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Are We Children of a lesser God: PM Imran Khan, UNGA

The Eagle

Oct 15, 2015
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Are We Children of a lesser God: PM Imran Khan, UNGA

News Desk
September 27, 2019

Children of a lesser God

Prime Minister Imran Khan in a much-awaited forceful speech at the United Nations asked the world community, whether Muslims are children of a lesser God. He spoke extempore for over 50 minutes in which he discussed climate change, corruption, Islam and Kashmir. He not only covered all major points in every area tackled. He also addressed multiple audiences, the West, Pakistan, and India. He was emotional but spoke with facts.

The Prime Minister started his speech by appealing to the world to take quick action on climate change as it affects everyone. Pakistan is in top ten countries most affected by climate change He pointed out that PTI government had planted 1 billion trees in KPK in past 5 years, and is intending to do another 10 billion across Pakistan in the next 5 years, however, he pointed out that one country alone cannot do enough.

He then tackled another topic which is close to his heart: corruption and flight of capital. Here he excoriated the west that it accepted billions of illicit dollars that leave poorer countries, sent by their corrupt elites and reach the West via offshore companies, tax havens and go into property markets, and other markets in the West, London, and New York being prime beneficiaries. The same western countries make it difficult for poor governments to retrieve this money to bring back into their country. What he couldn’t mention, but if the West was really serious about money laundering they would make it easier to return illicit money. This would make it difficult for corrupt money launderers to take their money anywhere. There wouldn’t be much need for the FATF forums and so on if this was implemented.

While these are all extremely important topics at any point in time. But, in this UNGA meeting, what everyone was waiting for -and – the real highlight of his speech, was his addressing Islamophobia and Kashmir.

Before tackling Kashmir, Prime Minister Khan expressed he had always waited for this opportunity, to stand on the international forum to explain to the West why Muslims reacted in an emotional way to satirical comments and pictures on the Prophet Mohammad. For the West, it was very difficult to understand this he said and he narrated a story that when he went to the UK he remembered seeing a comedy on the Life of Jesus Christ and he was shocked. The comedy he was referring to most probably was the very famous Monty Python’s Life of Brian, a 1979 British show, which was a box office success, a satirical take on Jesus Christ. He eloquently explained that for Muslims, the Prophet Mohammad lived in their hearts and thus for them, ridicule of him was too close to them to ignore and forget. To further explain his point he gave the analogy of the Jews and the pain which Holocaust reminds them, and the sensitivity the West has to this.

Before talking of Kashmir, PM Imran Khan addressed the audience with his thoughts on India, and the peace gestures Pakistan under his government had made to Narendra Modi’s government. He made it clear, he had no ill intention towards India, he pointed out “I love going to India, I have friends in India, as a cricketer I had a huge number of fans there”. “As soon as we came to government we immediately reached out to India.” “I spoke with Modi when he spoke of terrorism, I reminded him about Kulbhushan Yadev and his actions in Karachi and Baluchistan and said let us move forward and focus on building our countries, focus on poverty issues, climate change issues.”

However, the Indian government was not interested in peace. Prime Minister pointed out that they canceled the foreign minister’s meetings that were meant to happen between the two countries last year at the UNGA, then after Pulwama, he reached out again and said provide evidence and we will take strict action, instead, India did Balakot and he jokingly added “and they struck 10 trees – which was quite painful, given that, you know, we are growing all these trees.” Pakistan returned the Indian pilot for humanitarian reasons and thought the Indian government was under pressure because of their upcoming elections. However, PM Imran Khan pointed out that during the Indian general election, Narendra Modi and his team spent all their time telling the electorate it was all about having taught Pakistan a lesson.

PM Imran Khan said after the Indian general elections, they reached out again, and it was not until Pakistani government found out that India was actively lobbying for its blacklisting they realized that Indians had their own agenda.

He came to his finale – Kashmir, he spoke over 20 minutes and castigated the international community for doing nothing because India has a market of 1.2 billion people, for forgetting the 100,000 Kashmiris that had died the past thirty years and the 11,000 women that had been raped. He asked them a rhetorical question: What do you think will happen when the curfew is lifted? What will the Kashmiris think – after being boxed up for 55 days, 13,000 boys picked up, no rights and treated like animals.

read more: Kashmir Tragedy – An Identity of Eternal Pain?

He painted a grim picture for the world that there will be a bloodbath as the boys come out and the soldiers start shooting. Kashmiris can only be radicalized after this and there can only be another Pulwama and India will blame Pakistan he warned.

He ridiculed the Indian claims that Pakistan will send in 500 militants – and said what are 500 militants against 900,000 soldiers. Under the garb of calling something, ‘Islamic terrorism’ countries can get away with anything. “Are we Children of a Lesser God, will it not cause us pain?” Ironically he used the expression from Arundhuti Roy’s book God of Small Things, an Indian Christian author, who is fervently hated by the BJP.

