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French police make woman remove burkini on Nice beach

Bullshit. Its your hatred for Islam and Islam only.


Hatred comes from something.You might be right about European hate but from where does that hate come ? Maybe it comes from Islamic agression against Europe since the 7th century ? Maybe it comes from the fact that Europe accomodated millions of muslims in the last century and ended up with terror attacks,rapes,our women called whores,with posters like we see in this forum with UK,France,Netherlands,Germany flags (as in living in there) but calling their host countries all sorts of names and having no love for them,in return ?

You only know how to ask things without giving in return.Hence..........reaction.
Hatred comes from something.You might be right about European hate but from where does that hate come ? Maybe it comes from Islamic agression against Europe since the 7th century ? Maybe it comes from the fact that Europe accomodated millions of muslims in the last century and ended up with terror attacks,rapes,our women called whores,with posters like we see in this forum with UK,France,Netherlands,Germany flags (as in living in there) but calling their host countries all sorts of names and having no love for them,in return ?

You only know how to ask things without giving in return.Hence..........reaction.
Sorry but you are a bigot.

I support Christian Estrosi. Those sharing pictures of police officers in their duty just enforcing the local laws,those putting in danger our police officer's security,those insulting and threatening them should be sued,nobody can tolerate attacks against those representing the Republican order.
Hatred comes from something.You might be right about European hate but from where does that hate come ? Maybe it comes from Islamic agression against Europe since the 7th century ? Maybe it comes from the fact that Europe accomodated millions of muslims in the last century and ended up with terror attacks,rapes,our women called whores,with posters like we see in this forum with UK,France,Netherlands,Germany flags (as in living in there) but calling their host countries all sorts of names and having no love for them,in return ?

You only know how to ask things without giving in return.Hence..........reaction.

And all this had nothing to do with bringing democracy all over the world or go search for missing WMDs right. Or occupying their countries and looting their resources like British did? But somehow you remember 7th century and now are trying to take a revenge.

By the way how do we even know that women on the beach is a Muslim?
How does wearing a certain type of clothes make you rabit Islamist. Don't you think the people who restrict them are bigots?

Its actually your double standards, you curse right wings in India but praise right wings of west.

Comprehend what I have written . Also show me the praise while you do it .
Where am i pointing fingers at the west? That was a question and i will appreciate if you can read the posts in the proper context. In fact, I am saying that i do understand the fault and also that the responsibility is on Muslims and on me to clarify the situation. :)

In that case, my apologies if I misunderstood the context.

There's fault all around. Events and behavior have consequences. The French are reacting to what they perceive to be an attack on their way of life, I can understand that. I hope you can too.
And all this had nothing to do with bringing democracy all over the world or go search for missing WMDs right. Or occupying their countries and looting their resources like British did? But somehow you remember 7th century and now are trying to take a revenge.

By the way how do we even know that women on the beach is a Muslim?

What does a 2nd generation French citizen of Algerian descent have to do with Iraq ? The connection of the problem is religious.Hence.....reaction against the ideology.

Anyway,many of you like to rant about the Crusades for hours.Excuse me for remembering some 1100 years of continuous islamic agression against Europe.

I support Christian Estrosi. Those sharing pictures of police officers in their duty just enforcing the local laws,those putting in danger our police officer's security,those insulting and threatening them should be sued,nobody can tolerate attacks against those representing the Republican order.

Indeed.This is an intimidation campaign trying to scare the officers by making them targets for violent retaliation.The French state must swiftly prosecute these instigators.
Hatred comes from something.You might be right about European hate but from where does that hate come ? Maybe it comes from Islamic agression against Europe since the 7th century ? Maybe it comes from the fact that Europe accomodated millions of muslims in the last century and ended up with terror attacks,rapes,our women called whores,with posters like we see in this forum with UK,France,Netherlands,Germany flags (as in living in there) but calling their host countries all sorts of names and having no love for them,in return ?

You only know how to ask things without giving in return.Hence..........reaction.
Talk about yourself. Have look at this man below.


Thousands, thousands of our grandparents perished in both World Wars. Some won the highest medal for bravery in the British Empire - the Victoria Cross. Thousands more were maimed for life. Below hospital for our soldiers in 1915, Brighton UK.


King George V awarding VC to second receiptant of the VC from what is now Pakistan.


So don't freakin say we did not do anything. Many of our boys lie buried in France, Flanders, Italy far away from their homes who never went back to their mothers. You have the fuk*in temerity to say we only took? We bled, we bled red in the killing feilds of Europe.

And I don't really care too much for these a*ssholes who have nothing better to do but go around wearing religion on their sleaves - I guess in a way they deserve what they are getting now but don't say the grandparents of British Pakistani's did not do nothing for their host country. They made the biggest contribution in man power by population than any other Commonwealth group. Punjabi Muslim/Pashtuns > Pakistan.


What did we do? We did a lot. Don't you piss over the memory of these men.

