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Fall out from September 22nd Indian-US joint welcome for Modi


Sep 8, 2009
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Kashmir has been in lockdown since August 6th

  • We approach today almost 50th day, of the Lockdown in Kashmir
  • 12 Million Kashmiri Muslims lay imprisoned in their own homes
  • Grave Human Rights violation have occurred in the region, which does not belong to India

In the context of this, today's Modi's Visit to the USA , raises a lot of questions about
Pakistan - USA ties, and the double standard of judging what is considered Human Rights Violation and what is not.

Here is Mr Trump who invited our Leadership to USA , both Imran Khan and General Sahib
and while they were away , Modi moved their 1 million soldiers into Kashmir


I know it may seem odd, and that was my first reaction when I heard the story of Invitation and warmth shown to Imran Khan and General Bajwa at USA, It just did not add up why all of sudden USA is so welcoming to Pakistani Delegate

So India was going to revoke article 370 and USA intelligence had no clue about it?
Surely Donald Trump must have known what India was about to do something in Kashmir
Yet ... there was radio silence


Donald Trump in his speech, did not mention 1 word about Kashmiri Pakistani people in prison in Indian Occupied Kashmir. So Trump took the moment to state, of course, he is against Radical Islamic Terrorism, however, he failed to address the issue of Hindu Fundamentalist radical standing beside him


Modi, Of course, warmed up to Donald Trump and stated he is the greatest US president ever

Not a word was stated about the Thousand of Demonstrators, American Demonstrators who objected to Modi's arrival in the USA, and his Radical philosophies :coffee::big_boss:

While , we waited for International community to Act , about Kashmir , Kashmiri people were starved for 50 days !!! So they can't even defend themselves due to weakness and mal nutrition

So what exactly was Promised to Pakistani Government ?
So what exactly was Promised to Pakistan Military General Sahib?

When they visited America ? Because clearly Indian Military has 1 million soldiers stationed in India while they were visiting USA and Donald Trump

DUAL attack on China in Hong Kong , this can't be coincidence, peaceful Hong Kong was disturbed

While freedom to India in Kashmir
Indian military fully geared to tackle Kashmiri Pakistanis


Foreign Policy Blunder After Blunder (Government of Pakistan)
Meanwhile, Pakistan has recently allowed Exxon Mobile to provide it Gas

  • We will be getting Gas from USA
  • Water will be coming from Dam which India is building
  • Internally, Corrupt Politicians in Pakistan are going to do Protest against Pakistan's Government

So we have up to 8 Chinese Destroyers available, for purchase we will still not consider buying them all, I created a thread for it


Donald Trump - "More USA-Indian defence deals are in works"

This should be a permanent Wake up call to Pakistani Top Brass !!!

:china:CHINA's Response to USA
China will invest 400 Billion Dollar in Iran


Are you going to still a Innocent Papu Pakistan ?

  • Gas will come from Exxon Mobile? While Iran - Pakistan gas line is on our left ?
  • Will you return Z-10 helicopter gunship , becasue you love the Super Cobras ?
  • Pakistan will you still ignore Strategic Bombers , becasue you want United Nation to come solve your issues ?
  • The only friends we have are China and Turkey , I suggest we consider making Iran similar defence offer as what China has offered them to lock down the security
  • Still not interested to buy 8 Destroyer ships from China which are surplus to their needs?
It's Time to Wake up

Find your Backbone Pakistan you are a Nuclear Nation

ps: I thank thousand of Anti Modi Demonstrators , Sikh and Muslims and Christians who stood up for Kashmiri people in today's protest , social media #howdymodi , did not allowed a single anti Modi post to appear , however I thank you spirit to protect the weak

Send them a gift in box

When Turkey's security was under threat , they knocked down any enemy plane in their airzone!!!

They went in Syria and cleaned house with no Nuclear weapon
Turkey has kicked *** , when they had to kick ***

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I have been a big supporter of Imran khan since at least 7 years or so, he is not corrupt.. he did the unthinkable of dethroning the two royal families that cursed this nation for 3-4 decades, but Kashmir is our lifeline, if he continues to be oblivious of what's happening around him, thinking the western world will somehow force India submission and restore IOK previous status then his only kidding himself, the longer we wait, the Kashmir cause is dying down and this is becoming the new status quo. I agree with you a bigger plan must have been in the works for at least a couple of years, Today all the Islamic big shots are being cornered i.e. Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, the Arabs sheikhs have sided with satan, this disunity has weakened our position, along with the premeditated FAFT grey list, regardless we should not despair, India has never ever bested us in West Pakistan, they count on their numbers, but what are 10 rats to one lion.

