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Ashraf Ghani : “It’s Pakistan’s turn to open the door”

I didn't get you ..Who is creating terrorist on our name ?
I don't bash refugees they are innocent souls victims of Afghanistan state polices..

Ones sitting in parliament. You can trust your government or your forces blindly , I dont .

I'm now tired of this afghan refugees bashing , one must look into history what we did to them. No one has kindness for our poor muslims but shouts violently when one points a wealthy non muslim minority in this country.
Nationalism has blinded us .and pakistanis are turning into a weird creature .

I've left nationalism , Humanity wins .
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Ones sitting in parliament. You can trust your government or your forces blindly , I dont .

I'm now tired of this afghan refugees bashing , one must look into history what we did to them. No one has kindness for our poor muslims but shouts violently when one points a wealthy non muslim minority in this country.
Nationalism has blinded us .and pakistanis are turning into a weird creature .

I've left nationalism , Humanity wins .

Why do I get a feeling that your a hidden closet Afghan? If you love these refugees so much then please migrate to Kabul and never darken Pakistan's doorstep.
Why do I get a feeling that your a hidden closet Afghan? If you love these refugees so much then please migrate to Kabul and never darken Pakistan's doorstep.

No nation is responsible for my personal views about Afghan refugees .

Look at parliament, what kind of people are ruling us, we've elected murderers for ourselves .
No nation is responsible for my personal views about Afghan refugees . Look at parliament, what kind of people are ruling us, we've elected murderers for ourselves .

When these same refugees curse the existence Pakistan a beautiful country which opened its doors and sheltered, fed and clothed them with dignity...then they only deserve scorn.

What does the Parliament of Pakistan has to do with our situation with the Afghans? Do you think the parliamentarians of Afghanistan are angels? All of them have blood on their hands and want to destroy the existence of Pakistan. So we are simply returning the gesture.
When these same refugees curse the existence Pakistan a beautiful country which opened its doors and sheltered, fed and clothed them with dignity...then they only deserve scorn.
It's only their government. Normal refugees has no say in this , they have already many problems in their lives .
In refugees also , bad and good people are present .
I've met a refugee like this who'll backstab pakistan but he's an idiot and I don't take such people to my heart .

And if even a refugee talks like this to me , I'm not obliged to talk in same language to him as their curses doesn't matter. At least they're not like indians who are firing at our borders and killing our soldiers .
What does the Parliament of Pakistan has to do with our situation with the Afghans? Do you think the parliamentarians of Afghanistan are angels? All of them have blood on their hands and want to destroy the existence of Pakistan. So we are simply returning the gesture.

I know politicians from both side sucks . They blame their failures on each other because they're incompetent to rule properly .

Both parliament consists snakes and corrupts. We cannot trust them . They play with ordinary poor men .
Come on man , don't be a gutless coward . Believe in yourself rather than other 'secret ' people who doesn't even want to share with you that what kind of things they're doing in our name .
It's only their government. Normal refugees has no say in this , they have already many problems in their lives .
In refugees also , bad and good people are present .
I've met a refugee like this who'll backstab pakistan but he's an idiot and I don't take such people to my heart . .

Honestly have you been hiding under a rock. The Afghan population since 1947 hate our guts...do you want proof? In 1947 they never accepted the formation of Pakistan. In 1967 they even tried to invade Pakistan, but were repulsed by the tribesmen. In the last few months our flag has been burned in the city of Kabul and at the border...so don't give me this gibberish nonsense that the Afghan's are good people. It's time for Pakistan to show it's true might to these people and they will suffer. Now these stinking, ungrateful refugees can go back to Kabul and thank there leaders.

I know politicians from both side sucks . They blame their failures on each other because they're incompetent to rule properly .

Both parliament consists snakes and corrupts. We cannot trust them . They play with ordinary poor men .
Come on man , don't be a gutless coward . Believe in yourself rather than other 'secret ' people who doesn't even want to share with you that what kind of things they're doing in our name .

I don't need to listen to no one, instead my own eyes are telling me how the Afghan's are an ungrateful bunch. They are doing deals with India...house there agents....and want to humiliate Pakistan in the international arena. Pakistan Army will teach them a lesson...already the Taliban control 40% of Afghanistan....ANA are surrendering in their thousands....corruption is rifle...people are leaving for abroad....it's only a matter of time when Ghani loses his Government...and when he does his country will be shaped in our image in how we see fit.
Honestly have you been hiding under a rock. The Afghan population since 1947 hate our guts...do you want proof? In 1947 they never accepted the formation of Pakistan. In 1967 they even tried to invade Pakistan, but were repulsed by the tribesmen. In the last few months our flag has been burned in the city of Kabul and at the border...so don't give me this gibberish nonsense that the Afghan's are good people. It's time for Pakistan to show it's true might to these people and they will suffer. Now these stinking, ungrateful refugees can go back to Kabul and thank there leaders.

