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Why Pakistan has abandoned F-16 Deal with US....???

I think these discussions are not offtopic as subject referred to it greatly involved social ,political ,economics ,foreign policy i think its good we are discussing all these issues ,remember history is a great teacher and we Pakistani`s tend to forget it very quickly.
Are you implying that the Only Muslim Nuclear Power The World Has Ever Seen does not know the norms of international relations in the 21st century? Does your statement about over-relying on any party for any length of time also apply to China, or is Pakistan setting itself up for more problems down the road in this regard?

Yes, my statement, despite its simple clarity, remains correct and describes the real world accurately.
I stated what I stated in view of the national psyche. It is plain to read so why the sarcasm.
Better than your senseless rants

[QUOTE="Viper0011., post: 8373805, member: 41405
That's ALL you could come up with? If you ANYTHING factual, I'd have seen it in your response. So yea,LOL obviously is the answer :rofl: :enjoy: when you have no facts to counter or the discussion is much higher than one's IQ!![/QUOTE]
I stated what I stated in view of the national psyche. It is plain to read so why the sarcasm.

There was no sarcasm intended from my side. Pakistan has a history of agile diplomacy in a region fraught with dangers to deliver many good success stories, despite weak governance and economy. Surely, if anyone knows how to use international geopolitics to their advantage from positions of apparent weakness, it must be Pakistan. That is why I found your statement surprising. My only objections arise when two steps are taken sideways or even back when there is no need to do so, the present thread's topic being an example, to create bigger problems to deal with down the road.

Yessir he was killed in pakistan after the U S let him escape conveniently twice---first at kandhar and then at Tora Bora.

The action at abbotabad was planned with Gen Kiyani & Gen Pasha. My issue is not with the U S doing the operation---my issue is with the pak high command keeping quiet about it and not understanding the consequences.
whenever there is a story of Pak-US distrust & some controversial action by either of them one can bet that there will be some unexplained facts or events which will get a passing reference at best or put under thee rug and a convenient narrative will be propagated by America,

lets take Abbotabad raid and the assassination in Balochistan as examples

two things conveniently ignored by (otherwise) dedicated critics of Pakistan

so much hype and effort is put on the SEAL team and the stealthy black hawks that, people are prepared to eat the garbage fed to them. garbage being , that a lone "stealthy" blackhawk was able to accommodate twice the capacity of its original load plus the dead body and the "treasure trove" and some. the chinook got the passing reference much later ... which debunks the American claim of awesomeness, stealthiness and ignorance of Pak military. they stood back, condoned off the area and facilitated the departure of the SEALS.

for Shakil Afridi, my theory is that he was sold out (discarded by) CIA after use to ISI and the get away driver who was supposed to meet him up and take him to a transit point was changed (magically) into an ISI squad.

on the Balochistan assassination. the crime scene lacks the drone attack signature. the car was set on fire after the ambush and passport was conveniently placed away from flames .. also .. the taliban leader was beheaded ... which suggests that the "job" was outsourced to BLA, TTP. or Daesh
Better than your senseless rants

When two people communicate and the topic goes much beyond one's IQ level, his brain naturally tunes out thinking "its rants" when in reality its way beyond that brains ability to comprehend. That's why people start calling others names, getting angry and stuff. Stuff you see people doing all the time on here (getting defensive). This is natural human psych and perfectly fine. It also tells me that this discussion in reality is over between you and I as you are now getting personal and defensive!

Because his betrayal was setup to make pakistan look bad the way it ended. He supposedly claimed too much to get extra credit and got caught in his own web.

History has told us many a times that there are single individuals who give out the information that leads to the truth later---and many a times these individuals either die of mysterious deaths or are just discredited so bad that they prefer silence over anything else.
Why would Pakistan want to look bad in the OBL episode?

Capture of OBL should be a matter of pride for the nation. Yet, it became the beacon of embarrassment for the nation. Something is amiss.

Whosoever is responsible, let us not assume that CIA is incompetent in its operations. Dr. Shakil Afridi had no clue that his polio vaccination campaign was being used to collect Intel from the region. By the time he realized what was going on, it was too late for him. But he could escape from the country, if he wanted to. He didn't.