I hope there is Plan B, if not then the generals and our 'beloved' leader must step aside, and let someone else lead this nation e.g. a competent general, we need to put this entire country into war footing, hang those swines who looted our treasury, make an example of them, squeeze every penny from them and those that are not hanged, caged them and give them dog food for life. We need to expand our army reserves by mass recruiting able and willing Pakistanis and send them towards the cease fire line, put Nasr close proximity across the international border, and watch how many countries will RUN to 'mediate' if its not in our favour, march forward slay any armed Indian terrorist that gets in the way, also by arming the people of IOK, they will lose their hold over IOK, they already made enemies of 12 million plus Kashmiri's while the rage is burning in their eyes this is a perfect opportunity for us.. they will be heavily outnumbered by Kashmiris alone.
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This is not acceptable


I will be 100% Honest .... if these people are your friend , and they are giving out roses and medals to Modi

Iran has supported Kashmir issue yet ... we can't grow our ties with Iran why? because another brother country is not friends with them ....

Well the water is going above the head folks

We need to make a choice

Block 1 : Turkey , Iran , China , Pakistan may be Russia
Block2 : Saudia , (Undependable brother UAE) , (Undependable Bahrain), Kuwait


This guy holding hands with our Enemy , tomorrow will impose sanction on Iran ?

So we have no National Interest of our own ?

Why should not we do record trade with iran?

And who the **** is this Trump guy anyways to tell us who we can or cannot trade with !!!!

Look at China !!!

Take some lesson from China folks ....
They gurenteed their National Interest

a) Gawadar Port
b) Iranian Port

And here we are we can't even complete the Iran Pakistan gas line , to send a message and we have done a deal to buy gas from Devil itself Exoon Mobile who can pull support for gas anytime of their choosing


I mean ... really I mean .....Exxon Mobile !!!! of all people

Let me paint a picture for you


a) Our gas comes from Qatar, USA has a base there

b) Exxon Mobile, is supposed to supply us Gas, really ?! Can you trust the supply line?

c) We have invested in gas line from Central Asia, guess who looks after it, Terrorist Taliban

d) Then we have India, with 50 Ships ready to block Gulf water oil supply with Brother Oman

e) Brother Saudia gave us oil so mysteriously and I say "Mysteriously, S-300 And Patriot Missiles all failed, and some missile hit their oil depot for Oil supply is down"

****Mean while Trump is boasting he will sell Oil/Gas to India in case of any blocakade from Middle east , India will get US supplies

Is it just me who is seeing red flags all over our foreign policy , surely I can't be the only one

Who is beneficiary in all 3 cases?
I) Hong Kong
II) Kashmir
III ) Bombing of Saudia oil facilities

USA , folks waving US flags in Hong Kong
Selling India USA oil , in return for looking other way in case of Kashmir
Saudi can't sell oil USA has to sell more oil

Iran is not making money .... even after Saudia oil supply is down
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I have been a big supporter of Imran khan since at least 7 years or so, he is not corrupt.. he did the unthinkable of dethroning the two royal families that cursed this nation for 3-4 decades, but Kashmir is our lifeline, if he continues to be oblivious of what's happening around him, thinking the western world will somehow force India submission and restore IOK previous status then his only kidding himself, the longer we wait, the Kashmir cause is dying down and this is becoming the new status quo. I agree with you a bigger plan must have been in the works for at least a couple of years, Today all the Islamic big shots are being cornered i.e. Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, the Arabs sheikhs have sided with satan, this disunity has weakened our position, along with the premeditated FAFT grey list, regardless we should not despair, India has never ever bested us in West Pakistan, they count on their numbers, but what are 10 rats to one lion.

I hope there is Plan B, if not then the generals and our 'beloved' leader must step aside, and let someone else lead this nation e.g. a competent general, we need to put this entire country into war footing, hang those swines who looted our treasury, make an example of them, squeeze every penny from them and those that are not hanged, caged them and give them dog food for life. We need to expand our army reserves by mass recruiting able and willing Pakistanis and send them towards the cease fire line, put Nasr close proximity across the international border, and watch how many countries will RUN to 'mediate' if its not in our favour, march forward slay any armed Indian terrorist that gets in the way, also by arming the people of IOK, they will lose their hold over IOK, they already made enemies of 12 million plus Kashmiri's while the rage is burning in their eyes this is a perfect opportunity for us.. they will be heavily outnumbered by Kashmiris alone.