He urged the UN to take responsibility and play the role it was set up to do so in 1945, and not standstill as the world community did in 1939 and allowed Germany to swallow Czechslovakia, which started World War 2, in which millions of people died. ” You are supposed to stop this happening” he exhorted the UN.

He warned the international community, Pakistan is a seven times smaller country, we have two options either we surrender or will will fight to our deaths. Here he mentioned that when two nuclear armed countries fight what ‘to death means.’

He ended his speech that this is the time to take action. India must be forced to immediately lift curfew, free political prisoner and the 13,000 boys and the World must push India to give Kashmiris the right to self determination.

His speech was applauded by all commentators:

UN is just a mutation of the league of nations and as before totally useless. Surprising thing is old countries have forgotten about the impact of the failures of the league of nations had on them:-


The League of Nations

Founded on the hopes of peace and collective security, the League of Nations was instituted at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. However, the lack of strength through an army, structure, and America’s presence, all combined to undermine the effectiveness of the League, leading to incompetent peace initiatives. For instance, in 1931, Japan went to war with China. In the following year, Japan took over Manchuria. In response to China’s appeals, the League sent out the Lord Lytton commission to examine the situation in Manchuria. Yet, the situation only worsened when Lytton named Japan the aggressor, causing Japan to withdraw from the League. The League’s ineffectiveness in resolving or even lessening the hostilities between Japan and China, and Japan’s exit from the League, marked the beginning of Japanese enmity towards the Allied nations of Europe. Moreover, in 1935, Mussolini’s desire for Italian prominence in Europe led him to invade Ethiopia. By 1936, Ethiopia was completely under Italian control.

Once again, the League’s inadequacy in the instigation of peace was evident when they placed economic sanctions on Italy. These sanctions were useless in initiating peace and order in Ethiopia, since they did not ban the sale of oil to Italy. Moreover, Britain, a member of the League of Nations, did not close the Suez Canal to Italian military carriers. In fact, rather than quelling Italy’s imperialistic passions, the sanctions only annoyed Mussolini into allying himself with Hitler. Therefore, in an effort to push Japan and Italy into more peaceful terms with their respective nations of imperialistic interest, the League of Nation’s lack of threat only led Japan and Italy into friendlier terms with Hitler, forming the Axis. Tensions grew and the world suffered again in WWII.


To satisfy Germany’s initial territorial demands to prevent open aggression, appeasement—agreeing to demands in order to prevent war—was used to prolong peace. Shortly following Germany’s union with Austria, Hitler threatened peace in Europe by endangering Czechoslovakia’s independence. In response to this crisis, however, France and Russia were unwilling to defend Czechoslovakia. Britain chose to use the policy of appeasement as a peace initiative. The armed forces of Britain would not be able to defend all parts of Britain’s empire simultaneously, and thus, the British did not want both a fight with Japan in the east and Germany in the west. Unfortunately, the futility of appeasement become more evident as Hitler’s demands grew. At first, Hitler demanded the transfer of the Sudetenland to Germany, from Chamberlain, who then persuaded the Czech government into appeasing Hitler.

However, in a second meeting, Hitler demanded that his troops were to have the right to occupy the Sudetenland. French and British rejection of Hitler’s demands led Hitler to agree to talk once more, As a result, a conference was held at Munich, in which the Sudetenland was handed over to Germany. Although it seemed as if appeasement was a successful approach and would lead to a lasting peace when Hitler stated that the Sudetenland was “the last territorial claim [he had] to make in Europe," Hitler could not simply be appeased. Such a tactic did nothing to stop Hitler, as Britain did not intervene using force, only diplomacy. Hitler falsified claims about chaos in the Czech government and marched his troops into the capital, Prague. Subsequent to Hitler’s occupation of Czechoslovakia, he invaded Poland. Therefore, it was evident that Hitler deceived the world in the Munich Agreement, and Britain and France realized that war was necessary. When Hitler invaded Poland, Britain declared war on Germany, beginning the Second World War.

Looking Ahead…

Unfortunately, the peace initiatives subsequent to WWI were ineffective, in that they did not prevent the advent of WWII. Following the victory of the Allied powers, the Treaty of Versailles was written during the Paris Peace Conference, in which Germany was harshly treated. Instead of deterring Germany from future aggression, the Treaty only fuelled the German people’s desire for revenge, leading to the rise of Hitler. Ironically, the claim of WWI being the “war to end all wars" only became a platform for the rise of further aggression and WWII.

i think it would be more appropriate if he said that are we not creatures and servant of same GOD ALMIGHTY WHO made you western people
He is not claiming anything rather hitting hard on the sleeping heads while highlighting the bias & hypocrisy of the world.
i think it would be more appropriate if he said that are we not creatures and servant of same GOD ALMIGHTY WHO made you western people

You have to understand the use of such words especially to attract western/christian audience at large. It may seems dubious to you but that is not the case in view of broader aspect.