@waz @Blue Marlin
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I support Christian Estrosi. Those sharing pictures of police officers in their duty just enforcing the local laws,those putting in danger our police officer's security,those insulting and threatening them should be sued,nobody can tolerate attacks against those representing the Republican order.
So france will do what it criticizes others for hmm
Talk about yourself. Have look at this man below.


Thousands, thousands of our grandparents perished in both World Wars. Some won the highest medal for bravery in the British Empire - the Victoria Cross. Thousands more were maimed for life. Below hospital for our soldiers in 1915, Brighton UK.


King George V awarding VC to second receiptant of the VC from what is now Pakistan.


So don't freakin say we did not do anything. Many of our boys lie buried in France, Flanders, Italy far away from their homes who never went back to their mothers. You have the fuk*in temerity to say we only took? We bled, we bled red in the killing feilds of Europe.

And I don't really care too much for this a*ssholes who have nothing better to do but go around wearing religion on their sleaves - I guess in a way they deserve what they are getting now but don't say the grandparents of British Pakistani's did not do nothing for their host country. They made the biggest contribution in man power by population than any other Commonwealth group.


What did we do? We did a lot. Don't you piss over the memory of these men.

There are ofcourse many exceptions ,or I might say that your example is the norm.But,let's say that 70% good vs 30% bad in the European muslim community still gives an appaling overall picture.
Talk about yourself. Have look at this man below.


Thousands, thousands of our grandparents perished in both World Wars. Some won the highest medal for bravery in the British Empire - the Victoria Cross. Thousands more were maimed for life. Below hospital for our soldiers in 1915, Brighton UK.


King George V awarding VC to second receiptant of the VC from what is now Pakistan.


So don't freakin say we did not do anything. Many of our boys lie buried in France, Flanders, Italy far away from their homes who never went back to their mothers. You have the fuk*in temerity to say we only took? We bled, we bled red in the killing feilds of Europe.

And I don't really care too much for these a*ssholes who have nothing better to do but go around wearing religion on their sleaves - I guess in a way they deserve what they are getting now but don't say the grandparents of British Pakistani's did not do nothing for their host country. They made the biggest contribution in man power by population than any other Commonwealth group. Punjabi Muslim/Pashtuns > Pakistan.


What did we do? We did a lot. Don't you piss over the memory of these men.

They went and fought as subjects of British Empire and not as independent entities. In effect they had no choice in this matter - just like slave soldiers of Khilji

Also what are you trying to highlight? Muslims fought for Europe? How can you homogenize Europe? Lest you forget Europe was itself divided. So in the end they were just Pawns of one colonial power against other.

And conveniently Khilafat too is forgotten.
They allowed it for years and got increasing terror activity.
There is no Western discrimination and there's no comparison with your own religious minorities as Christians and Hindus in Pakistan don't commit terror acts.Muslims in France do and that's why we have this French reaction.Terrorists come from the muslim community so clearly there's a problem there and that problem is to much religion.
So if it same as saying that the French have become more intolerant now and are becoming extremist in there views? It looks that way if what you said is to go by. Personally, i do not believe this is a case. I have been to France and find the people quite welcoming even when i openly announced myself as a Pakistani.

I support Christian Estrosi. Those sharing pictures of police officers in their duty just enforcing the local laws,those putting in danger our police officer's security,those insulting and threatening them should be sued,nobody can tolerate attacks against those representing the Republican order.
Totally agreed sir. Laws should be respected and those who are implementing those laws have my repsect as well. The only thing is, is this some LAW? I do not see that beach as one of those "nude only beach". So is there are LAW to wear a bikini or to be half naked on the beach? If so then i am surely mistaken and that woman and others like her should not have visited those places in the first place if they wanted to wear that covered up attire! However if there is no law then the whole argument takes a different perspective. I will tag someone from France to share his views as well, i hope you wont mind? @Taygibay
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There are ofcourse many exceptions ,or I might say that your example is the norm.But,let's say that 70% good vs 30% bad in the European muslim community still gives an appaling overall picture.
Of course I understand. In a twisted way Islamists have got what they anted all along. They have managed to take away our identity and managed to create the "Muslim". And now the inevitable is happening. If a Nigerian who has f*all to do with me does crap in Bucharest but he happens to be circumcised I am gonna be made to feel somehow responsible for the actions of somebody that I have nothing, I mean nothing to do with.

It's like I guess can you imagine if held you responsible for eveery act of beastiality by Christians, in America, In Africa, in South America, in Europe, in Asia. Can you imagine how much shite I could find amongst the hoods in America, in Bronz, in Watts amongst the all bible loving Black Americans, the uptight Catholics in Colombia or Mexico with their drug cartel murders, or all those machete crazy Christian Africans in Rwanda and then dump them on you because you also happen to be Christian?

Well this is exactly what is happening right now with "Muslims". And I actually blame this in the first instance on the very people who worse religion outside and got their wish now. Short on time but this is very interesting but serious issue that needs addressing. The blame goes on the "action" as well as the ill advised "reaction".

And this is helping the Islamists and nutjobs.
While in Canada, Canadian authorities passed a bill to allow woman with head scarf to join mounties, Canadian police force had already allowed that.

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