has only a small presence in logic chips...
  8. Martian2

    Highest Average IQ by Country (2016 update) | List 25

    The list of the 25 countries with the highest average IQ is interesting for its correlation with industrialized countries. The only exception is Mongolia, because their population of three million is too small to industrialize. Small European countries can rely on the European Union for...
  9. Martian2

    China's Xia and Han Dynasty historical claims to South China Sea | Reuters

    Reuters reports that China has historical records to claim the South China Sea dating back to the Xia and Han dynasties, which was 2,000 years ago. ---------- Everything you need to know about the South China Sea conflict - in under five minutes | Reuters (June 9, 2015) "China’s claim to the...
  10. Martian2

    Soaring US oil exports to China | CNBC

    The United States is selling record amounts of oil (400,000 barrels per day) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) to China. Despite his rhetoric, President Trump does not appear interested in a South China Sea confrontation with China (see second citation below). This means the US-China business...
  11. Martian2

    US vs. China: B-21 and new American ICBM

    Sputnik says it doesn't know the details of the new American B-21 (successor to B-2) stealth bomber and land-based ICBM. Eagle's Claws Blunted: What's Driving US Effort to Modernize Its Nuclear Arsenal | Sputnik (February 1, 2018) "'We do know that the Pentagon plans to commission the new B-21...
  12. Martian2

    China's hypersonic railgun means victory in a Taiwan war

    The electric cannon delivers shells over 200 miles at Mach 5 | New Atlas (February 18, 2009) "With [railgun] shells travelling at Mach 5 on impact, and accurate to within five metres at a 200 mile range...." Taiwan is located only 100 miles from mainland China's coast. A Chinese railgun (see...
  13. Martian2

    China's Domination of the South China Sea

    In November 2011, the Obama administration announced a Pivot to Asia policy. This meant the US will challenge China's Nine-Dash-Line Map from 1947 regarding the South China Sea (which had been unchallenged for 64 years). Since the US has no territorial claims to the South China Sea, it had to...
  14. Martian2

    Japan deploys first DOWNGRADED F-35

    All exported F-35s are downgraded. Exported F-35s have an RCS (radar cross section) of a beach ball on radar. Only AMERICAN F-35s are not downgraded and their RCS is the size of a marble. Japan has spent a fortune to buy 42 DOWNGRADED F-35s. I don't know why they bothered. Downgraded F-35s are...
  15. Martian2

    Chinese buy as much as Americans ($5.8 trillion per year) | The Washington Post

    In the year 2000, US retail sales were $3.3 trillion and China's retail sales were $472 billion. It's obvious that the US economy was much larger than China's in the year 2000. For 2018, both the US and Chinese annual retail sales are $5.8 trillion. This is an important economic indicator that...
  16. Martian2

    China's freight growth up 9.3% in 2017 | Xinhua

    China's economy can be broadly separated into two categories: hardware/goods (Huawei, Lenovo, Haier, Xiaomi, SANY, DJI, etc.) and software/services (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, etc.). Regarding China's hardware economy, the Chinese freight growth boomed by 9.3% in 2017. See Xinhua citation below...
  17. Martian2

    China has 38 operational nuclear power reactors | World Nuclear Association

    The World Nuclear Association has published a chart of China's 38 operational nuclear power reactors. Also, China is currently building 20 more nuclear reactors. ---------- Nuclear Power in China (Updated January 2018) | World Nuclear Association ---------- ---------- "Where construction...
  18. Martian2

    Not Possible to Industrialize Like China

    China's economic growth for 2017 was 6.8% and India's was 6.7%. That means both economies are doing well, right? Not quite. Firstly, India's population is growing. About 1% of India's economic growth comes solely from population growth, which is not sustainable. Indian cities are already...
  19. Martian2

    China's nominal GDP will hit $15 TRILLION in 2018

    In October 2017, the IMF estimated China's 2017 nominal GDP to be 81,132 billion Yuans (see IMF chart below). The latest data shows China's 2017 nominal GDP was 82,712 billion Yuans. National Economy Maintained the Momentum of Stable and Sound Development and Exceeded the Expectation |...
  20. Martian2

    China's 2017 industrial profits hit record $1.2 trillion | Reuters

    China Inc.'s industrial profits hit a record $1.2 trillion for 2017. This means Chinese companies have plenty of money to invest into their businesses and conduct R&D. ---------- China's 2017 industrial profits post fastest growth in six years | Reuters (January 25, 2018) "For the full year...
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