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Pakistan falling behind India, BD on multidimensional poverty: Source OPHI


Dec 1, 2016
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@RiazHaq, @Joe Shearer, @Nilgiri

Pakistan which until 2010 was ahead of India and BD on multidimensional poverty index seems to have fallen back in the last few years.



Source: OPHI Country Briefing 2017: Pakistan

MPI= 0.230, Percentage of poor people (H)= 44%, average intensity across the poor (A)= 52%


Source: OPHI Country Briefing 2017: India

MPI=0.191, H= 41%, A=46%


Source: OPHI Country Briefing 2017: Bangladesh

MPI=0.196, H= 41%, A=47%

Dear Brof Riazul Haq sb, what do you make of the latest findings. If correct, your hypothesis about democrazy being bad for Pak holds true. Under Mushy, Pak was beating India (0.23 v/s 0.28 comfortably), now India, BD turning tide. Time for the Pak fauj to do their patriotic duty?

Brof Riazul Haq sb jawaab do!!! Jawaab do!!! jawaab do!!!

Particularly when its a matter of poverty. Laughing on online forums about who is poorer is a cruel joke on your part on our own people.

Let the Pakistanis partake in this. We need to keep our head down and continue to work in making our country better. Its the Pakistanis job to indulge in such activities.
Pakistan will bounce back.Pakistan just need to focus on curbing high population growth rate and security.Then other things will be much easier.All of the south Asian countries need 0 population growth to maximize the per capita gain.
Doyal bhai,

Pakistan just need to focus on curbing high population growth rate

If my friend the good Brof sb is to be believed, high population growth is a good thing, he has written in several forums (or is it fora?) that the real demographic crisis is in the West where pop is declining, not in Pak where population is growing....


All we need to do remove the corrupt leaders and world will see great improv in pakistan.
first of all MPI have much more to do with level of education, life expectancy, child mortality,nutrition,sanitation etc its not about how much money you got in hand, you still suffer from more poverty in that way..

i hope there was road and highway index, we can defeat all regional countries in that, its all about priorities, i hope we elect Imran Khan who is probably the only leader in south Asia who emphasize on things like HDI and human development.

for current regime, There is no to very low commission in building hospital compared to a metro, highway or motorways..
Every year we move forward Pakistan is going to go down, down and down. Expect this in all indices coming from most organizations - this downward curve will be more pronounced from one index to the next.

The reason is sadly nothing is foolproof against bias or political bent. Take courts. Juries that are randomly selected in America have been shown to have bias if there are no Blacks. Pakistan as a country is bound to get a raw deal. It has extreme negative image abroad.

I have been saying for some years that things are going to get increasingly for Pakistan in the West. One of the things I have noticed about Western people is how naive [pretend or otherwise] they can be. Imagine if got a job in some institute that publishes statistics or reports about countries. I can if I want sound incredibly educated, polished and apear as a impartial observer. However would any of the Indian members trust me on any reports on India or Bangladesh given my well known procilivity for being harsh on both but soft on Pakistan?

All you would get is my usual bias or hatred for India being packaged in some nice sounding document, in nice words, in nice graphs with a nice validation of sme posh sounding organizations. In short it would just my rubbish packaged as respectable report and most people would accept.

Well, this is exactly what has been happening in the West over the last two decades. Indian diaspora has slowly permeated into various organizations and they use vent their bile indirectly. Just to underline my point do have a look at Oxford Povety Human Development Initiative team. Not a single Pakistani but at least four Indians starting with Usha Kalabratinam.


Kaptaan sahib,

Maa kasam, I knew nothing about either OPHI or MPI until a few years back , it was your great economist Brof Riazul Haq sb who brought it to my attention.

Here is an extract from Brof sb's Musings dated Oct 2014.


"Multi-dimensional Poverty Index Captures Depth of Deprivation in India

"India is home to over 340 million destitute people and is the second poorest country in South Asia after war-torn Afghanistan...In South Asia, Afghanistan has the highest level of destitution at 38%. This is followed by India at 28.5%. Bangladesh (17.2%) and Pakistan (20.7%) have much lower levels" Colin Hunter, Center for Research on Globalization Increases in per capita income and human development index are often used as indicators to represent improvements in the lives of ordinary people in developing nations in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Both of these have significant limitations which are addressed by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI)'s MPI, multi-dimensional poverty index.

The MPI brings together 10 indicators, with equal weighting for education, health and living standards (see table). If you tick a third or more of the boxes, you are counted as poor."

Now surely if just 3 years back OPHI (whatever it is) was showing Pak in a better light than India, you cant accuse it of being biased.

