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What, possibly, Mr. Chandu Chohan reveal?

You mentioned Sheikh Rasheed revealed that the death toll at Uri was 177. How did he come up with such claim and is he mentioning the possible civilian death toll or just the # of soldiers killed in the attack?
If the death toll was 177, the reaction would've been on a whole new level and just wouldn't stop with surgical strikes and cross border firings. GOI is under tremendous pressure from the public and to act on Pakistan due to 26/11, Pathankot and Uri was where they had no other option but to react. Well I wouldn't want to go into the troll fest and fights of keyboard warriors that no surgical strikes took place or there have been 8-14 causalities on the Indian side due to cross border firing but I can say that if it was 177, all hell would break loose from both sides. Also, the attack took place on an army base that too by 4 terrorists, so it would be impossible for them to kill 177 jawans.

Check the Indian govt. version, they clearly said that most the army recruits were killed due to a fire incident during the Uri attacks, it's not that 4 terrorists killed 18/17 army men, 12-14 deaths were due to fire in the camp. So that idea holds true. This is also true Army uses tactical distorted figures, nobody gives advantage to its enemy country and tactical lies is a part of the war strategy...

Check Google about Goebbels truth/lies and how propaganda is used in a war, he was a Nazi party media propaganda specialist.
Soldiers in uniform captured will be returned by both sides- neither can afford to do otherwise, and that's the reality.
Soldiers in uniform captured will be returned by both sides- neither can afford to do otherwise, and that's the reality.

Just in case the captured ones are crossing the border by mistake in a peace time. During high tension times a soldier with arms cannot cross by mistake. India will have to bargain a lot on that. There is a reason ISPR has not yet confirmed officially. what possibly can it be. I am curious about that.
So, as per media reports and official statements from India and confirmation by Her Excellency Maleeha Lodhi, one of Indian soldiers has been captured alive (though no official confirmation from ISPR) as India tried to do adventure in Azad Kashmir.

There are couple of postulates and theories in my mind as to why ISPR has not confirmed it.

1. PA doesn't want to confirm that Indians did cross LoC. OR
2. PA wants him to use as a bait to trade off someone. And/OR
3. He will be used at some appropriate forum to spill the beans that Indians were ordered to attack Pakistani military bases instead of terrorist camps as claimed by India. And also he can reveal the death toll India suffered while retreating/ advancing or both.
4. He may provide eye witness account of Uri incident as to who carried out attack etc and number of casualties (Sheikh Rasheed revealed that death toll at Uri was 177) ..

I am confused because as IA has shown to the world that they did carry out a surgical strike at Pakistani soil why is PA silent to show to the world the dead bodies of soldiers and the captured jawan? Isn't it high time! Hit the iron when it is hot.., what possibly Chandu can reveal and why is ISPR silent since yesterday? Why is there no retaliation openly as India did (False flag or not, this is different story)??

You spoke my mind, good sir.

I was thinking these exact same things. Either India crossed LOC, this guy got captured but Pak army is not saying anything.

India tried crossing it, was thwarted and this guy was captured and now India is downplaying it.

Why hasn't ISPR said anything? Where is the press conference?
Just in case the captured ones are crossing the border by mistake in a peace time. During high tension times a soldier with arms cannot cross by mistake. India will have to bargain a lot on that. There is a reason ISPR has not yet confirmed officially. what possibly can it be. I am curious about that.

Yes during time such as these it will be very complicated. Bad luck for this guy.

But both are professional armies, and after some time - in the matter of exchange of soldiers in uniform at least- cooler heads will prevail. Other matters may remain heated, of course.
Yes during time such as these it will be very complicated. Bad luck for this guy.

But both are professional armies, and after some time - in the matter of exchange of soldiers in uniform at least- cooler heads will prevail. Other matters may remain heated, of course.