It is difficult for a common man to grasp the ground realities of how CIA operates.

We continue to tout that RAW did this and that in Pakistan, but when it comes to CIA; ISI might be collaborating.:rolleyes:
so much hype and effort is put on the SEAL team and the stealthy black hawks that, people are prepared to eat the garbage fed to them. garbage being , that a lone "stealthy" blackhawk was able to accommodate twice the capacity of its original load plus the dead body and the "treasure trove" and some. the chinook got the passing reference much later ... which debunks the American claim of awesomeness, stealthiness and ignorance of Pak military. they stood back, condoned off the area and facilitated the departure of the SEALS.

I'll give you an honest view on stuff I am debating others with. Unlike our Indian friends, I am not here to show off how awesome America is. We don't talk and show off like others do on here and else where. We DO IT. And let the world see the awesomeness. Actions speak much louder than the words.

On the above, you don't know ANYTHING about the seating capacity or the loading capacity of these heli's. These were built a few in numbers and with much more powerful engines, avionics, altered size etc. The level of sophistication is such that it alone, like the Raptor (but limited though) can Jam Radars by itself beyond being Stealthy. It won't be uncommon or it to go undetected and take a dozen people with it.

The Chinook in question, wouldn't have the seating capacity needed as it was modified for carrying fuel for heli's and it was carrying fuel for both, plus extra equipment and supplies, etc, in case a fight broke out and supplies were needed.

The Pak Army wasn't on the scene. The SEAL's did the ops and a few others with translators did the blocking off the corridor. This was a VERY quick operation and lasted for just a short while.

Check these out. Remember the Airwolf? That was a prototype for Stealth hi-speed and heavy weapon systems with advanced avionics (C4I), and then the newer version of the Stealth heli. No one can tell me on here they know the seating capacity or capability in these pics!! So that Black-hawk was a cross between these two. So no one knew how that ghost was from the inside, outside of the people who used it!!


This puppy now has everything the above does, plus a LOT of advance tech, seating capacity and much more fuel and load carrying capability:

for Shakil Afridi, my theory is that he was sold out (discarded by) CIA after use to ISI and the get away driver who was supposed to meet him up and take him to a transit point was changed (magically) into an ISI squad.

This guy is being punished because he helped id OBL's family and then got their DNA's and other details. I believe capturing someone like OBL, was a favor to humanity. This guy should be freed and in fact, he helped Pakistan in many ways in getting this person. If OBL was alive today, like the other attacks from Taliban, he would be directing stuff towards Pakistan too, as he didn't have the capability anymore to even do something in Dubai!! Let alone the West.

On Baluchistan, I don't have any input. Sorry. Those attacks were ordered per the President's policy of taking out all high level terrorists wherever they were found. POTUS was pretty clear about it when he announced it years ago.

Why would Pakistan want to look bad in the OBL episode?

Capture of OBL should be a matter of pride for the nation. Yet, it became the beacon of embarrassment for the nation. Something is amiss

That is EXACTLY my point. This situation, if played well, would've helped soften Pakistan's image. 1: Thank you USA for cleaning up this mess. 2: This is how pissed off we are at these terrorists, that our people are even willing to help the US like this Doctor did (and even with the negative sentiment). This is why I keep saying, the military is too black and white, they can't use any diplomatic situation to their advantage and thus the wrong calls made in the foreign policy over the decades!! Diplomacy is ALL about how to use events and situations to your country's benefit without getting into a bad situation like Pakistan is with the US now. That thing, only civilian minds who think like that and are used to politics can do.
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No---it does not---. It only reflects on the the average office business life---or average family life---. Nations have many a times screwed themselves up by forming alliances on personal likes and dislikes of their leaders.

A national interest is not a medical surgical room---or a " clean " computer assembly room where decisions are made with 100% purity in mind---and they are not simply ' one sided ' as i t being assumed that they are.

Just like after the russians left---it is a TOTAL LIE that the americans left just like that---and let the Taliban come into power.

