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Recent content by Farhan Malik

  1. Farhan Malik

    why doesn't Pakistan pass the nuclear technology to other muslim countries

    the Islamic world can become the strongest military alliance in the world if every muslim country possessed nuclear arsenal. in order to counter jewish hegemonic terrorism of the middle east, pakistan should transfer nuclear technology to arab nations
  2. Farhan Malik

    US Politics

    Donald Trump is a farter
  3. Farhan Malik

    GenocideAlert: Indian Genocide in Kashmir

    Those reports are being supplied to Human Rights' Watch by none other than the Indian journalists themselves. And as far as I know, cutting off media communications in a disputed territory is an international crime in itself according to UN charter...
  4. Farhan Malik

    GenocideAlert: Indian Genocide in Kashmir

    this can be considered a reliable source https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/10/07/restrictions-detentions-persist-kashmir
  5. Farhan Malik

    GenocideAlert: Indian Genocide in Kashmir

    Why is Pakistan working for the Americans on the Afghan Taliban issue as well as the Iran situation when the Americans haven't done anything for Pakistan on the Kashmir issue?
  6. Farhan Malik

    Are We Children of a lesser God: PM Imran Khan, UNGA

    Read the comments of the Americans posted under this article to find out how much the American public hates Islam and Muslims. This is for those people on this forum who hold the Americans in a high and mighty place like the mods here who keep punishing me for expressing my thoughts against...
  7. Farhan Malik

    GenocideAlert: Indian Genocide in Kashmir

    the entire idea of mass-murdering Kashmiri Muslims and constructing Hindu settlements in Jammu and Kashmir was handed down to India by Israeli jews
  8. Farhan Malik

    Fall out from September 22nd Indian-US joint welcome for Modi

    Or we can decide to exhibit Salahuddin-like courage and fight for freedom of the Kashmiris who are suffering for our sake. Are we just going to wait and watch the Hindus mass-murder the Muslims of Kashmir like the Jews did with Palestinians?
  9. Farhan Malik

    Fall out from September 22nd Indian-US joint welcome for Modi

    ... living in a fool's paradise. This is what that poisonous snake had to say about the Kashmir issue.
  10. Farhan Malik

    Israel election result too close to call - exit polls

    Israelis are clearly the greatest enemies of the entire Muslim world. It has been clearly declared by Allah Almighty Himself in the glorious Qur'an. And I feel sick watching some Muslims living in U.S and Canada praising the Jews and their hegemonic domination of the world. Allah States in...
  11. Farhan Malik

    In case of atomic attack cow dung can save you from atomic radiation- Indian Expert

    must watch! http://www.incpak.com/world/cow-dung-protects-from-nuclear-radiation/
  12. Farhan Malik

    How accurate are these rankings?

    Why are you a Budhhist for life when you can be a Muslim for eternity? Behold! The latest world military ranking. There are 7 Muslim countries, Masha'Allah, in the top 25 military powers of the world currently and hopefully this number will grow. 1. United States 2. Russia 3. China 4. India 5...
  13. Farhan Malik

    Israeli Air Force's F-35 Stealth Fighter Went Into Iran's Airspace: Report

    What is israel? over 7 decades of human rights' violations! https://web.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https://web.facebook.com/amnestyglobal/videos/2381189305535943/&show_text=0&width=476
  14. Farhan Malik

    Israeli Air Force's F-35 Stealth Fighter Went Into Iran's Airspace: Report

    Israelis are the most blatant slap in the face of UNO with their war crimes and human rights' violations supported by the USA
  15. Farhan Malik

    When will we see Pakistan Army in the top ten of this ranking?

    I'm just glad to see our military and a number of other Muslim states above Israel. Israel is undoubtedly the greatest threat to the Muslim world, continuing to expand its settlements illegally beyond its borders and committing violations of human rights without facing any repercussions by the...

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