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Russian ambassador to Turkey shot dead in Ankara

This thread was for our Turkish/Russian friends our own fantasy added more to the fire. Glad that mods cleared it


A Russian parliamentary official has said a trilateral meeting between Turkey, Russia and Iran on Syria would go ahead Tuesday despite the murder of Russia's envoy to Turkey.

Chairman of the Russian State Duma’s international affairs committee, Leonid Slutsky, told state TV Rossiya-24 on Monday evening the assassination of Andrey Karlov would not damage Turkish-Russian relations.

Slutsky said he believes "constructive" conclusions could be reached during the talks which will take place in the shadow of Monday’s "terrible tragedy".

"Now, Ankara and Moscow should move faster to solve the problems on the agenda, including tomorrow's meeting," Slutsky added.

Karlov died after being shot multiple times at an art exhibition in Turkey's capital Ankara on Monday evening.

He had been delivering a speech when an assailant opened fire on the diplomat before shooting into the air, according to an Anadolu Agency correspondent who witnessed the incident.

Tuesday’s meeting, which was expected to convene on Dec. 27, had previously been moved to an earlier date.

Putin: Attack on envoy provocation against Turkey-Russia ties
Murder of Russian envoy Andrey Karlov is provocation to undermine relations Turkey, Russia carry in Syria says Russian President Putin
Turkey is in for some serious problem with Russia now...first downing of jet..and now Ambassador killed..this is pretty serious incident..

Russian ambassador to Turkey shot dead in Ankara art gallery
Special forces kill gunman identified by Turkish interior ministry as riot police officer Mevlut Mert Altıntas


Erdogan is like Bhutto of Pakistan who is channelling the jihadist take over of Turkey!
First thought was. Obvious CIA. Now I am even more convinced our good friends USA done this.
Erdogan needs to get rid of this CIA filth within our country!
Turkey is not more safe place, they should have given him more security after tension in turkey Russia relationship.
After the Su shoot down and this, Putin may live up to his tough image and arm the Kurds to teeth and let Turkey face the music.

Militant who staged a deadly suicide attack in the Central Anatolian province of Kayseri on Dec. 17 crossed illegally from the northern Syrian town of Kobane to the Turkish border town of Suruç, according to details that have emerged regarding the attack that claimed 14 lives.

The bomber who detonated the bomb-laden car stole the vehicle in the southeastern province of Şanlıurfa two days before the Kayseri attack and drove it to the Lice district of the southeastern province of Diyarbakır. He later crossed through the Central Anatolian province of Malatya to reach Kayseri.



Speaking to private broadcaster NTV on Dec. 17, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmuş said all signs pointed to the PKK in the Kayseri attack, which followed twin bombings claimed by the Kurdistan Freedom Hawks (TAK), affiliated with the PKK, that killed 44 people, mostly police officers, in Istanbul’s Beşiktaş district on Dec. 10.

The remarks came after a suicide car bomb targeted a military vehicle on Dec. 17 in the Central Anatolian province of Kayseri, killing 14 soldiers and wounding 55 others.
Aside from the ridiculous but expected assertions of an american or israeli false flag operation I can feel the fear of the turks, justifiably so. That´s what you can expect if you dismantle the secular sturcture inside security forces: a collection of islamic weirdos. Erdogan, on the other hand, must be terrified. As far as I can see Erdogan has two options:

Option A, call the Putin and prepare to be his girlfriend for quiet a long time because Vladimir Vladimirovich will want to profit from this opportunity to extract far reaching concessions from Turkey, possibly even to force an alignment of Turkey with his Middle East policy.

Option B Erdogan shouts "allahu snackbar" and leads the glorious Ottoman forces against the bear from under his bed.

I bet "all" in for option A and I can already hear Putin pounding Erdogan the macho Ottoman while asking "Erdo darling, this is not your first time, right?"
Doesn't look Islamist attack. Modus operandi quite different. Secondly it is a group effort not a lone attack.

The aftermath will be positive, it will bring Turkey and Russia closer not farther apart.
Not erdogan who bring the war to turkey.US who bring the war to turkey and the explosions to EU .Guys 5 year of war in syria what are u expecting from this.

This is the second version of the coup
People have too much fantasy, meanwhile the reaction from Russian side:

Envoy killing aimed at Russia-Turkey ties: Vladimir Putin

Moscow: President Vladimir Putin on Monday called the killing of Russia's ambassador in Turkey a "provocation" aimed at sabotaging warming ties between Moscow and Ankara and efforts to resolve the conflict in Syria.

"The crime that was committed is without doubt a provocation aimed at disrupting the normalisation of Russian-Turkish relations and disrupting the peace process in Syria," Putin said in televised comments.
Why is everyone blaming the CIA? It could just be that the shooter was unhappy about the outcome in Aleppo.
Why is everyone blaming the CIA? It could just be that the shooter was unhappy about the outcome in Aleppo.

Taqiya + moslem victimism + inability to wage a classic war against the West in a real battlefield in order to achieve their objectives.
Why is everyone blaming the CIA? It could just be that the shooter was unhappy about the outcome in Aleppo.

Because in these days all people kill other country's ambassadors when they are unhappy, meanwhile that countries are going to meet in Moscow, just tomorrow? You are so naive or ignorant.
anti russia emotions are high in some quarters of US at moment after loss of hillary. Can't rule out false flag attack to sink Turkey Russia relations.

The FETO (Fetulah Gulen Organization), 'Gulen' is referred to as the CIA's favorite imam for a reason, and that is spreading 'islam' and using it as a tool to control people and destabilize certain parts of the world, so that government assets of that country could be bought at dirt cheap prices.. (which is why this org. got kicked out of a lot of central asian countries, including Russia).. the coup attempt in Turkey was done by the same people and their supporters, the refusal of the US to surrender these people to Turkey, and the EU going full-contact anti-Turkey almost in a Nazi like fashion all of a sudden supporting the same people... isn't something that can be hidden or discarded...More over these countries were left out of any discussion to do with Syria, when Russia, Turkey and Iran sat down to negotiate...

So to some these up I think with about 80% certainty I can say that this was done by the CIA, and it is yet-another-failed attempt to sour relations between Russia and Turkey, the investigation will probably prove all ties, and after that we will all see what implications will this all have.

Sad that the west so 'holy' in their own view always boil down to killing diplomats, their families and what not... using their puppet terrorists...

p.s. 20% chance I give to Iran being behind this.
This forum pisses me off, 1st all of the Mossad firearm training pictures and now these Turkish haters waiting around like wolves here to attack us. They don't know shit about us or our country. Little shits, they always wish the worst for us and never read the facts.
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