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Official British Brexit thread.

LOL How did you come up with that prediction? Germany doesn't care about Britain and Merkel's stance tells us everything. Besides, an industrial powerhouse like Germany has absolutely nothing to lose.

The Brits are living on planet Mars. They think they can badmouth the EU and have their way. The Brits should stop making a fool out of themselves. They chose Brexit and everyone accepts their decision. They need to pack their bags and leave with dignity. Time for cheap and meaningless lectures is over now.

Bla bla bla.....you think Germany will risk its 2nd largest export market just to please you people ? lol
You even know how much Germany made from exports to the U.K last year alone ? Lol you know the trade surplus they enjoy ? Lol You know the number of German jobs that depends on exports towards Britain ?
Let them cut off the trade and let's see who will lose more. bring it on. :pop:
Bla bla bla.....you think Germany will risk its 2nd largest export market just to please you people ? lol
You even know how much Germany made from exports to the U.K last year alone ? Lol you know the trade surplus they enjoy ? Lol You know the number of German jobs that depends on exports towards Britain ?
Let them cut off the trade and let's see who will lose more. bring it on. :pop:

LOL Before lecturing us about how important Britain is to the rest of the world, ever thought how much Britain made from exports to the rest of EU? I'm not just talking about Germany. You even know how much Britain made from exports to the EU last year alone? You know the free tariff Britain enjoys in the EU? There is a reason why Britain is buying time even after the Brexit vote whilst the EU is demanding swift action from the Brits. What is stopping you now from parting ways with the EU? It's not the other way round. So let's get this straight.

Don't be too sure about cutting off trade etc. You will lose too. In fact, a whole lot more. After all, the EU doesn't only consist of Germany. Try enjoying some popcorn over that...
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LOL Before lecturing us about how important Britain is to the rest of the world, ever thought how much Britain made from exports to the rest of EU? I'm not just talking about Germany. There is a reason why Britain is buying time even after the Brexit vote whilst the EU is demanding swift action from the Brits. It's not the other way round. So let's get this straight.

Don't be too sure about cutting off trade etc. You will lose too. In fact, and a whole lot more.

Nobody ever said we will not lose as well, did you even read the stetement i wrote ? Lol
It will be a lose-lose situation obviously, with the new E.U powerhouse Germany losing the most, by far and as we all know a Germany in recession/difficulty is a nightmare for the E.U as it will affect all other small E.U states bringing down the union.
So Europe will lose alot as well, as we import far more from the continent than we export. So go ahead and stop all your hundreds of billions dollars value trade just because you are bitter. Lol

Anyway, these are just emotions, after a while when things call down both parties will seat at the negotiating table and make a deal. At the end of the day multinationals/big businesses wont want to lose their busunesses and they(with German businessmen at the forefront) will be the ones to push for a deal. So all these talks are just emotions than reality. :)
Nobody ever said we will not lose as well, did you even read the stetement i wrote ? Lol
It will be a lose-lose situation obviously, with the new E.U powerhouse Germany losing the most, by far and as we all know a Germany in recession/difficulty is a nightmare for the E.U as it will affect all other small E.U states bringing down the union.
So Europe will lose alot as well, as we import far more from the continent than we export. So go ahead and stop all your hundreds of billions dollars value trade just because you are bitter. Lol

Anyway, these are just emotions, after a while when things call down both parties will seat at the negotiating table and make a deal. At the end of the day multinationals/big businesses wont want to lose their busunesses and they(with German businessmen at the forefront) will be the ones to push for a deal. So all these talks are just emotions than reality. :)

You will get a Norwegian deal as in: free trade for which you pay structural funds just like now ,but get nothing in return, and free movement,just like now,but without having a vote or say in the EU.