The truth is that it was the Mujahideen who abandoned the U S---and you ask for what and for which kind of benefits and interests---!

The afghan mujahideen chose Saddam Hussein over the U S---and here is the U S fuming---we help save your ar-se from fire and now you ditch us for Saddam---.

You have to understand---once the U S goes in---it does not ditch its allies just like that. It tries its best that the alienating nation's thinking would come around.

Having an alliance with the U S is like playing a constant round of FENCING with the U S---. You have to keep it involved---you have to push it and needle it and play hard ball all the time---you have to poke him hard and make it feel the push and the pain---.

But if you do this and you are honest with your motherland---the U S is not going anywhere.

You make the U S believe in the interests---and that is where Gen Kiyani out of COWARDICE and Gen Raheel out of simplicity have failed to understand the concern---.

When you deal with the U S---you have to learn to stop in mid-stride and change directions in a fluid motion---


There is one main thing that Pakistan forgot---you never let the big guy push you hard----. Even in one on one friendships---the bigger guy pushes the smaller guy and if the little guy lets him get away with it---he is done.

So---when the U S struck pakistan the first time---it should have struck back---just like the Israelis did---you have to force the respect and earn the respect.

Bottomline----relationships are not like an arithmatic problem.
can you elaborate on this part:

-just like the Israelis did--


Why would Pakistan want to look bad in the OBL episode?

Capture of OBL should be a matter of pride for the nation. Yet, it became the beacon of embarrassment for the nation. Something is amiss.

Whosoever is responsible, let us not assume that CIA is incompetent in its operations. Dr. Shakil Afridi had no clue that his polio vaccination campaign was being used to collect Intel from the region. By the time he realized what was going on, it was too late for him. But he could escape from the country, if he wanted to. He didn't.

It is difficult for a common man to grasp the ground realities of how CIA operates.

We continue to tout that RAW did this and that in Pakistan, but when it comes to CIA; ISI might be collaborating.:rolleyes:

If i may. I think the reason Kayani and Pasha stayed quiet(i don't agree with their approach) was because they did not want the blow back from the mullah brigade. Which there would have been plenty. Let us keep in mind that at the time things were not so happy in Pakistan and the point of view against terrorism was not the same as it was when Zarb-e-Azb was launched. So they chose to stay quiet and were expecting the US to take it easy on them. I think POTUS screwed them and they were not expecting that.

Also, if i remember the initial reports said Osama's wife was shot, that was because she shot Osama in the back of the head and the not the seals. She was still holding the Ak-47 when the seals entered and that is why they shot her in the leg. They did not show his picture because they could not show their country men and women that they shot the most wanted man in the back of the head. It would have either shown an execution which could have caused legal problems and also it would have hurt their ego in the eyes of their people that why was he shot in the back, why not upfront.[this para is my conspiracy theory ;)]

Anyhow, we all can discuss this as much as we can, but the truth is that we will never know the truth until Pasha or Kayani come clean. and i do not see that happening for quite some time.
If i may. I think the reason Kayani and Pasha stayed quiet(i don't agree with their approach) was because they did not want the blow back from the mullah brigade. Which there would have been plenty. Let us keep in mind that at the time things were not so happy in Pakistan and the point of view against terrorism was not the same as it was when Zarb-e-Azb was launched. So they chose to stay quiet and were expecting the US to take it easy on them. I think POTUS screwed them and they were not expecting that.

Also, if i remember the initial reports said Osama's wife was shot, that was because she shot Osama in the back of the head and the not the seals. She was still holding the Ak-47 when the seals entered and that is why they shot her in the leg. They did not show his picture because they could not show their country men and women that they shot the most wanted man in the back of the head. It would have either shown an execution which could have caused legal problems and also it would have hurt their ego in the eyes of their people that why was he shot in the back, why not upfront.[this para is my conspiracy theory ;)]

Anyhow, we all can discuss this as much as we can, but the truth is that we will never know the truth until Pasha or Kayani come clean. and i do not see that happening for quite some time.
These are all made-up tales and narratives; nothing concrete in them.