What you suggest is more of unethical like mentioning "creatures" and use of "servant" and then, not all of them believes in ALLAH. How come a leader in UNGA can do this. One can't enforce his/her religion on others that many of them may feel provoked. There is lot of difference between speech of a common gathering or at world stage.... choice of words can benefit or become catastrophic.
You are dealing with certified patwari he wont understand
You have to understand the use of such words especially to attract western/christian audience at large. It may seems dubious to you but that is not the case in view of broader aspect.

What you suggest is more of unethical like mentioning "creatures" and use of "servant" and then, not all of them believes in ALLAH. How come a leader in UNGA can do this. One can't enforce his/her religion on others that many of them may feel provoked. There is lot of difference between speech of a common gathering or at world stage.... choice of words can benefit or become catastrophic.
i think most of them are atheist and all religion who believe in GOD ALMIGHTY existence have belief that humans are made by GOD ALMIGHTY which has same meaning as creation of GOD ALMIGHTY ,I change my earlier word used as creatures to creation for better understanding.I think if we have choice between using two words we should choose those which are common between all religion to create harmony
You have to understand the use of such words especially to attract western/christian audience at large. It may seems dubious to you but that is not the case in view of broader aspect.

What you suggest is more of unethical like mentioning "creatures" and use of "servant" and then, not all of them believes in ALLAH. How come a leader in UNGA can do this. One can't enforce his/her religion on others that many of them may feel provoked. There is lot of difference between speech of a common gathering or at world stage.... choice of words can benefit or become catastrophic.
Read the comments of the Americans posted under this article to find out how much the American public hates Islam and Muslims. This is for those people on this forum who hold the Americans in a high and mighty place like the mods here who keep punishing me for expressing my thoughts against Americans
Don't ever listen to US politician at the UN single out China for the mistreatment of Muslim, I guarantee you not a single white Christian care for the well being of Muslim, US good at selective human right promoters when human rights serve the purpose for US to slander their rival then the screaming of Muslim suffer from human rights abused can be heard all over the UN session. As Trump condemn China treatment of Muslim while US militaey drop bombs on Afghanistan that killed hundred of farmers recently.
If this guy remains pm and continues on this line. . Tides of power in world will change again
i think it would be much better he avoid such words which are dubious and have risk of shirk in their meaning
you would say this only if you don't speak proper english. in english language children of God mean creations of God. british speak this way. also its in the new testament and old testament. according to english langauge you me moses , mohammad jesus, Israel, David peace be upon them all are children of God the Almighty. Creator of the universe.

its a problem of English language and translaitons. if you speak and understand english langauge u wont be offended by it. its a flaw of english lanauge. they even call angels as gods with small g.

imran khan was talking to them in their language (british english). he didn't speak urdu or pasthu or arabic.
this word was used from the beginning by jews and christans and it is part of their belief,Holy Quran has prohibited using this word many times so it is better we avoid using such words and instead use words with clear meaning
you would say this only if you don't speak proper english. in english language children of God mean creations of God. british speak this way. also its in the new testament and old testament. according to english langauge you me moses , mohammad jesus, Israel, David peace be upon them all are children of God the Almighty. Creator of the universe.

its a problem of English language and translaitons. if you speak and understand english langauge u wont be offended by it. its a flaw of english lanauge. they even call angels as gods with small g.

imran khan was talking to them in their language (british english). he didn't speak urdu or pasthu or arabic.
this word was used from the beginning by jews and christans and it is part of their belief,Holy Quran has prohibited using this word many times so it is better we avoid using such words and instead use words with clear meaning

as i said if u speak english you wont be offended. i know ur point of view. i held the same point of view till i was 22 years old and went outside pakistan and learn about cultures. its a Flaw in english language nothing more. Imran khan was talking to the western people who mainly speak English language. every word was according used to make it easy for them to understand.

when you say Allah they think of an Alien God who they don't know. they fear the Name Allah as if its a fake new God. while the truth is you use Arabic word even when speaking English ... the correct Word is Almighty God. The Creator of the universe.

there is so much stuff we do wrong when we speak english and mix it with urdu and arabic. you see English language is different and has flaws in it when it comes to comparison with Hebew arabic and urdu. anyways there was nothing wrong with that statement as the audience who the message was directed at understood the message. you can't because u don't comprehend their language. yet.

His speech was EPIC.
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