I am not supporting IK on delays in Kashmir issue. But you are overtly harsh on him.
Just imagine if it was Gaanj or Zard Ari sarkars on the helm, then what!!! They wouldn't have even issue condemnations. IK is trying diplomatic options, which we all know wouldn't work. But just to satisfy the world.
We all know war is imminent. I am sure IK knows it too. So War will happen, no doubts about it. And I am certain Pakistan will use battlefield and tactical nukes against Indian army's concentrations. Sheikh Rasheed had given indications of it, though he is not the spoke person of the PA.

The thing is this, when Indians crossed our airspace on 26th why the response wasn't strong enough from our army!! Why deterrence of overwhelming forceful reply under nuclear hang over was not materialised by PA!!!
We should start looking at our dithering PA's generals. I say Bajwa is more disappointing than IK.
IK takes their advice on the military matters, they should have given Indians overwhelming response like Turkey did, by shooting down Russian jet.
Why we didn't do that on 26th, and shoot down Indian jets!!! Wasn't it a declaration of war by Indians!!!
What sort of BS is sold to the Pakistan nation that PAF pilots in the recently held ceremony said 9 jets of IAF were in the range of PAF on 27th Feb but they didn't shot them down. Why!!!
When Turkey's Nation was under threat the mobilized their whole Army 100% every Weapon and Resource

a) Took out Mercenaries in Syria
b) Build the largest securest wall with Cement
c) Building SAM , Helicopters and all sort of goods

They even brought down Russian planes !! I mean Russia of all people !!!
Later Russia sold them S-400 out of respect to burry the bad feeling and mistakes

Turkey does not have any Nuclear Weapon !!! .....

They don't have nukes
They don't have NASR tactical
They don't have Multitude of Surface to Surface delivery Missiles
They don't have MIRV tech
They don't have Submarine to Surface Nuke launch

  • We captured Kalbhusan Yadev (Spy , Terrorist , Instigator of Terror in Pakistan , Killer) No sanctions records against India
  • 50 Days of Kashmiri Seige , people are stuck in their homes with no food , Modi is holding hands with Trump
  • If their any FATF cases against India for their Supply of Money and weapons to Gags in Karachi ??? No

Both Government of Pakistan & Also Our Military Establishment need to have a joint session and tell people of Pakistan , how was article 370 missed, and why were people so eager to go to USA

It is a 100% failure of our intelligence gathering India moved in Million Soliders into Kashmir

They are just keeping them malnourished and hungry so they can't walk or take up arms ....
Had we attacked on day 1, by now 12 million Kashmiri people would have been armed

And buy those 4-7 Destroyers from China so you don't have to look for third party to solve Kashmir issue don't buy shitty boats .... "DESTROYERS" GET DESTROYERS
Kashmir has been in lockdown since August 6th
  • We approach today almost 50th day, of the Lockdown in Kashmir
  • 12 Million Kashmiri Muslims lay imprisoned in their own homes
  • Grave Human Rights violation have occurred in the region, which does not belong to India

In the context of this, today's Modi's Visit to the USA , raises a lot of questions about
Pakistan - USA ties, and the double standard of judging what is considered Human Rights Violation and what is not.

Here is Mr Trump who invited our Leadership to USA , both Imran Khan and General Sahib
and while they were away , Modi moved their 1 million soldiers into Kashmir


I know it may seem odd, and that was my first reaction when I heard the story of Invitation and warmth shown to Imran Khan and General Bajwa at USA, It just did not add up why all of sudden USA is so welcoming to Pakistani Delegate

So India was going to revoke article 370 and USA intelligence had no clue about it?
Surely Donald Trump must have known what India was about to do something in Kashmir
Yet ... there was radio silence


Donald Trump in his speech, did not mention 1 word about Kashmiri Pakistani people in prison in Indian Occupied Kashmir. So Trump took the moment to state, of course, he is against Radical Islamic Terrorism, however, he failed to address the issue of Hindu Fundamentalist radical standing beside him


Modi, Of course, warmed up to Donald Trump and stated he is the greatest US president ever

Not a word was stated about the Thousand of Demonstrators, American Demonstrators who objected to Modi's arrival in the USA, and his Radical philosophies :coffee::big_boss:

While , we waited for International community to Act , about Kashmir , Kashmiri people were starved for 50 days !!! So they can't even defend themselves due to weakness and mal nutrition

So what exactly was Promised to Pakistani Government ?
So what exactly was Promised to Pakistan Military General Sahib?

