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Difficult question about racism: Is it our own classism shown back to us?

tsk tsk.
Bad manners!
I know which old " TT uncle" you're talking about. Let me remind you, I respect that man for hes been frank and not a hypocrite like others. Yes, hes old, and a heart attack survivor. I respect him!

Yeah, that i get called "nice" on the forum :lol:

I had pointed to only one of your posts.
Going by what you post most of the time on this forum, i should be accusing you of everything that you 've accused me of. Lolz
Some other day!
But for today, i want you to read the article and introspect.
I have read it already.. everybody is racist except me... end of... :)
I hope next time you will think twice before ridiculing "country people".
It is this kind of political correctness that leads to these problems in the first place.

These passengers weren't scrambling for their baggage because they were "oh so poor bla bla" ...they were scrambling for their luggage and putting other people's lives at risk because they are selfish people who don't care what happens to anyone else.

It is this same behavior we see on the roads, no self respecting car driver in India will stop at a zebra crossing to let a pedestrian cross safely? Why? Will the two second delay be an insufferable torture for him?.

It is just bad, selfish behavior. And because we don't call it out at home, these people get called out when they go abroad and do the same thing.

Better that we correct it at home before blaming foreigners for their "racism" when they call out bad behavior.
Write in 150 words how the content of this article enlightened you.
Upon deep introspection I found that I am the most sensible person here :)... who forever tries to balance 'what needs to be said' with 'my post should not unnecessarily offend lot of people' but would rather err on side of saying what is right.. taking advantage of the moderated semi-anonymous forum where boundaries are well known but bigger than real world... and the fact that I can always be corrected by smart people here..

So I patted my own back and treated myself with a bar of dark chocolate... :)
Of Course .
It reflects our own classism ,casteism and racism through another way .
Well Have you heard about Dayabhai? @Levina
@Joe Shearer may know about her and her immense contribution to poor tribals in North India (MP ,If I am not wrong).

@nair might be heard about the bad experience she met in her own land ,She is a malayali .
This incident happened in Kerala ,a few months ago.
She took a ride in a state owned KSRTC after a cultural programme where she was invited as a guest .But the conductor in that bus began to mocks her.His problem was nothing but her dress code .He insulted her ,calling bad names.

That ignorant didnt know the real greatness of that woman ,education , respectful position and reputation she earned through her fight against evils that cursed the bottom layer people in India.
What hurts her more is that she didnt faced this kind of insult when she invited and visited the western nations for presenting papers about social welfare .
Next day ,eminent personalities intervened including actor Mammotty and that moron kicked out from service

Well ,that ignorant could only seen a 'country women' in her because that was not the supposed dress code of a MSW graduate from TIFR .And some of Indian members again repeated that same stupidity by naming Indians as 'country people'.

Casteism is still relevant in our society .
And religion wouldnt change that reality .
And in middle east Indians have also suffered the racist mentality of local people and that same local Arabs ,Syrians also facing the same in West .
So yes 'Our own classism and racism shown back to us'.
I have seen a racist Arab in this PDF .He is in forefront to insult Pakistanis ,Indians and other South Asians .But I also have seen the softness ,compromising attitude of these same guy towards that racist Italian .

Upon deep introspection I found that I am the most sensible person here :)... who forever tries to balance 'what needs to be said' with 'my post should not unnecessarily offend lot of people' but would rather err on side of saying what is right.. taking advantage of the moderated semi-anonymous forum where boundaries are well known but bigger than real world... and the fact that I can always be corrected by smart people here..

So I patted my own back and treated myself with a bar of dark chocolate... :)

Are you the same guy that generalised most of the South Indians are unattractive ?.
Forgive If I am mistaken.
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Are you the same guy that generalised most of the South Indians are unattractive ?.
Forgive If I am mistaken.

@hinduguy is an equal opportunity insulter...he also calls all Jats thugs and all Biharis criminals ! :lol:

@hinduguy - now that you have covered north and south ....what about west and east ?

Well ,that ignorant could only seen a 'country women' in her because that was not the supposed dress code of a MSW graduate from TIFR .And some of Indian members again repeated that same stupidity by naming Indians as 'country people'.

In this case I would say that the country person was the conductor..who didn't have the manners to behave around a person from a different ethnic group.

It is people like this conductor who goes abroad and behaves abominably.
Y, MARCH 28, 2011
The Ugly Truth about Caste in Kerala

This post on Kerala's caste system has not been written with an intention to ridicule or glorify any caste as such. I do not ever judge or like to be judged on the basis of my caste. I do not support any form of caste discrimination because I know exactly how it feels to be treated differently because of one's caste. It isn't a great feeling.