1. Why is Dr. Shakil Afridi in jail?

2. Why are we OK with Shuja Pasha and Pervaiz Kiyani getting away with their treasonous behavior, if they are really involved?

ISI and Pakistan Army are the most powerful institutions in Pakistan. If they could get away with the Lal Masjid operation and hanging of Mumtaz Qadri, they could also capture Osama Bin Laden and parade him in the public naked and get away with it.

Pakistani authorities have investigated this matter at a great length and documented its findings in Abbottabad Commission Report. Highly recommended: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/724833-aljazeera-bin-laden-dossier.html
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These are all made-up tales and narratives; nothing concrete in them.

1. Why is Dr. Shakil Afridi in jail?

2. Why are we OK with Shuja Pasha and Pervaiz Kiyani getting away with their treasonous behavior, if they are really involved?

ISI and Pakistan Army are the most powerful institutions in Pakistan. If they could get away with the Lal Masjid operation and hanging of Mumtaz Qadri, they could also capture Osama Bin Laden and parade him in the public naked and get away with it.

Pakistani authorities have investigated this matter at a great length and documented its findings in Abbottabad Commission Report. Highly recommended: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/724833-aljazeera-bin-laden-dossier.html


1. I'll be honest. I am still surprised that Dr. Shakil Afridi is still alive. If he indeed helped a foreign intelligence agency then he is a traitor and should be hung. I guess they are keeping him alive to get something in return.
2. I don't think anybody is "ok" with it. We cant do anything about it.

ummm. do you know what all happened in this country after the lal masjid episode. Chaos! So i guess that is why Pasha and Kayani did not want to show Pak army was involved in this operation(even if they were) because they felt a similar blow back would have happened and with Osama we would have gotten hate from people from other countries as well. And they just did not want it.

Thanks for the link, will go through it.


1. I'll be honest. I am still surprised that Dr. Shakil Afridi is still alive. If he indeed helped a foreign intelligence agency then he is a traitor and should be hung. I guess they are keeping him alive to get something in return.
2. I don't think anybody is "ok" with it. We cant do anything about it.

ummm. do you know what all happened in this country after the lal masjid episode. Chaos! So i guess that is why Pasha and Kayani did not want to show Pak army was involved in this operation(even if they were) because they felt a similar blow back would have happened and with Osama we would have gotten hate from people from other countries as well. And they just did not want it.

Thanks for the link, will go through it.

If Pervez Musharraf can be booked under the charges of treason, Shuja Pasha and Pervaiz Kiyani can be as well.

Blow-back is expected from operations against militants at times. However, this does not stops ISI and Pakistani Army from performing their duties; they are supposed to be tough and expected to dismantle support structures of militants within Pakistan.

Their is no justification of Americans conducting an operation deep inside Pakistani territory and Pakistan Army watching the show from a distance. Even the most die-hard American stooges won't be comfortable with this kind of arrangement.

If US creates a new enemy figure tomorrow, inserts him in Kahuta and conduct an operation against him in the area at a later stage just like Operation Neptune Spear. Would you still claim that Pakistan Army was involved?

We should not look for ways to justify American operations within Pakistani territory, we should discourage this precedent.
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Their is no justification of Americans conducting an operation deep inside Pakistani territory and Pakistan Army watching the show from a distance.
Even the most die-hard American stooges won't be comfortable with this kind of arrangement.
apparently they are...

1. I'll be honest. I am still surprised that Dr. Shakil Afridi is still alive. If he indeed helped a foreign intelligence agency then he is a traitor and should be hung. I guess they are keeping him alive to get something in return.
2. I don't think anybody is "ok" with it. We cant do anything about it.

ummm. do you know what all happened in this country after the lal masjid episode. Chaos! So i guess that is why Pasha and Kayani did not want to show Pak army was involved in this operation(even if they were) because they felt a similar blow back would have happened and with Osama we would have gotten hate from people from other countries as well. And they just did not want it.

Thanks for the link, will go through it.


It is treason to help foreign powers in an attack on Pakistan.
The killing of OBL is hardly an attack on Pakistan, unless Pakistan considers Al-Qaeda to be an ally.

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