Every year we move forward Pakistan is going to go down, down and down. Expect this in all indices coming from most organizations - this downward curve will be more pronounced from one index to the next.

The reason is sadly nothing is foolproof against bias or political bent. Take courts. Juries that are randomly selected in America have been shown to have bias if there are no Blacks. Pakistan as a country is bound to get a raw deal. It has extreme negative image abroad.

I have been saying for some years that things are going to get increasingly for Pakistan in the West. One of the things I have noticed about Western people is how naive [pretend or otherwise] they can be. Imagine if got a job in some institute that publishes statistics or reports about countries. I can if I want sound incredibly educated, polished and apear as a impartial observer. However would any of the Indian members trust me on any reports on India or Bangladesh given my well known procilivity for being harsh on both but soft on Pakistan?

All you would get is my usual bias or hatred for India being packaged in some nice sounding document, in nice words, in nice graphs with a nice validation of sme posh sounding organizations. In short it would just my rubbish packaged as respectable report and most people would accept.

Well, this is exactly what has been happening in the West over the last two decades. Indian diaspora has slowly permeated into various organizations and they use vent their bile indirectly. Just to underline my point do have a look at Oxford Povety Human Development Initiative team. Not a single Pakistani but at least four Indians starting with Usha Kalabratinam.


You make a good point as always.

Indians are doing you over. No secret in that. No shame either.

Its what you would have done had you managed to get in our place.

It happens at so many different levels, that given our numbers and increasing influence, the impact is only going to grow. And very broad based at that.

To modify a popular real estate cliche, perception is 9/10ths the law.

Cheers, Doc
It happens at so many different levels
It does. And is testimony of the success of the Indian diaspora. Nothing unexpected or wrong about what Indians are doing. Look at the Jewish lobby in US. In BBC, in UK media, in UK think tanks Indians dominate. That is also the same in USA.

On the contrary most Pakistanis abroad are percieved to be either driving taxis, grooming white girls, playing being Arabs in UK cities, calling for calipha, agitating for "Free Palestine", or planning to plant bombs in London. Not a good résumé for any community.

You even see it on PDF. Some of those with the strongest drive for Islamist utopia and hatred for West are Paks living in the West. Look below. Are these Pakistanis or Arab pretenders?

@Kaptaan @RiazHaq

Here is another example of bias:

Brof RUH sb writing in 2010


In a week that saw India put on the Commonwealth Games extravaganza costing $7.5 billion, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) released its World Hunger Index 2010 report calling India's hunger situation "alarming", and including it with 29 other mostly sub-Saharan African nations.

India ranks 67, far worse than Pakistan's ranking of 52 among 84 nations on the world hunger index 2010 report published recently, according to a Times of India report.

Now fast forward to 2016


India 97, Pakistan 107.

Naturally, the good Brof sb (who is btw a dear friend of almost a decades standing) doesnt bring up the GHI report any more. And needless to add, I didnt know anything about IFPRI or GHI till the good Brof brought it to our notice on chowk.com

It does. And is testimony of the success of the Indian diaspora. Nothing unexpected or wrong about what Indians are doing. Look at the Jewish lobby in US. In BBC, in UK media, in UK think tanks Indians dominate. That is also the same in USA.

On the contrary most Pakistanis abroad are percieved to be either driving taxis, grooming white girls, playing being Arabs in UK cities, calling for calipha, agitating for "Free Palestine", or planning to plant bombs in London. Not a good résumé for any community.

You even see it on PDF. Some of those with the strongest drive for Islamist utopia and hatred for West are Paks living in the West.

To be honest, I'm probably one of the Indians on PDF who's let bygones be bygones and made some good old timer Pakistani friends.

Yet when I'm in professional company abroad or with Western colleagues and the discussion (usually lunch or post lunch coffee) veers towards geopolitics, I have my way of making you guys look really bad.

Without coming across over strong as a frothing sanghi and destroying the perception.

And I've seen many doctors, scientists, IT guys, bankers, businessmen, NGO wheelers and dealers do the same in different ways.

Basically, its a mass hatchet job. By very educated and pretty rich people. Who have the ear of Westerners who count.

Cheers, Doc
Basically, its a mass hatchet job. By very educated and pretty rich people. Who have the ear of Westerners who count.
Well said. The Sanghi types have the opposite effect. It is the smooth talking, walking bunch who ever so subtly have profound effect.

I always declare I am of Pakistani origin. And do my best to give alternative view of Pakistan. But much as I try I am percieved as a anomaly in sea of craziness.
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