First Question is always "What is your Caste?"
In Kerala, one of the first things you are bound to be asked by even new people you've just met is, "What is your caste?" This is not a tirade against any caste but my experience, personally. And just for information, I have never used my caste name 'Menon' to this day. That is something I have learned from my father - who has never used 'Menon' in his name because he believes his destiny is shaped by values, vision and actions, not by his caste.
As some one who is a Menon by birth, I can also tell you frankly that it often feels like a curse to be born as an upper caste in this state known as "god's own country."

Except that it has some social benefits at times and in some places, it helps.
In Trivandrum, when I was studying there, I was the last admission to the hostel that was already full. I got one of the best rooms - very spacious for four people, and it had a clean bathroom too. I didn't know how lucky I was till i got to meet the others who were final year students.
They all told me that you had to be either a VVIP (you know i am not that!) to get the room in the first year itself, or you had to be a Menon (that I am). I was shocked. I couldn't believe it though I was grateful for getting a good room. When the phone in the hostel stopped working during a holiday weekend, some of the girls asked me to go to the neighbor's house and make the complaint by phoning the telephone department. I said, why should i do that, why don't you people do this?
They told me, "The lady of the house will let only upper castes into the house."
Several Kerala Christians and Muslims accept Caste System
I said, you must be joking. I couldn't believe this is happening for real. With these girls in tow, we went to the neighbor' s home. A Christian doctor's home! Imagine, and i thought Christians were totally opposed to the caste system!

Anyway, the door opened. Lady of the house looked at us like we were scavengers, carrying some terrible infection. I explained and she asked very rudely, "whats your caste?" and when I said Menon, she said, "Only you come in, ask the others to stand out." I was so uneasy and angry. I made the call and quickly came off. This is the extent of literacy in Kerala - we ask for caste, we demand dowry and gold but of course, we call ourselves very educated and cultured.
In the same hostel that I stayed, another Christian friend's father who came to meet his daughter asked me my caste. When I said i am a Menon, he told me directly, "I always tell my daughter never to mingle with those who are not Nairs and Menons. It's a matter of our family honour." I was shocked. This is coming from a well-known businessman from Chengannur, a Christian by religion and his daughter is an engineer who is studying for IAS!
No wonder, Swami Vivekananda called Kerala as a 'madhouse of caste.'
Kerala Menons have to fight for their basic rights
In real life, being a Menon is like being denied every decent right that is available to everyone else in the country. My father topped and got entry for both medical and engineering way back when entrance exams were not yet the norm. As always, the seat for medical colleges were prone to manipulation and his merit seat was denied to him because he is a Menon. Not just him, a whole batch of Menon students who had cleared and should have got the medical admission were denied the same in the name of caste! Thankfully, my father filed a case in court and it is the famous lawyer Advocate Shiva Shankara Panicker who argued his case (his son is Justice K Radhakrishnan, SC Judge at present). He won the case and my father got his medical seat. But he had lost an academic year during the litigation process and so did the others. Even now I don't know how much has changed for the Menons.
It's a typical truth in Kerala that we judge the honor of a family by its caste and religion, and of course, social sign posts. This phenomenon has further divided Kerala as a caste-ridden, materialistic society that places almost zero emphasis on nurturing human values like compassion and commitment to the unfortunate or vulnerable sections of the society. We have become a state that is obsessed with status symbols more than anything else. This shame is growing with us, destroying all that was good, pure and beautiful about Kerala.