Don't act like a master, Refuges aren't slaves . They r Humans . They did this all for reasons . Though I do also dislike their such attitude but I don't actually believe in torturing them , my nagative coments 4 them is only limited to Internet .
If you find them such scumbags , you must close borders . But being gutless we never did .
. Pakistan Army will teach them a lesson...already the Taliban control 40% of Afghanistan....ANA are surrendering in their thousands....corruption is rifle...people are leaving for abroad....it's only a matter of time when Ghani loses his Government...and when he does his country will be shaped in our image in how we see fit.

Have goodwill , it's not good to think ill about anyone .
Don't act like a master, Refuges aren't slaves . They r Humans . They did this all for reasons . Though I do also dislike their such attitude but I don't actually believe in torturing them , my nagative coments 4 them is only limited to Internet .
If you find them such scumbags , you must close borders . But being gutless we never did .

Have goodwill , it's not good to think ill about anyone .

When did I say refugees are slaves....read my message carefully before replying:) For your kind information the Pakistan Army is in the process of closing the border building a wall in all of the main check points....however these Afghan cockroaches attacked our rangers and burned our flag. When somebody show's aggression...then we shall return the gesture. Now Pakistan should kick out all the refugees..confiscate there wealth because it belongs to Pakistan...seal the border to make sure no miscreants get into our country...and stop all trade so that there economy can collapse. These are the consequences when you side with the enemy. The refugees can show there contempt toward Pakistan in Kabul. When did I say I was going to torture the Afghan's? No...I will just inform the authorities that we have an illegal alien in our country:)

Goodwill only exists when the other side reciprocates. Currently they have an alliance with India..not us.
When did I say refugees are slaves....read my message carefully before replying:) For your kind information the Pakistan Army is in the process of closing the border building a wall in all of the main check points....however these Afghan cockroaches attacked our rangers and burned our flag. When somebody show's aggression...then we shall return the gesture. Now Pakistan should kick out all the refugees..confiscate there wealth because it belongs to Pakistan...seal the border to make sure no miscreants get into our country...and stop all trade so that there economy can collapse. These are the consequences when you side with the enemy. The refugees can show there contempt toward Pakistan in Kabul. When did I say I was going to torture the Afghan's? No...I will just inform the authorities that we have an illegal alien in our country:)

Goodwill only exists when the other side reciprocates. Currently they have an alliance with India..not us.

Okay you won :p:
It's not me and you who should decide fate of Afghanistan and afghan refugees , it's only Allah swt's right .
But for sake of your happiness, you won !
Now go and distribute toffees in afghan refugees kids on reason for your happiness of wining an argument. They love toffees , they clean my room so that they could get some money and buy toffees .. :p
Okay you won :p:
It's not me and you who should decide fate of Afghanistan and afghan refugees , it's only Allah swt's right .
But for sake of your happiness, you won !
Now go and distribute toffees in afghan refugees kids on reason for your happiness of wining an argument. They love toffees , they clean my room so that they could get some money and buy toffees .. :p

Thank you for graciously accepting your defeat in the argument:) Allah look's favorable on the righteous...and although Pakistan has many faults...we don't have an alliance with the Indians. I will buy a whole box of toffee sweet and sing the song 'goodbye goodbye don't come back':) Jokes aside both of us mean nothing in the grand scheme of things because Pakistan's national interests comes first.
Thank you for graciously accepting your defeat in the argument:) Allah look's favorable on the righteous...and although Pakistan has many faults...we don't have an alliance with the Indians. I will buy a whole box of toffee sweet and sing the song 'goodbye goodbye don't come back':) Jokes aside both of us mean nothing in the grand scheme of things because Pakistan's national interests comes first.

Lagta ha sarcasm nhi samjhte .
Btw, I believe in everyone's interest not just pakistan.

Kher, give one kabuli toffee to me also .
He has lost most friends in Islamabad, if not all. Now he's nothing more than a fart trapped in a bottle.

He never had any friends in Islamabad. He see only people collecting money from US and ISI was using afghans as proxy's targeting there own afgan brothers...who are bad Taliban.
Lagta ha sarcasm nhi samjhte .
Btw, I believe in everyone's interest not just pakistan.

Kher, give one kabuli toffee to me also .

When did the Muslim ummah give any support to Pakistan? Only Pakistan and her national interests concern me:) Please tell the King of Saudi Arabia and the Ayatollah's of Iran to stop trading with Indian...maybe then I will have there interests at heart. I'll give you enough toffee's to last you a life time...but I don't think your teeth would be very happy with you:)
Nothing comes for free and Afghanistan owes money to Pakistan for refugee services..refugees will be used a leverage because this is what they are..if you want to take away this leverage you can recall them back..
Wasnt Ghani supposed to be pro pak?

Did he not make an effort, immediately after election he came to pakistan, met the COAS before meeting the prime minister, said all the right things?

And now pakistanis, true to their inability to introspect, are finding fault with him? Pakistans famously failed institutions can do no wrong?
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