Face it dude,you guys voted like a banana republic and now most BREXIT leaders are running around like headless chickens.You will take what it's given to you and say thanks.
British people have spoken and it is best that EU citizens should get out of Britian and only visit when proper visa is attained with permission of Queen of England

England does not needs much

0-They have EPL
1- Ancient castles which they admire
2- Harry potter book and money from it's sales
3- Typhoon
4- Big Bell
5- Aston Villa

1- Illegal Immigrants
2- Crazies
3- Need big donations each year from rich members
In their dreams maybe.

Nope,German is spoken in Belgium,Czech Republik,Hungary,Austria,Switserland,Polen,the Netherlands,Luxemburg,Lichtenstein,Denmark and even France(Elzas).
Yup i stand corrected. I was talking about "the world" while the on going discussion was more about "Europe"
Already resolved but thanks for pointing it out again so that there is no confusion in minds of people who read those posts.
So why does he stand there begging for a free trade deal when the EU is so evil? Why doesn't he invoke article 50 already and do everyone a big favor? EU this EU that. Everyone is tired of this foulmouthed xenophobic bigot pretending like he is the next thing.

The irony is that after Brexit Cameron resigned immediately. The likes of Farage have been demanding a Brexit for years now. Yet, we can already see the indecisiveness on their faces. Farage cannot invoke article 50 because even he knows that without a free tariff deal Britain will go down.

LOL @ Britain will be the best friend of the EU if a free tariff is negotiable. What an ugly bunch of hypocrites.

He can't do either, as he is not in power. Triggering article 50 will only give the EU the upper hand. The UK will take its time and then go ahead.
Tariffs are not in anyone's interests.

You will get a Norwegian deal as in: free trade for which you pay structural funds just like now ,but get nothing in return, and free movement,just like now,but without having a vote or say in the EU.

Face it dude,you guys voted like a banana republic and now most BREXIT leaders are running around like headless chickens.You will take what it's given to you and say thanks.

No free movement, the electorate will not accept that ever again. The Norwegians pay pittance compared to the hefty sums we were paying in.
We voted like a true democracy, the Brexit leaders are busy due to a leadership contest triggered by a prime minister who was deluded and out of touch with his people.
We won't take anything we don't like.

British people have spoken and it is best that EU citizens should get out of Britian and only visit when proper visa is attained with permission of Queen of England

England does not needs much

0-They have EPL
1- Ancient castles which they admire
2- Harry potter book and money from it's sales
3- Typhoon
4- Big Bell
5- Aston Villa

1- Illegal Immigrants
2- Crazies
3- Need big donations each year from rich members

Bla bla bla.....you think Germany will risk its 2nd largest export market just to please you people ? lol
You even know how much Germany made from exports to the U.K last year alone ? Lol you know the trade surplus they enjoy ? Lol You know the number of German jobs that depends on exports towards Britain ?
Let them cut off the trade and let's see who will lose more. bring it on. :pop:

Merkel said today there wont be any deal with the UK

And thats onvious. Why should the Uk get EU membership without paying the rpize? Thats what the Uk wants. All benefits without costs.

Germany cant afford this to happen. Its that easy.

He can't do either, as he is not in power. Triggering article 50 will only give the EU the upper hand. The UK will take its time and then go ahead.
Tariffs are not in anyone's interests.

No free movement, the electorate will not accept that ever again. The Norwegians pay pittance compared to the hefty sums we were paying in.
We voted like a true democracy, the Brexit leaders are busy due to a leadership contest triggered by a prime minister who was deluded and out of touch with his people.
We won't take anything we don't like.


Why do you hate us that mch that you want us damaged beyond repair waz? Explain me please.

Why do you want an "upper hand" above us? Its that what you call "equaylity as brothers"
Why do you hate us that mch that you want us damaged beyond repair waz? Explain me please.

Why do you want an "upper hand" above us? Its that what you call "equaylity as brothers"

I don't want to see Europe damaged my friend, I've said no such thing. I don't want an upper hand either, just to be treated well, with reason of course. My response was to a post insinuating the EU will make our lives hard. There should be equality for all.
I don't want to see Europe damaged my friend, I've said no such thing. I don't want an upper hand either, just to be treated well, with reason of course. My response was to a post insinuating the EU will make our lives hard. There should be equality for all.

