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Genetic proof that Pakistanis are different from Indians

I disagree with you.

We have nothing in common with Indians.
That's just being silly.

It's like a French person saying he has nothing in common with a Swedish person.

They are both European, and are as a result similar in many ways. Yes, they also have many differences (perhaps even more than similarities) but they are still (somewhat) similar.

The same relationship can be said for Pakistanis and Hindustanis.
No, cast is defined by occupation. While ethnicity by blood and culture. Jats have different blood than other farming casts.
Jats are pretty much out of caste system. Could you scythian origin disputed however. More or less we are an ethnicity now.

Haryana is different linguistics wise. North India constitutes many tribes having different cultures.

You are haryanvis and your caste is jat... you have the same culture,ethnicity etc as your other haryanvi kin of different castes.

Unless you look different,speak different,have different food,traditions,culture...

That's just being silly.

It's like a French person saying he has nothing in common with a Swedish person.

They are both European, and are as a result similar in many ways. Yes, they also have many differences (perhaps even more than similarities) but they are still (somewhat) similar.

The same relationship can be said for Pakistanis and Hindustanis.
We is a broad term here.

As a Pakistani of Baloch origin.. i have nothing in common with an indian.

You as a panjabi might have in common with indian panjabis.

Also the term hindustani has historically been used for people of UP,CP .. hindi/urdu belt not panjab or sindh.

You are haryanvis and your caste is jat... you have the same culture,ethnicity etc as your other haryanvi kin of different castes.

Unless you look different,speak different,have different food,traditions,culture...
Now look, caste is based on occupation. You can be a non Jat but still a farmer. An iyer farmer will not share blood with Jats because they have different ethnic groups but their casts will be same because they have similar occupation. Cast doesn't define your ethnicity. According to DNA tests, Jats are Indo-Scythians. While iyers are Dravidians. Only 30% of Haryanvi population is Jat. Others are non-Jats. Jats have a slightly different customs and culture than other Haryanvis. They also have different DNA than non Jats. Other Haryanvis mainly follow Hinduism, Sikhism etc. While Jats have Jathera which is a type of a Ancestorial Worship. Even Hindu Jats practice Jathera along with Hinduism.
One more thing our kins are Gujjars, which share quit a lot of DNA, but there is still some difference in our DNA.
You can compare our DNA with Khatris too, and there will be difference in that too, as Khatris are Indo-aryans while we are Indo-Scythians.
Not just Khatris, but you can compare us with every other ethnic group in India. The closest you will get will either be Gujjars, or Rajputs.
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According to DNA tests, Jats are Indo-Scythians.
And where the hell is the evidence to corroborate this, the facts are jatts are Indus folks, all these theories about Scythians and Indo-Aryans are mere speculation from folks from lands afar, what is correct and without doubt, Jatts have been in the Indus region for millennia and all talk about central asian origins is all conjecture.Kudos
Technically, we are not that different. Of course, in today world where the color has become important issue even though it is artificial issue at best which doesn't negate the mixed population throughout the history of mankind from two DNAs; 23+23 known as Prophet Adam and Eve (PBUTA).

In the past, there was few ancient regions such as Africa, India, Atlantis [frozen], and Middle East [Egypt] based on the rumor. Makkah during Pre-Noah (PBUH) was actually closer to India and Africa based on the theory.

From the white to the Chinese/Japanese, Pukhtoons to the Desi, we are all mixed; one way or other. We all have some percent of mixed genetic based on Ancestory record which many partook only to find out that most of white people had Africa genetic blood while their racial mindset towards Africa projected otherwise for years until the result.
And where the hell is the evidence to corroborate this, the facts are jatts are Indus folks, all these theories about Scythians and Indo-Aryans are mere speculation from folks from lands afar, what is correct and without doubt, Jatts have been in the Indus region for millennia and all talk about central asian origins is all conjecture.Kudos
I am unable to find any evidence about your theory being true as well. I found an article saying that DNA tests have proved that Jats are Indo-Scythians. But then, that article is from Jatland.wikia, a not so Reliable website, so we don't really have a solid proof of Jat's origin. It would be helpful if you could find some solid evidence about Jat's origin.
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I am unable to find any evidence about your theory being true as well. I found an article saying that DNA tests have proved that Jats are Indo-Scythians. But then, that article is from Jatland.wikia, a not so Reliable website, so we don't really have a solid proof of Jat's origin. It would be helpful if you could find some solid evidence about Jat's origin.
Indus region!
And here's what I got from Internet

View attachment 427809
Hmm, seems like PDF can't handle a long screenshot. Let me copy it.


