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  1. obj 705A

    US won’t rule out military action if China establishes base in Solomon Islands

    US won’t rule out military action if China establishes base in Solomon Islands One of the most senior US officials in the Pacific has refused to rule out military action against Solomon Islands if it were to allow China to establish a military base there, saying that the security deal between...
  2. obj 705A

    Russia declares aim of the second stage of the operation, to establish full control of southern Ukraine and provide land corridor to Transnistria

    The Ministry of Defense named the tasks of the second stage of the special operation in Ukraine The Russian army during the second stage of the special operation should establish full control over the Donbass. This was stated by the Deputy Commander of the Central Military District (CVO), Major...
  3. obj 705A

    German EU Official Uses Racist Rhetoric Claiming Russians Don’t Value Life

    German EU Official Uses Racist Rhetoric Claiming Russians Don’t Value Life A European Union official has used racist rhetoric to dehumanize Russians, claiming they don’t value human life, and are therefore not Europeans. The fact that the EU official is German is also eyebrow-raising...
  4. obj 705A

    Female refugees from Ukraine are being offered a place to stay by British men in exchange for sex

    Female refugees from Ukraine are being offered a place to stay by British men in exchange for sex British men are reportedly offering female refugees – who have fled their homes in Ukraine – a place to stay in exchange for sex. Sadly, not all of the hosts using such platforms are doing so with...
  5. obj 705A

    Russian census results revealed

    Russian census results revealed Russia’s population has grown by almost five million over the last decade to reach 147 million, the government statistics agency Rosstat revealed on Friday, citing the preliminary results of the latest census from late 2021. Over half of that increase is...
  6. obj 705A

    Slovakia agrees to pay for Russian gas in rubles

    Slovakia agrees to pay for Russian gas in rubles Slovakia will pay for Russian natural gas in rubles if that’s what it takes to keep the commodity flowing, Slovak Economy Minister Richard Sulik has said on national television. “If there is a condition to pay in rubles, then we will pay in...
  7. obj 705A

    Russia sets ruble gas payment deadline

    Russia sets ruble gas payment deadline President Putin says ‘unfriendly countries’ must switch to its currency by March 31 Russian President Vladimir Putin has authorized the government, the central bank, and Gazprombank to take the necessary steps to switch all payments for Russian natural gas...
  8. obj 705A

    Moscow offers update on casualties from Ukraine conflict

    Moscow offers update on casualties from Ukraine conflict The Russian Defense Ministry provided a rare update on the casualties the country's armed forces have suffered during the ongoing military offensive in Ukraine, on Friday. “Unfortunately, during the special military operation there have...
  9. obj 705A

    Algeria rejects US request to increase gas supply to Europe

    Algeria rejects US request to increase gas supply to Europe According to Radio France Internationale, the Algerian authorities recently refused to restart this line that passes through Morocco, and its cessation was announced following strained relations with Rabat, in December 2021. French...
  10. obj 705A

    Zelensky LOSES HIS ARM In Viral GREEN SCREEN Video 🤣

    Hahaha this is just absolutely hilarious 🤣 Zelensky's arm glitched. everything that comes out of Ukraine is fake, just like how fake the "ghost of Kiev" was yet desperate pro Ukraine people chose to believe in this ghost.
  11. obj 705A

    March in honor of Nazi veterans returns to EU capital

    March in honor of Nazi veterans returns to EU capital The event commemorating Latvians who fought in the Waffen SS during WWII was suspended for the past two years due to Covid-19 Hundreds of people marched in the Latvian capital Riga on Wednesday to honor their compatriots who fought alongside...
  12. obj 705A

    "why I won't stand with Ukraine"

    He talks about how western media and reporters were blatantly showing their white supremacist ideology by saying it's sad what's happening to Ukrainians because they have blond hair and blue eyes, he then says the conflict has revealed the ugly face of the west but he says we shouldn't celebrate...
  13. obj 705A

    TikTok suspends platform in Russia in response to new 'fake news' law

    TikTok, American Express and PricewaterhouseCoopers all suspend operations in Russia: Social media giant joins firms boycotting Russia over censorship as economic vice tightens on Moscow TikTok has suspended all live streaming and content sharing on its platform in Russia, joining American...
  14. obj 705A

    Ukraine-Russia negotiator killed – reports

    Ukraine-Russia negotiator killed – reports A participant in the first round of peace talks was reportedly killed during an arrest in Kiev Sources in Ukraine have claimed that a member of the delegation Kiev sent to engage in talks with Moscow earlier this week was killed on Saturday. The first...
  15. obj 705A

    Gaddafi warned in 2009: Threatening Russia and trying to encircle it puts humanity at risk of destruction

    Gaddafi warned in 2009: Threatening Russia and trying to encircle it puts humanity at risk of destruction The late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has been recalled on numerous occasions since his death in 2011, in renewed readings of his views and positions. It is noteworthy that he paid...
  16. obj 705A

    Georgia won’t join West in sanctioning Russia over Ukraine

    Georgia won’t join West in sanctioning Russia over Ukraine Tbilisi said it would continue to de-escalate its tense relations with Russia despite the attack on Ukraine. Georgia will not participate in economic and financial sanctions on Russia following Moscow’s full-scale assault against...
  17. obj 705A

    ‘All Ukraine’ will be Russian, far-right MP declares

    ‘All Ukraine’ will be Russian, far-right MP declares Russia will one day make its rightful claim to the entirety of Ukrainian territory as part of the country’s larger mission to take back the regions to which it is entitled, a controversial Russian MP declared on Tuesday. Speaking on...
  18. obj 705A

    Ukraine crisis: replacing Russian gas to Europe ‘almost impossible’, Qatar warns

    Ukraine crisis: replacing Russian gas to Europe ‘almost impossible’, Qatar warns Neither Qatar nor any other single country has the capacity to replace Russian gas supplies to Europe with liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the event of disruption due to a conflict between Russia and Ukraine...
  19. obj 705A

    Russia ready to show what true de-communization means for Ukraine - Putin

    Russia ready to show what true de-communization means for Ukraine - Putin MOSCOW, February 21. /TASS/. If Ukraine created by the Bolsheviks wants genuine de-communization, this will suit Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday. "Now grateful descendants have demolished...
  20. obj 705A

    Russia’s deputy UN envoy sees possibility of US invading Ukraine

    Russia’s deputy UN envoy sees possibility of US invading Ukraine [he is only saying it as a joke, because after all this panic campaign it would be disappointing if no invasion haapened, so the US would have to be the one to do it so as not to disappoint] Some reasonable people were hoping...
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