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Arjun-II MBT development l Updates & discussion.

"According to the official Indian reference page, wikipedia, the titanium sponge factory started production only in AUGUST 2015, that's like a few months ago."

I asked for your source!
+ The link wasn't for you
and so what that be used to import , Now we don't! ITS CALLED Progesss
I just gave it in my previous post. Do you guys really want spoon feed every single time. I can't make a jet fighter, Dassault you have to ensure our brains can absorb your tech...come on!

Well, if you define tht as progress instead of incompetence. Then yay!
What others had been doing for decades, and you claiming 'indigenous' components made from imported material BEFORE August 2015, meant even your 'indigenous' ERA had been made from most probably Chinese titanium. LOL

11 month which is 1 month less than a year is few months for you ? & you mentioned in one post that india started producing titanium few month ago & in next post you asked to show when india started LMAO:lol: ...bada zahil aadmi hai tu
Yup, depends hw you define a few. I guess you don't understand sarcasm. That I can't help you.
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I just gave it in my previous post. Do you guys really want spoon feed every single time. I can't make a jet fighter, Dassault you have to ensure we can understand your tech...come on!

Yup, depends hw you define a few. I guess you don't understand sarcasm. That I can't help you.
You do know English yes? What are you talking about

What link u posted?

Whats Dassault got to do with anything?
You do know English yes? What are you talking about

What link u posted?

Whats Dassault got to do with anything?
I give up...I suppose the English education in your country don't teach sarcasm, or you don't know the case where your Rafale deal was postponed for years because you keep on forcing the french to make sure HAL can absorb the tech if the deal goes through. Hence the reference to SPOONFEEDING!! Comprehendo amigo?
I give up...I suppose the English education in your country don't teach sarcasm, or you don't know the case where your Rafale deal was postponed for years because you keep on forcing the french to make sure HAL can absorb the tech if the deal goes through. Hence the reference to SPOONFEEDING!! Comprehendo amigo?
Wow... u lack the proper use of SARCASM or u don't know the meaning of it. Im very sure it is BOTH + also u lack the comprehension of staying with the topic! - started with Titanium material, but ending up with spoon feeding?? with no context in between.

U must have wasted all ur time with the education u had !

Don't worry ! im sure u will get better!
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Kontakt-5 on T-72B3


DRDO'S MK.II reactive armor,


From Nii stali website,

The system is designed to improve protection of T-72, T-90, T-80 tanks and their modifications. The system reduces armor piercing capabilities of ATGM by 60%, of RPG by 90% and of kinetic energy AT ammunition (APFSDS) by 20%. The key component of the system is 4S22 ERA panel."


where is the difference?
its just a K-5 copy produced by DRDO, nothing super duper as some fanboys make it out to be.
Which APS is used by Arjun tanks? Also whether it is a soft kill APS or both soft as well as hard kill APS like Trophy or LEDS-150. We know all T-90s in our inventory uses LEDS-150 which has both soft as well as hard kill capabilities.
its just a K-5 copy produced by DRDO, nothing super duper as some fanboys make it out to be.

Do you have any proof for your claims? DRDO is not a defense equipment production agency.

bring your evidence.

The only evidence needed here is the official bimonthly technology focus magazine. If you want prove that it's the K-5,the burden of proof lies on you.
Do you have any proof for your claims? DRDO is not a defense equipment production agency.

The only evidence needed here is the official bimonthly technology focus magazine. If you want prove that it's the K-5,the burden of proof lies on you.

Lol, thats some reference you have there. :rofl:

It is so visible, why is it a pain for your to acknowleage the obvious.
its just a K-5 copy produced by DRDO, nothing super duper as some fanboys make it out to be.

Lol, thats some reference you have there. :rofl:

It is so visible, why is it a pain for your to acknowleage the obvious.

U do know that if it looks the same it does not mean IT IS THE SAME!!!!

The ERA slab is of local make and design , but has the same setup (installation and setting) as that of the other! - Kontakt - 5

Its like saying the F-2 is a copy of the F-16
U do know that if it looks the same it does not mean IT IS THE SAME!!!!

The ERA slab is of local make and design , but has the same setup (installation and setting) as that of the other! - Kontakt - 5

A naive reply to say the least. how come it is compatible with the same mbts too? Before you start jumping "Arjun", mate, arjun turret is not properly covered as the turret geometry was not meant to be covered with K-5 initially. Then, to please you fanboys and guilible nation, they just pasted it wherever they could. Walla! the mightly DRDO MK-2 ERA is ready!
A naive reply to say the least. how come it is compatible with the same mbts too? Before you start jumping "Arjun", mate, arjun turret is not properly covered as the turret geometry was not meant to be covered with K-5 initially. Then, to please you fanboys and guilible nation, they just pasted it wherever they could. Walla! the mightly DRDO MK-2 ERA is ready!
And u are a consultant!!!????? The arjun isn't covered? thats is your argument!! and u proved it by pictures??? thats it!!!! r u serious??!!!!

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