What will be equality for you? All rights of a EU membership without contributing?
British people have spoken and it is best that EU citizens should get out of Britian and only visit when proper visa is attained with permission of Queen of England

England does not needs much

0-They have EPL
1- Ancient castles which they admire
2- Harry potter book and money from it's sales
3- Typhoon
4- Big Bell
5- Aston Villa

1- Illegal Immigrants
2- Crazies
3- Need big donations each year from rich members

Is this a troll list or what :lol:
Barring Eastern Europe and Greece, the remainder of the EU is far better than the UK in most aspects.
What will be equality for you? All rights of a EU membership without contributing?

We will contribute, and a substantial one as well, if we are accommodated. The details of such an agreement will be complex.

Is this a troll list or what :lol:
Barring Eastern Europe and Greece, the remainder of the EU is far better than the UK in most aspects.

The Nordic states do better on the HDI standard though. The UK is in a far better shape than the bulk of EU countries.
Did you see how Nigel Farrage dealt with them today? Oh dear....They look annoyed.

i would get up and drop kick him. that piece of sh!t is ok, his wife is german so if the Uk fu*ks up he will run of to germany with his wife and kids and boris will run of to the usa leaving us in the sh!t. for some weird i agree with @Irfan Baloch and let the scots have a referendum that will put them both in place. tbh i still want to be in europe but thats not gonna happen so i may as well live with it.
We will contribute, and a substantial one as well, if we are accommodated. The details of such an agreement will be complex.

The Nordic states do better on the HDI standard though. The UK is in a far better shape than the bulk of EU countries.

I dont see it that way. Our economy in italy was damaged very much by this. People will lose their jobs here because of this. Security suffers as well and so much efforts wasted for nothing.

What do you understand under "accomodated? You want all benefits but dont pay the prize. What sense makes the EU when it gives Uk all for free? Why should italy be a member nation when the EU gives the Uk the same italy gets minus the price?

i would get up and drop kick him. that piece of sh!t is ok, his wife is german so if the Uk fu*ks up he will run of to germany with his wife and kids and boris will run of to the usa leaving us in the sh!t. for some weird i agree with @Irfan Baloch and let the scots have a referendum that will put them both in place. tbh i still want to be in europe but thats not gonna happen so i may as well live with it.

Farage was put into his place by Schulz.

When farage started his rant and insulted evryone most members of parliament were shocked and staretd yelling.

Schulz stand up and told them that he understands their anger but tehy should not act like juveniles.

He then adressed Farage himself and told him that he should not project his own weaknesses against others...Farage stand there and only said "thank you" as answer and sat down.

Farage is a very small person. small minded and a liar. He offers nothing. No solutions no ideas. A very sad person.
I dont see it that way. Our economy in italy was damaged very much by this. People will lose their jobs here because of this. Security suffers as well and so much efforts wasted for nothing.

What do you understand under "accomodated? You want all benefits but dont pay the prize. What sense makes the EU when it gives Uk all for free? Why should italy be a member nation when the EU gives the Uk the same italy gets minus the price?

Farage was put into his place by Schulz.

When farage started his rant and insulted evryone most members of parliament were shocked and staretd yelling.

Schulz stand up and told them that he understands their anger but tehy should not act like juveniles.

He then adressed Farage himself and told him that he should not project his own weaknesses against others...Farage stand there and only said "thank you" as answer and sat down.

Farage is a very small person. small minded and a liar. He offers nothing. No solutions no ideas. A very sad person.
i dont like him or the anglo yank either. farage talks out of his a$$. do you want to know why we left???? majority of the voters were old and the youth wanted to stay, but did not vote. some may blame the youth for not voting which is true, but the old timers are sellfish pieces of sh!t who are more concerned about their pensions and health care than the younger generation and would believe any thing written on a bus.

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