Okay, i am not accusing anybody here, am just telling u what an ordinary Menon/Nair/Nambiar goes through in Kerala. It also ironically means that you get more respect in the homes of Christians and Muslims who in turn love to call you by your caste name, as a sign of respect. For many of their weddings, they tell us, "We have kept separate seating arrangements for you, Menonkutty." Not sure whether that's a good or bad sign yet.
In a nutshell, we as Menons and Nairs, are deprived of opportunities in education, government jobs and government promotion lists (but we have the right to die out of frustrations arising out of govt discrimination). Fact is that Menons in Kerala are denied jobs, education and promotions at every point. So what? We have social respectability, as if that can pay our bills!
Worse, people prefer to forget that the very last Rajah of Travancore passed a law which allowed those who were socially vilified as "Untouchables" to enter the temples in his realm. This was way back in 1936. Does anyone remember it today? We talk of other social reformers who have now earned the status of gods. I admire them but why is it that the last Rajah of Travancore is never given the same respect? Is it because he is unfortunately of royal birth and lineage?
The one truth that everyone likes to bury is that it is the so-called, much vilified upper castes in Kerala that supported and paved the way for equality based social reforms in Kerala. Today, their contribution is buried under the sand and they are all condemned as perpetrators of caste based prejudices.
Mata Amritanandamayi on Caste
In an intimate conversation that I was blessed to have with Her Divine Grace Jagadguru Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma, as those of us who love her call her - but please note, I am not a devotee, i am someone who loves her deeply - ), I asked her, "Ammey, why is there so much hatred and anger and intolerance in the name of caste in our society? Isn't God above caste? Why is it such a big problem even today? Do you support it?"
Amma looked deep into my eyes and held me close and said, "My child, it has and will always be a big problem in our society. That will not change. No one can change it. You cannot change it."
I was deeply disappointed by her reply and I persisted, "But Ammey, you emphasis only on love. Why then do you speak in support of the caste system?"
She smiled a beautiful smile, the one that intoxicates our hearts with deep, unbelievable love. Then, she told me, "I do not support the caste system because God is above caste. Caste is of no importance to God. God sees and responds only to love. But when you, as a person and as a daughter in a family, live in a society that believes in caste and has age old practices relating to caste, you have a duty to respect the beliefs of others, because you are part of the society, your family is part of it and so it goes from one family to another. God is not bound by caste, it is people who are bound by it because they chose to. Amma, specifically, believes only in love and not in caste."

I always wonder - Why is it that in God's Own Country, this is never really put into practice? Why have we not yet opened our minds and hearts to greater awareness?
I am a Menon by birth. I will remain so till I die. But while I live, I will live as an instrument of God - that is what Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has taught me


A bit off topic .
But this is the reality in Kerala ,here it is not open but more devious than what we have seen in North India .

@hinduguy is an equal opportunity insulter...he also calls all Jats thugs and all Biharis criminals ! :lol:

@hinduguy - now that you have covered north and south ....what about west and east ?

In this case I would say that the country person was the conductor..who didn't have the manners to behave around a person from a different ethnic group.

It is people like this conductor who goes abroad and behaves abominably.

She is also that same ethnic group.She is a also a malayali
Lol... Most these hand bags have laptops(business ) and passports ... only a fool would leave them to burn... Emirates(and the author) can go shove their opinion where the sun don't shine.
These passengers weren't scrambling for their baggage because they were "oh so poor bla bla" ...they were scrambling for their luggage and putting other people's lives at risk because they are selfish people who don't care what happens to anyone else.
Cabin luggage!!!
Most of us pack our valuables in the cabin luggage, when i said valuables , in a foreign country it can mean anything from your passport to whatever little gold you carry.
Better that we correct it at home before blaming foreigners for their "racism" when they call out bad behavior.
I don't mind correcting my people for their ignorance but this is definitely NOT bad behavior as you put it.
BTW i'm confused now. I am confused whether picking up your valuables is bad behaviour or calling Indians as "f***ing rats" a bad behavior?
Enlighten me!
@SrNair yes am the same guy.. please read my defense in the previous page...
@Sky lord I am not out to insult various groups.... I simply stated my own view of these group of people... people feeling offended is simply a byproduct/reaction .. and am certainly not an equal opportunity insulter... I find gujjus and south indians stingy and east indians lacking drive and kaamchor(lazy).. none of these are meant to be insults unless people think I am lying :)
Cabin luggage!!!
Most of us pack our valuables in the cabin luggage, when i said valuables , in a foreign country it can mean anything from your passport to whatever little gold you carry.

When you have 90 seconds to get 300 people out a plane which may blow up in a ball of fire.....every second delay by the person in front of you who wants to save his gold could cost a human life....you tell me which is more important ...passports, gold or the life of the passenger behind you?
Upon deep introspection I found that I am the most sensible person here
The first part contradicts the 2nd part of the sentence.
who forever tries to balance 'what needs to be said' with 'my post should not unnecessarily offend lot of people' but would rather err on side of saying what is right..
The definition of right changes from person to person, like I'm sure when ISIS decapitates people, they believe they're right in doing so.
taking advantage of the moderated semi-anonymous forum
So i guess you should stop accusing others of taking advantage of the anonymity this forum gives...to be "nice" on PDF. . :lol:
the fact that I can always be corrected by smart people here..
Trust me...its not helping. :)
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