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Difficult question about racism: Is it our own classism shown back to us?

Not standing in queues....crowding around..walking into your personal space..shoving and pushing
Exists everywhere.
Stealing soaps and toiletries from airplane bathrooms
I have heard even the Hollywood celebrities do it.

Ask the French...they have amusing stuff to say about the British!
I know that.

What I wanted to point out was we dont have to feel ashamed because one of our country men behaved a certain way due to his/ her ignorance.
@Levina Problem is, we treat whites in such way. Have you not seen how Indians start woggling around a whites asking for photographs. Its pathetic, the leftist liberal media has slowly and steadily have tried to destroy the self esteem of Indians. Its become a bit better in recent years but the problem still has not gone away...
What I wanted to point out was we dont have to feel ashamed because one of our country men behaved a certain way due to his/ her ignorance.

No need to feel ashamed, and a little push back can be given....but so much hand wringing and self flagellation over "racism" is a little too much....when people behave the way they do ....

Again as I said three time now, I have seen this kind of behavior in all nationalities, Indians are better than many.
@Levina Problem is, we treat whites in such way. Have you not seen how Indians start woggling around a whites asking for photographs.
Lol yeah.
I do see them getting worshiped as epitomes of hygiene.

Frankly, I do not have anything against the westeners. What are we supposed to feel for someone who acts a certain way due to his ignorance? Sympathy, may be.
Behaving like "country people" means sleeping on the aisle in planes, airports anywhere at all without thinking of who you are discomfiting.
Not standing in queues....crowding around..walking into your personal space..shoving and pushing
Not following normal standards of hygiene like taking a bath after cooking or wearing deodarants.
Stealing soaps and toiletries from airplane bathrooms
Not leaving the bathroom clean...you need to aim into the bowl please....
Sticking your feet on your neighboring passenger when you sleep
Holding a shouting conversation across the aisle with your family.

This is common practice all over the world, nothing limited to Indians. And "country people" live much harder lives than you and me so please give them some respect. GO to a village without toilet and access to basic necessities and within the next 1 month you will be acting like those "country people"
This is common practice all over the world, nothing limited to Indians. And "country people" live much harder lives than you and me so please give them some respect. I can't expect whites to treat Indians properly when we have people like you around treating others like scum...
Dude whites are rude to each other too...
English call French "frogs"....Germans "Huns"....Irish "paddy"

I remember reading a book by Em Forster (I think) long ago...and the stuff he said about Italians would make you blush..

All I am saying is .....Don't be so sensitive!
No need to feel ashamed, and a little push back can be given....but so much hand wringing and self flagellation over "racism" is a little too much....when people behave the way they do ....

The class divide is apparent in your post alone, we will need to fix the thinking of folks like you before blaming westerners. Your post shows you have zero knowledge of how hard live is for "country people". They are the way they are because for decades they were neglected, they have to push and shove to get anything done in this country, they are they way they are because that is the only way they can live, the rest suffer. Once they get access to proper hygiene, toilets food. Once they realize they don't have to push their way to get things done, they will improve. These people were not brought up with golden spoons...
Again as I said three time now, I have seen this kind of behavior in all nationalities, Indians are better than many.
Are we back tracking now?
Let me tell you the impression your initial post gave me- Bear racism you face, because we are supposed to, since some of our country men actually do behave a certain way which is looked down upon by others.
But what you dont realise is that such behavior is a product of sheer ignorance.
..but so much hand wringing and self flagellation over "racism" is a little too much....when people behave the way they do ...
I guess this is in agreement with what i posted in the 1st half of my post.

All I am saying is .....Don't be so sensitive!
This is much much milder than your initial post.
The class divide is apparent in your post alone, we will need to fix the thinking of folks like you before blaming westerners. Your post shows you have zero knowledge of how hard live is for "country people".
It is hard for country people ....but if someone doesn't tell them not to sleep in the aisle they will not know they are doing something wrong. Someone had to bell the cat.

BTW..it is plenty hard for city people too.

Ok folks that's it for tonight! Tata :-)

Are we back tracking now?
Let me tell you the impression your initial post gave me- Bear racism you face, because we are supposed to, since some of our country men actually do behave a certain way which is looked down upon by others.
But what you dont realise is that such behavior is a product of sheer ignorance.
My initial post specifically pointed out that all emigrants get picked on and it is not worth taking to heart. Please re read what I wrote if you don't recall. Ok bye.
My initial post specifically pointed out that all emigrants get picked on and it is not worth taking to heart. Please re read what I wrote if you don't recall. Ok bye.
I hope next time you will think twice before ridiculing "country people".
@hinduguy I have, on many occasions, seen you make posts which are borderline racist, so you find a special mention on my thread. I hope, next time when you post something against ppl of other countries you realize what goes around comes around. Not taking a dig at you,i really thought you needed to read this article.
which posts are racist? I think racism involved a degree of hate which I have not displayed in my posts, I hope...
lets see whether we have similar definition of racism.
1. black people are more likely to commit violent crime in Uk - this statement is not racist.. even if it was factually incorrect.
2. I hate black people, they will stab you if you are alone on highstreet - racist

Do you agree with my idea that hate is primary ingredient of racism? Or would you prefer to lie even if you think what I say is right just so that you dont 'appear' racist in an anonymous forum, which gives us wonderful opportunity to express, within limit, something we will find hard to, in our daily face to face conversation. Whats the point of lying in an anonymous forum(and yes I am accusing you of lying, many times simply because you want to appear as 'nice' person)?
which posts are racist? I think racism involved a degree of hate which I have not displayed in my posts, I hope...
lets see whether we have similar definition of racism.
Fortunately for you, I dont keep screen shots or i would have posted it here to prove what i meant.
Before i go further, I want you to understand that i do not intend to hurt you.
I wanted you to read the article because it reminded me of you and your posts on PDF.
Do you agree with my idea that hate is primary ingredient of racism?
Not hate really. That's a misconception.
Its the superiority complex which leads to racism.
Its the imaginative world that one puts himself in, where he/she is the best.
Wake up and smell the coffee. Doing some reality check might help such people.

