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Genetic proof that Pakistanis are different from Indians

That may be possible however is it not also possible they are almost entirely descended from neolithic farmers who were part of the original IVC, I accept I could be wrong , however it does sound entirely plausible too me, far more plausible than the absurd theory that folks in Punjab/Gandara region were Tamil types until invasions by folk from across Hindu-Kush.Kudos
It's a fact. They share blood of both the natives and CA migrants. The fact that almost all Pakistani ethnic groups are a part of the same cluster group tells us that they all shared common ancestors that dated back all the way to the Indus Valley Civilization.
We can't say for sure. Both of our theories are still disputed b/w scientific community. But I think the migration happened. Jat's father side is related with Scythians as of the DNA tests and mother's side from Native North Indians and West Asia. Many Jats have light colored eyes and as we know light colored eyes are not native to South Asia. My friend's brother lives in London and he is a Jat too. He had his DNA test done from a site 23andme.com . It told him that he is 74% South Asian, 23% Central Asian, 2% West Asian and 1% Middle Eastner. I am also considering a DNA Test. If I will have it done, I would love to share it with you.

Do not fool us bhaiye, we know how haryanvis look. Haryanvi jats are visible darker and more ganga looking then seraki people in south punjab. Also don't believe everything you read on internet. There is no proof of scythian genetic relation what so ever. Just generic steppe/IE heritage which is even found among chuhras/masalis in punjab even if less so then mainstream punjabis.
We can't say for sure. Both of our theories are still disputed b/w scientific community. But I think the migration happened. Jat's father side is related with Scythians as of the DNA tests and mother's side from Native North Indians and West Asia. Many Jats have light colored eyes and as we know light colored eyes are not native to South Asia. My friend's brother lives in London and he is a Jat too. He had his DNA test done from a site 23andme.com . It told him that he is 74% South Asian, 23% Central Asian, 2% West Asian and 1% Middle Eastner. I am also considering a DNA Test. If I will have it done, I would love to share it with you.
It's a fact. They share blood of both the natives and CA migrants. The fact that almost all Pakistani ethnic groups are a part of the same cluster group tells us that they all shared common ancestors that dated back all the way to the Indus Valley Civilization.
Needless to say the vast majority of the genetic make-up of all these tribes, Jatts Gujjars, Punjabi Rajputs is from ancient IVC folks, genes may have inevitably trickled down from CA yet without question these tribes are the sons of IVC.Kudos
Do not fool us bhaiye, we know how haryanvis look. Haryanvi jats are visible darker and more ganga looking then seraki people in south punjab.
Then why don't you come to Haryana to see for yourself. I bet you are just generalising. The fact is that you can find both Light skinned Jats as well as dark skin Jats. If you had even a pinch of knowledge about Genetics than you wouldn't ask me this silly question. Jats are hybrid of both Scyntians and Native IVCians. So they will have both the features. It seems you were sleeping in your science classes. It's basic science taught in 10th.
I agree that Haryanvi jats are a little darker as compared to an average Punjabi but that Gap is not very large. Now, I disagree on the facial feature point. I don't think that Haryanvi jats looks more like Gangetic Plains people. This is just an utter bullshit. I am myself a Haryanvi jat and I don't look like Gangetic People.

Edit:I just Searched about Seraki People and I have just one world for you. Retard!!!! You don't know anything about Haryanvi Jats so better not to talk about us.
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Some people love to claim Central Asian and "Russian" Ancestry while we brahmins are accused of being attackers even tho we claim Native Origins !

Then why don't you come to Haryana to see for yourself. I bet you are just generalising. The fact is that you can find both Light skinned Jats as well as dark skin Jats. If you had even a pinch of knowledge about Genetics than you wouldn't ask me this silly question. Jats are hybrid of both Scyntians and Native IVCians. So they will have both the features. It seems you were sleeping in your science classes. It's basic science taught in 10th.
I agree that Haryanvi jats are a little darker as compared to an average Punjabi but that Gap is not very large. Now, I disagree on the facial feature point. I don't think that Haryanvi jats looks more like Gangetic Plains people. This is just an utter bullshit. I am myself a Haryanvi jat and I don't look like Gangetic People.
Where exactly from my Scythian friend :P?
Some people love to claim Central Asian and "Russian" Ancestry while we brahmins are accused of being attackers even tho we claim Native Origins !

As of I know Brahmins are of Indo-aryan ancestory. They have both native and foreign ancestory just like jats have both native and foreign (Scyntian) ancestory.
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Nice to know we have a Scythian living among us :D. I am a non-Jaat Haryanvi, just in case you know.
So you are making fun of me huh??? Well everyone got their own perspective. By the way where are you from?
As of I know Brahmins are of Indo-aryan ancestory. They have both native and foreign ancestory just like jats have both native and foreign (Scyntian) ancestory.
You should not have edited that post. Just saying :-).
So you are making fun of me huh??? Well everyone got their own perspective. By the way where are you from?
Ah don't be so defensive. A lot of Pakistani false flaggers from Jatland come here faking as Haryanvis hating on others just like you did in above post. Thankfully you are not one of them.
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