I think he is history now! kalbhoshan yadav will be executed soon and he will spend his life in Adiala Jail.
You mentioned Sheikh Rasheed revealed that the death toll at Uri was 177. How did he come up with such claim and is he mentioning the possible civilian death toll or just the # of soldiers killed in the attack?
The story unveils like this, I.A attempted to cross the LOC, they were spotted and gunned at sight, proof, chandu chohan is with us. P.A took this event as just another day at LOC. Then Immediately after the debacle Indian Dgmo called a press conference and requested PAK army to develop and execute a joint strategy against imaginary terror camps :o:
Does thing rings any alarm bells? Gosh ! Mr dgmo you just conducted a surgical strike against your arch enemy involving airborn assests, mainly choppers as per Indian military, live the moment man------

( its funny , how Indian minister and army today has backed off from this chopper claim )

Edit: Still a better love story than titanic :D
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I am trying to find the answer to this, since yesterday badly... Cant think of any possible reason..why ispr is silent?. Every channel has confirmed atleast death of 8 indian soldiers. Some even say, 14, 8 in one sector and 6 on the other... But every channel has atleast confirmed 8 and also captured indian soldier.. Now atleast, if not death of soldiers, captured indian soldier has been confirmed, from Maliha Lodhi, as well as indian side... WHY is ispr silent? Its really really strange.. Why is ispr letting indian media claim victory? Why? Please some one ...can any one think of any possible reason? Ispr is really letting indian media get away..with victory claims... Why dont u bring this captured soldier like kulbhushan yadev? Asim Bajwa, please conduct a pressconference.. High time

You spoke my mind, good sir.

I was thinking these exact same things. Either India crossed LOC, this guy got captured but Pak army is not saying anything.

India tried crossing it, was thwarted and this guy was captured and now India is downplaying it.

Why hasn't ISPR said anything? Where is the press conference?

Every other day, Asim bajwa keeps conducting press conference on zarb e azb, when its not even needed..and simple tweet could suffice.. But now strange silence.. Atleast claim officially and bring captured indian soldier, which has been confirmed by Maliha lodhi and from indian side too, to media like kulbhushan yadev

It seems by thei silence ispr is deliberately giving some face saving to india (?) by not saying anything officially abt indian loss... Didnt expect any such thing under Gen Raheel Sharif's watch
Geneva convention applies to the PoWs not on someone who is captured while an adventure is being staged by enemy army. be prepared for the news that he will rot in Pakistani jail for the rest of his life. Only Modi is responsible for ruining his life in order to satisfy Hindutava doctrine and war hysteria... insofar as your other points are concerned, you are merely toeing the line of your establishment.. no comments on that!
If you not return our soldier, we will capture one or two Pak soldiers in response.. 'Eye for eye' or revenge is a psychological approach in war zones.. Making fear is important to survive..
If you not return our soldier, we will capture one or two Pak soldiers in response.. 'Eye for eye' or revenge is a psychological approach in war zones.. Making fear is important to survive..

you WILL capture! We have it NOW.. and there is a possibility that will capturing our soldier(s) your soldiers will be shot dead at the spot like whole Indian team who wanted to infiltrate was literally wiped off. (P.S. you watch Arnab Goswami, you will deny it).
So after losing 18 soldiers at Uri which India says Pakistan conducted (thus a true surgical strike), India conducted a "surgical strike" aka typical cross-border firing, that resulted in 2 Pakistani Soldiers embracing martyrdom and the capture of an Indian soldier alive. I believe getting caught is worst than getting killed. I feel bad for the Indians.
That's what his point was .. that the attack happened when unit shift was changing .. and that caused most of the damage .. whatever is the case it would be interesting to listen to Chandu when ISPR will release his tape like Kal Bhishan Yadav ..

Actually they cant. He is not a PoW nor a spy. He is a soldier wandered astray at some other sector, and will be returned as such. These exchanges are nothing new.

See. Not all regions in the border are fenced or mined. Some regions are topographically too difficult to put any meaningful deterence in place.
Actually they cant. He is not a PoW nor a spy. He is a soldier wandered astray at some other sector, and will be returned as such. These exchanges are nothing new.

See. Not all regions in the border are fenced or mined. Some regions are topographically too difficult to put any meaningful deterence in place.

above in bold is the statement given by Indian establishment to its media. As per Pakistani media he was captured trying to cross the Loc with that team whose all members were neutralized and he told that there were no orders to attack on the so called terrorist camps! His goal was to attack Pakistani base. So i feel for him.. poor soul will rot in Adiala jail for rest of his life..
things are really so complicated here.. ISPR must come up !!!
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