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General Raheel Shareef in front of Altay Tank


Atak rocks !

Pakistan map is not correct
Elhamdulillah! Infinite thanks to YOU, the ONLY TRUE ETERNAL ONE!!

Who could've imagined that Turkey would see these days!! Every military equipment Turkey tried to buy was sanctioned showing PKK, Greek or and any other God damned cards. Now she is researching, designing and manufacturing state of the art military equipment along with sub systems. The icing in the cake will lie in exporting, co-producing or any other arrangements to share these successes with others for Bereket lies in sharing...
Elhamdulillah! Infinite thanks to YOU, the ONLY TRUE ETERNAL ONE!!

Who could've imagined that Turkey would see these days!! Every military equipment Turkey tried to buy was sanctioned showing PKK, Greek or and any other God damned cards. Now she is researching, designing and manufacturing state of the art military equipment along with sub systems. The icing in the cake will lie in exporting, co-producing or any other arrangements to share these successes with others for Bereket lies in sharing...
God bless Turkey!
About general raheel :lol:
Of course i am talking about altay tank :lol:

It's all about packaging (the gifts). You don't start from unearthing Newton's law of forces - these are the "give forward" from the earlier Muslim scientists anyways and who got it from even earlier Greek scientists. As for Ehl-i Iman, all physical laws, materials and intelligence/knowledge to engineer them into useful products are the gifts from Allah-u Azimushshan, the PRIME MOVER. Our job is to make the best use of them and never forget to be on the states of Sabr and Shukr..
Pakistan needs ka52
we also need some rain, its getting so hot these days.

What we should be focusing on when it comes to working together with Turkey mainly includes sub systems for tanks, F-16 upgrades, ATGM may be! These are the realistic projects in which we can actually work together. The SAM, Attack helicopters, heavier destroyers/frigates, i do not see them coming any time soon. For those we look towards China and the trend will continue for considerable amount of time. Now whether this is right or wrong is a separate debate, i am just stating that this is how it is and this is how it will be for some time to come. WE can wish all we want but unfortunately that do not really matters when it come to actual procurement.
I hope you're asking about the Sharif with the money, not the one with the uniform :D
The uniformed one has a gun surely the money could be directed with that.:D

Joke apart both would be working together if it has to be bought from Turkey.
The uniformed one has a gun surely the money could be directed with that.:D

Joke apart both would be working together if it has to be bought from Turkey.
Both wont be enough,
turkey will have to work together....... to make a NEW tank as ALTAY as it is now have been studied by us already and was not even deemed feasible to be called for trails. If that do not give you people some idea, i do not know WHAT will. :)
I am sure, Pakistan is much interested in Altay Tank in some kind of Joint Production.
Yes. Aster 30 is a option for Pakistan too along with HQ 9 from China.
we might be seeing agreements for these three in two years .
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