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BREAKING NEWS: Reina nightclub attacker who killed 39 nabbed in Istanbul

I hear that these terrorists were trained in Afghanistan by the Daesh connected to RAW operatives. So india not only supplies IED explosive to the Daesh terrorists but also secretly trains them. I'm not surprised at all.

I heard they were trained by Trolls from Bangla Desh communicating stupid opinions in bold letters.
Reina nightclub attacker who killed 39 nabbed in Istanbul
Published 22 hours ago

Reina nightclub attacker Abdulgadir Masharipov, who killed 39 people in a nightclub attack in Istanbul on New Year's Eve, was captured by Turkish security forces late Monday.

The Uzbek attacker was caught in his Kyrgyz friend's house in Esenyurt district of Istanbul. The Daesh terrorist is now being transferred to Istanbul Police Headquarters.

Police have been after the terrorist since January 1. Security forces have previously raided a house in Istanbul's Maltepe district and detained Masharipov's wife, whose identity has been kept hidden. Previous reports stated that his wife and his family members had been detained by police after the attack.

"I learned about the attack from TV. I didn't know that my husband was a Daesh terrorist, let alone a sympathizer," media reports had quoted his wife as saying.

After staging the attack on the nightclub, the terrorist went to a house in Zeytinburnu, where his wife and children were brought to. Masharipov then took his 4-year-old son and went missing.

"We said goodbye to each other and he left the house," Masharipov's wife told anti-terror police during her interrogation.

Previous reports have said that after attacking Reina, Masharipov went to Zeytinburnu with a taxi and asked workers at a local Uighur restaurant to give money to the driver. Uighurs were among those detained after the attack, while the owner of the restaurant, identified as Şemsettin Dursun, has denied any connection to the attack.

Well done! I hope he'll rot in jail for ever and a day.

Well done. I do not know why people gets enjoyment in killing people with whom they have no enemy.
Uzbek terrorists... from Pak to Turkey... in Pak they were involved in the worst crimes possible.. and its claimed that it was UIM that introduced things like beheadings etc to ttp.

IMU definitely set new standards of barbarity in FATA. Within the melting pot of militants there, they were generally the best armed and trained --- and the most vicious. These bastards should focus on their own countries rather than killing innocents in other nations!

The Afghan Taliban destroyed the IMU in Zabul after they denounced Mullah Omar and pledged allegiance to Daesh. One IMU survivor said: "What America and its agents could not do in 14 years, the Taliban did in 24 hours."
Looks like a petty criminal running a local criminal group in 1 appartment

Would not be supruised if 2 guys were pimps and the ladies were used as prostitutes or human trafic victims

Somtimes drugs in system causes a person to start seeing things and may be the Uzbak guy took some high quality Psychadelics , and started shooting randomly

It was new years after all people do tend to be ...out of control

If it was a real Terrorist he / they may have already killed themselves, really strange why would the person go in with out a face mask which costs just 2 bucks to buy in cheap store

Congradulation to Turkish authorities for a very quick and captured alive operation hopefully some more light is shed on the situation


Why would someone go comit a crime with no face mask on is the million dollar question specially if they intended to get away from the scene of crime ?

Looks like a typical guy in new city crime happens he shits in pant and makes run for his life sees his picture in TV hides with friend's place till authorities come and does not tries to kill himself

The news articles only stated that he is a "Suspect" or was there evidence of picture holding gun ?


To my unexperienced eye the Jacket worn by the killer has a shinyout ward reflection while the jacket worn by the Uzbek petty criminal is rather "Dull" does not reflects light around

The texture of the Jacket appears to be different

Hmmm found better picture
Now this matches 100%

Still not clear however if the pictures were from same day how can a guy wear two brand of jackets in single day

Still so odd to see 4 different nationalities cught from the place of raid ? ! One would have expected to find all Syrian rebels (Slipped in with Syrian refugees) or Mostly Syrian-Iraqi mix folks in place of raid

Uzbek area is a bit out of conflict zone


Quite a complex conflict
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Since ISIS claimed they are responsible for the attack, it can be considered an act of war.
Tha attack intentionally targetted a purely civilian target, and thus a war crime was committed.
ISIS has not signed the Geneva Convention, and thus they are not protected by it.
The individual appears to have confessed he was the one committing the war crime.

Conclusion: he has zero rights to any humane treatment.

However, since noone recognizes ISIS as a state, the question is if it needs to be treated as
a police matter, in which case he has the rights of any other mass murderer.

Plenty of choices of C...A ;-)
  • Cambodia
  • Canada
  • China
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Croatia
  • Cuba

Get rid of your western arrogance, why bring in China here? Actually the whole Middle East and ISIS mess is caused by you.

Where are you when Bush/Cheney gang started the illegal Iraq invasion?

Funny when people like you actually committed most crimes like plagiarized third world, colonized them and sold blacks as slaves, mass murdered local north/south america indigenous people have face to criticize other people.

I know what you mean and feel, but you (Turks) should not break the law by torturing him.
Get off your high horse, tell that to the innocent victim's family and jews your massacred. It's funny western hypocrites lecture other people, caring more about the criminals' human rights while they daily bombing innocent civilians, and call that "collateral damage"
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Get rid of your western arrogance, why bring in China here? Actually the whole Middle East and ISIS mess is caused by you.

Where are you when Bush/Cheney gang started the illegal Iraq invasion?

Funny when people like you actually committed most crimes like plagiarized third world, colonized them and sold blacks as slaves, mass murdered local north/south america indigenous people have face to criticize other people.

Get off your high horse, tell that to the innocent victim's family and jews your massacred. It's funny western hypocrites lecture other people, caring more about the criminals' human rights while they daily bombing innocent civilians, and call that "collateral damage"
Welcome to the world of Western colonial mentality. Their hubris will be their demise. The mentality and material richness is built upon centuries of colonialism, slavery and destruction of the world's finite resources at the expense of their snobbery.

Strength is exploitation of the "weak", and weak are those who can't defend themselves against their "superior" exploitative machinery and system. This corrupt mentality's age is nearing an end. It won't explode it is imploding, take to the streets of USA, its evident everywhere.

The following arguement from the "wise" north europeans will try and distance themselves from America's corruption, but they know very well they are an integral part of the "first world" which is led by the US
It looks like it was a fun night for this young fella right here... Turks are hospitable people so he will for sure enjoy his stay over with the police the following days too. The party just started. :enjoy:

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