1. black people are more likely to commit violent crime in Uk - this statement is not racist.. even if it was factually incorrect.
2. I hate black people, they will stab you if you are alone on highstreet - racist

Those were not the posts that i was talking about.
I have on many occasions seen you calling them ugly, while also confessing that you 're no hot-shot either. Then why call others ugly? I think I had pointed this out to you earlier.
It was your post about ppl from PNG (papua new guinea) which i remember quite clearly, calling them the ugliest lot in the world. What right do we have to make such blanket statements?
I have seen many (ignorant) Pakistani making similar comments about Indians. I know, that not all my country men might be good looking while also being aware of the fact that the same is true for Pakistan.
Its not about being ugly or beautiful , its just about the hypocrisy.
Reminds me of "pot calling kettle black". :)

Or would you prefer to lie even if you think what I say is right just so that you dont 'appear' racist in an anonymous forum
I have confessed it on this forum, that once upon a time i too was a racist.

which gives us wonderful opportunity to express, within limit, something we will find hard to, in our daily face to face conversation. Whats the point of lying in an anonymous forum(and yes I am accusing you of lying, many times simply because you want to appear as 'nice' person)?
I smiled ear to ear after reading your post.
1. I do not pretend to be nice, coz i'm not. Had i been nice do you think i would have tagged you here?

2. I dont have to lie. The only thing i have been deceptive about is my identity, which i have the right to. I have lied about my identity on this forum many times, to the point where i myself was confused. Lolz
Like you said, its an anonymus forum, so why should i really be lying? my anonymity should bring out the worst in me.
So i guess you contradicted yourself there. :)

3. I too was racist once upon a time, the degree to which racism existed in me has gone down after my real life experiences. The fact is after moving to middle east i've met people from a lot of countries, western, asian and african. My experiences (good ones ofcourse) helped me.
Do i sound as i if put a defensive foot forward? lolz
Fortunately for you, I dont keep screen shots or i would have posted it here to prove what i meant.
Before i go further, I want you to understand that i do not intend to hurt you.
I wanted you to read the article because it reminded me of you and your posts on PDF.

Not hate really. That's a misconception.
Its the superiority complex which leads to racism.
Its the imaginative world that one puts himself in, where he/she is the best.
Wake up and smell the coffee. Doing some reality check might help such people.

Those were not the posts that i was talking about.
I have on many occasions seen you calling them ugly, while also confessing that you 're no hot-shot either. Then why call others ugly? I think I had pointed this out to you earlier.
It was your post about ppl from PNG (papua new guinea) which i remember quite clearly, calling them the ugliest lot in the world. What right do we have to make such blanket statements?
I have seen many (ignorant) Pakistani making similar comments about Indians. I know, that not all my country men might be good looking while also being aware of the fact that the same is true for Pakistan.
Its not about being ugly or beautiful , its just about the hypocrisy.
Reminds me of "pot calling kettle black". :)

I have confessed it on this forum, that once upon a time i too was a racist.

I smiled ear to ear after reading your post.
1. I do not pretend to be nice, coz i'm not. Had i been nice do you think i would have tagged you here?

2. I dont have to lie. The only thing i have been deceptive about is my identity, which i have the right to. I have lied about my identity on this forum many times, to the point where i myself was confused. Lolz
Like you said, its an anonymus forum, so why should i really be lying? my anonymity should bring out the worst in me.
So i guess you contradicted yourself there. :)

3. I too was racist once upon a time, the degree to which racism existed in me has gone down after my real life experiences. The fact is after moving to middle east i've met people from a lot of countries, western, asian and african. My experiences (good ones ofcourse) helped me.
Do i sound as i if put a defensive foot forward? lolz
ah.. I thought you were referring to my posts in which I alluded jats being thugs and rapists and biharis being cost effective target killers... phew :)
I don't see how calling some people ugly means I am racist.. I have certain idea of beauty and some group of people of certain race/geographical area do not match that(not all of them but most).. the same sense of beauty also when I apply to myself, I come short of matching my own criteria..
now where is racism in that? You seem to be confused.. it will be some sort of superiority if I claim myself to be handsome and most south Indians to be ugly... and I am not saying that..

I think you still are suffering from some sort of complex, may be you need that tharki old TT uncle to call you beautiful so that you will feel good about yourself... btw I never called any individual ugly, either online or offline... because that's simply abusive.(plus glass house and all)...
may be you need that tharki old TT uncle to call you beautiful so that you will feel good about yourself..
tsk tsk.
Bad manners!
I know which old " TT uncle" you're talking about. Let me remind you, I respect that man for hes been frank and not a hypocrite like others. Yes, hes old, and a heart attack survivor. I respect him, despite him being a Pakistani.

ah.. I thought you were referring to my posts in which I alluded jats being thugs and rapists and biharis being cost effective target killers... phew :)
I don't see how calling some people ugly means I am racist.. I have certain idea of beauty and some group of people of certain race/geographical area do not match that(not all of them but most).. the same sense of beauty also when I apply to myself, I come short of matching my own criteria..
now where is racism in that? You seem to be confused.. it will be some sort of superiority if I claim myself to be handsome and most south Indians to be ugly... and I am not saying that..
I had pointed to only one of your posts.
Going by what you post most of the time on this forum, i should be accusing you of everything that you 've accused me of. Lolz
Some other day!
But for today, i want you to read the article and introspect.
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