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Israeli Air Force's F-35 Stealth Fighter Went Into Iran's Airspace: Report

F-35 don't have the combat radius to go to Iran from Israel. More than 1100 km.

It can actually, Australian F-35 have reported a range of 1500 km + with endurance configuration, and the shortest point between Tehran and Israel is only 1430km, I was at Avalon early this year and F-35 are exhibited there.

Also, Wikipedia reported the combat radius is 760 nmi (or 1460km) and the Israeli can use drop tank and mid-air refuelling or both to support the mission.

So yes, Israeli F-35 have the combat radius to and back from Tehran.
Load of BS

F-35 will have to get refueled over Iraq to reach Iran. LOL

Its actually the other way around. IRGC drones have violated Israeli airspace in past.

when they can bomb baghdad nuclear with f16 why cant they go iran . they can do it . f35 is fine tech of 2019


common sense ?
Load of BS

F-35 will have to get refueled over Iraq to reach Iran. LOL

Its actually the other way around. IRGC drones have violated Israeli airspace in past.


common sense ?
you need to watch some documentary or read articles how they managed F-16 to reach baghdad and return too without refueling . they worked many months very hard to convert f-16 to carry load of weapons and feul . do not forget there was no AAM on that mission . be honest to appreciate enemy please . do not under estimate them ,

iran israel border distance is 1000km and f-35 Combat radius is 1239 km so they can easily come inside iran 240km and go back if they did not mid air refuel .
It does not matter what you believe. War machines are not built to impress but to do one thing -- produce death and destruction.

No, lie to us. Please...

Yeah...I heard various versions of this since the 1980s when I joined the USAF.

Airpower is about power projection in the third dimension. Even if an air force is used primarily for defense, its combat aircrafts are to project power ahead of other forces such as ground and naval. Deterrence is possible only if a potential enemy is convinced such projection exists. Missiles of any kind do not have that kind of perception. What you said is outright ignorant, and I say that kindly.


As always---thank you for an excellent post---.
Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) commander Brigadier General Farzad Ismaili, who had been in office since 2010, has been fired by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei after he kept secret that Israeli Air Force (IAF) F-35 stealth fighters had violated Iran’s airspace, the Kuwaiti daily Al Jarida reported on Saturday.

Every general in Iran has a time limit. The time of Mr. Ismaili's command was over. And that was a predetermined thing. The commander of the sepah was also replaced some time ago. this was for what failure?

These news is being released to keep Arab leaders tame. these thing don't work on us . if you don't believe ask wreckage of expensive american plane in PG waters...
Balls man. Imagine if it got shot down.

Not really
If it got shot down Israel and us will claim that Iran was the aggressor ( despite the plane violating Iran's air space) and the US would then use that as an excuse to launch their own attack.
you need to watch some documentary or read articles how they managed F-16 to reach baghdad and return too without refueling . they worked many months very hard to convert f-16 to carry load of weapons and feul . do not forget there was no AAM on that mission . be honest to appreciate enemy please . do not under estimate them ,

iran israel border distance is 1000km and f-35 Combat radius is 1239 km so they can easily come inside iran 240km and go back if they did not mid air refuel .

Do you know even a bit about Iranian AD and surveillance radars ?

here is a clue, our AD is 10 times stronger than yours.
Do you know even a bit about Iranian AD and surveillance radars ?

here is a clue, our AD is 10 times stronger than yours.
Iran AD is only in iran no one can verify it. Give it to nato for test few days so we know its really works or show off. You guys are claiming and claiming only no one can check it.
It can also violate our airspace.iran not far away from pakistan.we need good air defense systems.

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