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An Afghan Cricketer beaten in Peshawar University for raising Afghan flag and badmouthing Pakistan..

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Jul 14, 2011
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Scuffle on the ground: Afghan cricket player beaten by spectators at UoP

PESHAWAR / PESHAWAR: An Afghan national team player, Shafiqullah Shafaq, was beaten by spectators after a Ramazan tournament at University of Peshawar Monday night.

“Shafiqullah raised the flag of Afghanistan during the match and said harsh words against Pakistan as a retaliation to comments supporting Pakistan during the match,” an eyewitness told The Express Tribune. “Subsequently, the spectators beat the player on the ground.”

An Afghan students activist in Pakistan, Khalid Amiri, said on social media the incident reflects the growing intolerance in Pakistan. He said Shafiqullah went to Peshawar to play the tournament without permission from Afghan Cricket Board.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 22nd, 2016.

source: http://tribune.com.pk/story/1127587/scuffle-ground-afghan-cricket-player-beaten-spectators-uop/

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Shafiqullah raised the flag of Afghanistan during the match and said harsh words against Pakistan

So U think U can just come and abuse the same very country and get away that easily? Seems under influence of the famous "sasta nasha" he thought he was playing in the so called Greater Pakhtoonistan.

An Afghan students activist in Pakistan, Khalid Amiri, said on social media the incident reflects the growing intolerance in Pakistan.

Look who is talking. Simply o_Oo_Oo_O
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An Afghan students activist in Pakistan, Khalid Amiri, said on social media the incident reflects the growing intolerance in Pakistan. He said Shafiqullah went to Peshawar to play the tournament without permission from Afghan Cricket Board.
So when ur going back to the tolerant society of urs????
So, let me get this right. This refugee joker raised an Afghan flag in the middle of Pakistan and then went on to badmouth our country... A beating is a joke. This Afghan needs to be deported. Try doing such a thing in a Western capital. They will deport you first thing.

Intolerance is nothing against such people. They are insulting our decades worth of goodwill. They crap at the same place they eat. They bite the hand that feeds them. Immediately deport such an enemy.
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Foolish behaviour; although in Ramadan some restraint would be better.
On a tangent do not succumb to the cultural Marxist propaganda that is ever increasing in Pakistan.
He was told by his father that Peshawar is in Afghanistan.... bad geography make you take a beat! :rofl:

"Badmouthing Pakistan" is just an excuse added to beat afghani cricketer.
If we have to beat afghans, there are pelanty here, we don't need to choose a guest!
We still have some honour left unlike you people!
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