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Prime Minister Relief Fund for Covid 19

pm Imran khan can keep account number to himself to fund.
Title: Prime Minister Relief Fund for Covid 19
Account Number: 4162 786 786
NBP Main Branch Karachi

Note: Donations can be made starting April 1.
April Fools'?
People shall continue to do charities in private capacity, don't fall for PM fund.
There has been zero transparency offered by Imran Khan, in spending of charities and funds.

SKMCH is one of the most succesful charities in the country, so clearly he has experience in this field.

Also lets not forget that PM Gilani literally stole jewellery donated by Erdogans wife for the 2010 floods. Thats the benchmark for leadership in this country, so you should actually be glad we finally have a PM that actually cares.
SKMCH is one of the most succesful charities in the country, so clearly he has experience in this field.

Also lets not forget that PM Gilani literally stole jewellery donated by Erdogans wife for the 2010 floods. Thats the benchmark for leadership in this country, so you should actually be glad we finally have a PM that actually cares.
I have contacts of more successful charity models. Calamity in Pakistan is not limited to virus, we had people dying of hunger in Thar, it was all private charity org. who revolutionized the life there. Similarly we have poor people, children working in streets, what's govt. doing there? We can do both our selves, why shall we let him waste funds on paying salaries of PTI tigers? Evidently enough.... he's chairman of PTI not PM of Pakistan.
Now what does PM want to achieve with this fund, deliver flour at their door step or send money to their bank accounts?
If he was any bit sincere he would have offered transparency.
There has been zero transparency in the distribution of aid coming from foreign donors, ranging from cash, masks, testing kits, PPE.
When there's no transparency than it's everyone's guess.
Imran Khan has to be made answerable to every single testing kit and mask, he received from anyone.
Charity from overseas Pakistanis, he should forget..... you fool me once shame on you, you fool me twice shame on me. I will give $1000 if Imran Khan put on internet details of dam fund spending.
I have contacts of more successful charity models. Calamity in Pakistan is not limited to virus, we had people dying of hunger in Thar, it was all private charity org. who revolutionized the life there. Similarly we have poor people, children working in streets, what's govt. doing there? We can do both our selves, why shall we let him waste funds on paying salaries of PTI tigers? Evidently enough.... he's chairman of PTI not PM of Pakistan.
Now what does PM want to achieve with this fund, deliver flour at their door step or send money to their bank accounts?
If he was any bit sincere he would have offered transparency.
There has been zero transparency in the distribution of aid coming from foreign donors, ranging from cash, masks, testing kits, PPE.
When there's no transparency than it's everyone's guess.
Imran Khan has to be made answerable to every single testing kit and mask, he received from anyone.
Charity from overseas Pakistanis, he should forget..... you fool me once shame on you, you fool me twice shame on me. I will give $1000 if Imran Khan put on internet details of dam fund spending.

Post those charities then instead of disgracefully attacking a charity.

BTW most Pakistanis are going to trust a charity run by the government/PM, regardless of what some random on the internet says so stop your whining.

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