When they visited America ? Because clearly Indian Military has 1 million soldiers stationed in India while they were visiting USA and Donald Trump

DUAL attack on China in Hong Kong , this can't be coincidence, peaceful Hong Kong was disturbed

While freedom to India in Kashmir
Indian military fully geared to tackle Kashmiri Pakistanis


Foreign Policy Blunder After Blunder (Government of Pakistan)
Meanwhile, Pakistan has recently allowed Exxon Mobile to provide it Gas

  • We will be getting Gas from USA
  • Water will be coming from Dam which India is building
  • Internally, Corrupt Politicians in Pakistan are going to do Protest against Pakistan's Government

So we have up to 8 Chinese Destroyers available, for purchase we will still not consider buying them all, I created a thread for it


Donald Trump - "More USA-Indian defence deals are in works"

This should be a permanent Wake up call to Pakistani Top Brass !!!

:china:CHINA's Response to USA
China will invest 400 Billion Dollar in Iran


Are you going to still a Innocent Papu Pakistan ?

  • Gas will come from Exxon Mobile? While Iran - Pakistan gas line is on our left ?
  • Will you return Z-10 helicopter gunship , becasue you love the Super Cobras ?
  • Pakistan will you still ignore Strategic Bombers , becasue you want United Nation to come solve your issues ?
  • The only friends we have are China and Turkey , I suggest we consider making Iran similar defence offer as what China has offered them to lock down the security
  • Still not interested to buy 8 Destroyer ships from China which are surplus to their needs?
It's Time to Wake up

Find your Backbone Pakistan you are a Nuclear Nation

ps: I thank thousand of Anti Modi Demonstrators , Sikh and Muslims and Christians who stood up for Kashmiri people in today's protest , social media #howdymodi , did not allowed a single anti Modi post to appear , however I thank you spirit to protect the weak

Send them a gift in box

When Turkey's security was under threat , they knocked down any enemy plane in their airzone!!!

They went in Syria and cleaned house with no Nuclear weapon
Turkey has kicked *** , when they had to kick ***


India’s revocation of Articles 370 & 35A was no secret. I don’t know why you are surprised this happened.
when you show weakness no one listen to you,world only listen to powerful and those who threaten to use of military force,look at nkorea and iran they show strength and their eagerness to use military force and u.s has done nothing to them and instead iran influence is increasing in middle east,if iran showed restraint due to fear of economic sanctions they would be unable to obtain influence in middle east but we are nuclear power and showing coward attitude due to lack of good courageous leadership
Seems like USA and India plotted the Kashmir act, so strategically our leadership was called up in USA , just when Indian soldiers were moving into Kashmir before lock down

In the post-visit , Pakistan was aiming for a calm dialog and resolution , however what we found was their was a backstab done

In our , naiveness we waited 50 days for World to come together and Sanction India
i think india is able to get u.s support through israel
Seems like USA and India plotted the Kashmir act, so strategically our leadership was called up in USA , just when Indian soldiers were moving into Kashmir before lock down

In the post-visit , Pakistan was aiming for a calm dialog and resolution , however what we found was their was a backstab done
But it is 100% Pakistan's own fault , we are a Nuclear Nation but when we talk about national interest we talk like we are Madagascar Island

  • We absolutely refuse to get Destroyer Class ships , we like tiny boats small, ships
  • We don't solve our crisis by saying "I" , we seek for third party interference
  • We have not learned lesson from Iran or Turkey how to treat aggression against you
our major problem is that we depend more on personalities and not focus on institution building,we gave extension to coas that it is very critical situation and we are facing a threat but they way we are behaving I think it would be much better that transition of coas would have done in normal manner without need of extension as army is not going to fight any war war for iok and we are not considering any serious threat from india
But it is 100% Pakistan's own fault , we are a Nuclear Nation but when we talk about national interest we talk like we are Madagascar Island

  • We absolutely refuse to get Destroyer Class ships , we like tiny boats small, ships
  • We don't solve our crisis by saying "I" , we seek for third party interference
  • We have not learned lesson from Iran or Turkey how to treat aggression against you
this was merely a stunt to dip into the pictures of the american indian diaspora for trump's reelection, nothing more, nothing less. indian population is too wide spread across the u.s. and far too small to make a difference in ther votes...its not gonna remove the heat from india's tail especially since Pakistan has its boots on america's tail in Afghanistan.

stop hyperventilating guys! :rolleyes:
Need of the time is that we become realistic in the geopolitical matters and stop entertaining delusions, at the public level.

We should be clear that in our conflicts with India, US never ever extended us any support, whatsoever, even when we were their core allies and India's alliance was with USSR. What to expect now, when relations between India and US are on a far higher plain.

In spite of that, we shall endeavor our best to maintain good relations with US, as far as possible, without compromise on our fundamental foreign policy objectives, including the issue of Kashmir.
... living in a fool's paradise.

This is what that poisonous snake had to say about the Kashmir issue.


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