A recent study of the people of Indian Punjab, where about 40% or more of the population are Jat people, strongly shows that the Jat people are Indo-Scythians.[102] The study involved a genealogical DNA test which examined single nucleotide polymorphisms (mutations in a single DNA "letter") on the Y chromosome (which occurs only in males). Jats share many common haplotypes with Ukrainian people, Germanic people, Slavic people, Baltic peoples, Iranian people, and Central Asian groups.[103] This strongly indicates they originate from near or in Ukraine.[104] It found Jat people share only two haplotypes, one of which is also shared with the population of present-day Turkish people, and have few matches with neighbouring Pakistani populations.[105] This haplotype shared between the two Jat groups may be part of an Indo-Aryan (or Indo-European people) genetic contribution to these populations, where as the haplotypes shared with other Eurasian populations is due to the strong DNA contributions of Indo-European Scythians (Saka, Massagetae) and White Huns.[106] The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) female DNA, Jats contain haplogroups typical of Northern India, Pakistan, and West Asia. This indicates that for the female mtDNA, there is very little connection with Central Asian and northwest European populations, even though Jats share many Y-SNP markers with these populations. Therefore, this DNA Study proves that there has been male DNA into the Jat people from Ukrainian Scythians (Saka, Massagetae) and White Huns.[107]

The highlighted DNA Study suggests that there has been male DNA into the Jat people from Ukrainian Scythians (Saka, Massagetae) and White Huns.[108]

Hmm, seems like PDF can't handle a long screenshot. Let me copy it.


A recent study of the people of Indian Punjab, where about 40% or more of the population are Jat people, strongly shows that the Jat people are Indo-Scythians.[102] The study involved a genealogical DNA test which examined single nucleotide polymorphisms (mutations in a single DNA "letter") on the Y chromosome (which occurs only in males). Jats share many common haplotypes with Ukrainian people, Germanic people, Slavic people, Baltic peoples, Iranian people, and Central Asian groups.[103] This strongly indicates they originate from near or in Ukraine.[104] It found Jat people share only two haplotypes, one of which is also shared with the population of present-day Turkish people, and have few matches with neighbouring Pakistani populations.[105] This haplotype shared between the two Jat groups may be part of an Indo-Aryan (or Indo-European people) genetic contribution to these populations, where as the haplotypes shared with other Eurasian populations is due to the strong DNA contributions of Indo-European Scythians (Saka, Massagetae) and White Huns.[106] The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) female DNA, Jats contain haplogroups typical of Northern India, Pakistan, and West Asia. This indicates that for the female mtDNA, there is very little connection with Central Asian and northwest European populations, even though Jats share many Y-SNP markers with these populations. Therefore, this DNA Study proves that there has been male DNA into the Jat people from Ukrainian Scythians (Saka, Massagetae) and White Huns.[107]

The highlighted DNA Study suggests that there has been male DNA into the Jat people from Ukrainian Scythians (Saka, Massagetae) and White Huns.[108]

Fake news!!! Jatts have been in the Indus region for time immemorial!

You are haryanvis and your caste is jat... you have the same culture,ethnicity etc as your other haryanvi kin of different castes.

Unless you look different,speak different,have different food,traditions,culture...

We is a broad term here.

As a Pakistani of Baloch origin.. i have nothing in common with an indian.

You as a panjabi might have in common with indian panjabis.

Also the term hindustani has historically been used for people of UP,CP .. hindi/urdu belt not panjab or sindh.
Jats are not really a "Caste". They have always been against Brahminism and have resisted it in many ways. They have been prosecuted by Brahmin Dynasties. It was the reason why many of them mass-converted to other religions such as Sikhism, Buddhism and Islam even many Hindu Jats followed certain sects which discarded castes.

Fake news!!! Jatts have been in the Indus region for time immemorial!
Jatts, Rajputs and Gujjars who are all related have their origins in Central Asia. They are a mix of both native peoples and various CA migrations.
Jatts, Rajputs and Gujjars who are all related have their origins in Central Asia. They are a mix of both native peoples and various CA migrations.
That may be possible however is it not also possible they are almost entirely descended from neolithic farmers who were part of the original IVC, I accept I could be wrong , however it does sound entirely plausible too me, far more plausible than the absurd theory that folks in Punjab/Gandara region were Tamil types until invasions by folk from across Hindu-Kush.Kudos
Fake news!!! Jatts have been in the Indus region for time immemorial!
We can't say for sure. Both of our theories are still disputed b/w scientific community. But I think the migration happened. Jat's father side is related with Scythians as of the DNA tests and mother's side from Native North Indians and West Asia. Many Jats have light colored eyes and as we know light colored eyes are not native to South Asia. My friend's brother lives in London and he is a Jat too. He had his DNA test done from a site 23andme.com . It told him that he is 74% South Asian, 23% Central Asian, 2% West Asian and 1% Middle Eastner. I am also considering a DNA Test. If I will have it done, I would love to share it with you.
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