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  1. salman77

    Prime Minister Relief Fund for Covid 19

    Title: Prime Minister Relief Fund for Covid 19 Account Number: 4162 786 786 Swift Code: NBPAPKKAMBR NBP Main Branch Karachi Note: Donations can be made starting April 1.
  2. salman77

    The Worldly Benefits of Prayer

  3. salman77

    Pakistan’s response to coronavirus among world’s best, says WHO

    The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) country representative in Pakistan, Dr Palitha Gunarathna Mahipala, said on Friday Pakistan had come up with the one of world’s best “national response programmes’ against COVID-19 pandemic and urged the people to follow the precautionary and preventive...
  4. salman77

    Muhammad Ali talked about his death

  5. salman77

    UAE interested in installing oil refinery in Pakistan: Qureshi

    Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said that the UAE has showed an interest in establishing an oil refinery in Pakistan. “It will also help create job opportunities for Pakistanis,” the foreign minister said after meeting a UAE delegation on Friday. Qureshi said that the UAE will...
  6. salman77

    UAE to Announce $1 Billion in Financial Assistance to Pakistan

    A delegation from the United Arab Emirates is set to meet with Pakistani officials to discuss ways to increase trade between the two countries and is likely to announce $1 billion in financial assistance to Pakistan, Dunya News reported Oct. 26. With Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves...
  7. salman77

    Top German business delegation to visit Pakistan tomorrow

    A high-level German businessmen delegation will arrive on a five-day visit to Pakistan today (Monday). The visit of the delegation, comprising of 36 executive-level decisionmakers of various German business houses including IT, manufacturing and service sectors, has been organised by the...
  8. salman77

    Men's Mistakes In Marriage

  9. salman77

    Miya biwi ki ladai ka anjam

  10. salman77


    A group of international scientists has discovered on the map of the world amazing discovery. Experts have calculated that the largest continuous marine line originates in Pakistan and ends at the Kamchatka Peninsula. Indian and Irish researchers decided to test the data of the online...
  11. salman77

    Touching Story: Father and Son Take Same Picture for 29 Years

    Please click on the link below to see the pictures. https://www.12facts.com/father-son-picture/
  12. salman77

    Power of bismillah

  13. salman77

    A man held in his sneeze and ruptured the back of his throat

    You know the feeling: You're about to sneeze, but don't want to spread germs so you try to hold it in. But let this man's experience be a lesson that forcefully holding in a sneeze may not be a great plan – considering you could rupture the back of your throat in the process. A 34-year-old man...
  14. salman77

    Give way to ambulance someone you love might be in there – by M.Umar (Grade 2 Student)

    Giving way to ambulance is very important as life will be on stake if nobody will give way to ambulance. There are some rules that are needed to be followed in order to give way. First of all and most importantly do not panic. You should stay calm and check where the ambulance is coming from...
  15. salman77

    Please pray for my father

    My father had a triple bypass heart surgery in June of this year (2016). He is not recovering well. He has the following symptoms. 1) Shortness of breath 2) Cough that won't go away 3) Weight loss ( lost 20 pounds since the surgery) 4) Loss of appetite Please pray for him as doctors have...
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