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Russia ready to show what true de-communization means for Ukraine - Putin

obj 705A

May 26, 2019
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Russia ready to show what true de-communization means for Ukraine - Putin

MOSCOW, February 21. /TASS/. If Ukraine created by the Bolsheviks wants genuine de-communization, this will suit Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.

"Now grateful descendants have demolished monuments to Lenin in Ukraine. This is what they call de-communization. Do you want de-communization? Well, this quite suits us. But you must not stop halfway. We are ready to show you what genuine de-communization means for Ukraine," Putin said in his address to the nation over the situation in Ukraine’s southeast.

The modern Ukraine was entirely created by Communist Russia, Russian President said. "The modern Ukraine was entirely and completely created by Russia, or rather, the Bolshevik, Communist Russia," the head of state said.

"This process started almost immediately after the 1917 Revolution; Lenin and his associates did it in a way, very brutal towards Russia itself - by separating, alienating parts of Russia’s own historic territories," Putin added.

According to Putin, "nobody asked millions of people about anything.".

"Then, before and after the Great Patriotic War, Stalin acquired some territory that previously belonged to Poland, Romania and Hungary, and handed them over to Ukraine. […] In 1945, [Nikita] Khruschev took Crimea away from Russia for some reason and also granted it to Ukraine," Putin noted. "This was how the territory of the modern Ukraine was created.".

Vladimir Lenin is the author and the architect of Ukraine, it can be called after him, Putin said. "The Soviet Ukraine emerged as a result of the Bolshevik policy, and even nowadays it can with good reason be called Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Ukraine. He is its author and architect. This is fully confirmed by the archive documents, including Lenin’s directives regarding Donbass which was literally squeezed into Ukraine," Putin said.


Ukraine became too greedy, Russia had no issue with Ukraine joining EU as long as it pledged it would never ever join NATO yet Ukraine did the opposite and pledged that it would work towards joining NATO and now their arrogance may cause their country to sieze to exist or as Putin put's it "the true de-communization of Ukraine".
The big bear has woken from her hibernation.

Watch out and enjoy the ride with Mother Russia.

RIP Ukraine

About time it woke up --
Now to rebalance this they need to integrate their economy with China asap which they are doing but need to be on a greater scale.
I never believed that I will hear these words by a president sitting in the Kremlin. For the first time he is talking in such a direct way about the 1917 coup, the greatest catastrophe in the history of Russia. I dont know what will happen next, I just pray that when its over we will have the country we lost in 1917. And I dont talk about territories I talk about ideology.
I never believed that I will hear these words by a president sitting in the Kremlin. For the first time he is talking in such a direct way about the 1917 coup, the greatest catastrophe in the history of Russia. I dont know what will happen next, I just pray that when its over we will have the country we lost in 1917. And I dont talk about territories I talk about ideology.

80% of the world is with Russia in this endeavor.

Contrast this with the support for NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999.
This is why this Draculean nation of Russia needs to be dismembered into smaller, more manageable pieces so it doesn't go around posing existential threat to other countries.
I am neutral but I feel NATO has f***** up Ukraine and Russia has all right to defend before even bigger post cold war era.
I never believed that I will hear these words by a president sitting in the Kremlin. For the first time he is talking in such a direct way about the 1917 coup, the greatest catastrophe in the history of Russia. I dont know what will happen next, I just pray that when its over we will have the country we lost in 1917. And I dont talk about territories I talk about ideology.
Putin is still beholden to the Bolshevik/Zionist ideology. They have you all by the balls and won't be letting go anytime soon.
This is territorial expansion with military means disguised with fancy words and homilies.
It is the exact word for replay of Hitler's grasp of Sudetenland in order to "save" them.

Putin is still beholden to the Bolshevik/Zionist ideology. They have you all by the balls and won't be letting go anytime soon.

Read what Putin has said. He is using West's excuse of threat of expansion of communism to defeat their own argument.

West wanted no communism and Putin is going to deliver it both letter and spirit.

West should have been more careful what they wished for, But it is too late now as Putin is going to deliver their wish with both Principal and Interest.


I say "liberators" from Communism.

Final there will be no Communism in Ukraine and Europe. Thanks to Russia and Putin.
Read what Putin has said. He is using West's excuse of threat of expansion of communism to defeat their own argument.

West wanted no communism and Putin is going to deliver it both letter and spirit.

West should have been more careful what they wished for, But it is too late now as Putin is going to deliver their wish with both Principal and Interest.

I'm happy someone paid attention to what Putin was saying. Lol
Russia has just invaded a independent nation

the ones supporting Russia and China will be first to cry when they are next target
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