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Majority Pakistanis want legislation to be influenced by Islam, survey reveals

Technically, Pakistan is a parliamentary democracy and in such a system - majority can impose their will however they want it. Now advanced democracies have safeguards built in to ensure that minorities are not discriminated against and treated equally as the majorities with no roadblocks whatsover present for their advancement.

One thing I would agree though and that is in a democracy all citizens should be equal.

As such Pakistan is a curious case of theocracy which is also a democracy.
Democracy is not tyranny of the majority. The west understood that and introduced humanitarian clause which cannot be overrun no matter the majority. The idea of democracy is that all laws must be made for common welfare of all people. I cannot understand how anti Qadiani and blasphemy laws are doing favors for all Pakistanis.
Democracy is not tyranny of the majority. The west understood that and introduced humanitarian clause which cannot be overrun no matter the majority. The idea of democracy is that all laws must be made for common welfare of all people. I cannot understand how anti Qadiani and blasphemy laws are doing favors for all Pakistanis.

It pleases the majority as expense of minority. Let's be fair, had India not had humanitarian clauses as you have said - even we would have been in such a situation with Muslim and Christian minorities suppressed and discriminated against but thankfully our courts and constitution ensure that even if 80% of pop wants to for eg bar a Muslim from attaining the highest office in land i.e. President they cannot do so. As such we have had Muslim President and Sikh PM - both communities which were at one time in open conflict with majority Hindus.
The Constitution doesn't empower Parliamentarians to declare who is Muslim and who is not.
It does and also has the power to forcefully bring them towards a compromise in the interest of the State. However this compromise has to be reached as a contract which shall be binding on all parties. This would also take into consideration the Non-Muslims but followers of One God ie Jews and Christian. For those who do not fall into this category can also live in the country but their life style would require a special conditions.

Two Contracts that were made in this regards by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) were the Peace Agreement between the Kufaar and The Rights of the Prisoner of Wars (Badr and Madena).
It pleases the majority as expense of minority. Let's be fair, had India not had humanitarian clauses as you have said - even we would have been in such a situation with Muslim and Christian minorities suppressed and discriminated against but thankfully our courts and constitution ensure that even if 80% of pop wants to for eg bar a Muslim from attaining the highest office in land i.e. President they cannot do so. As such we have had Muslim President and Sikh PM - both communities which were at one time in open conflict with majority Hindus.
That's why Pakistanis hate your country for it is still secular. Something Pakistan can never become under Islamic "democracy"
It does and also has the power to forcefully bring them towards a compromise in the interest of the State. However this compromise has to be reached as a contract which shall be binding on all parties. This would also take into consideration the Non-Muslims but followers of One God ie Jews and Christian. For those who do not fall into this category can also live in the country but their life style would require a special conditions.

Two Contracts that were made in this regards by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) were the Peace Agreement between the Kufaar and The Rights of the Prisoner of Wars (Badr and Madena).

Lol. Those contracts were made by a prophet in times when national countries did not exist.

By your definition Hindus, Sikhs, Jews and other non Muslims would be subjected to special conditions and would never achieve equality all in the interests of Muslim majority state? Are you insane?
I personally think most of the mis understanding around islam originates from mixing rules of state with rules of personal religion....
Universal law and order, crime and justice is state matter.... no body is above the law and justice must be delivered swiftly...regardless of the religion or nationality of aggrieved....

On the other hand state has no buissness in how many people are praying and how? This is a personal matter.....

Now just imagine if we can implement a just and non corrupt justice system in which no one is above the law in todays pakistan....90% of our problems will disappear....
This is the fundamental principle of islamic state not should women drive or not.....

If u have the misfortune of passing through the current legal system of pakistan...u will know what i mean....its practically non existant ....especially if you have money to thrash around....

Problem is our mullahs have no sense of this separation and all their emphasis is on ibadat....which has nothing to do with state....
Yes. They have all the rights that a Non Muslim has. they are free to enter any field of life just like any Muslim would.
No they do not. Ahmedis were systematically purged from top posts in the army, politics and bureaucracy after being declared non Muslims. What equality?

I personally think most of the mis understanding around islam originates from mixing rules of state with rules of personal religion....
Universal law and order, crime and justice is state matter.... no body is above the law and justice must be delivered swiftly...regardless of the religion or nationality of aggrieved....

On the other hand state has no buissness in how many people are praying and how? This is a personal matter.....

Now just imagine if we can implement a just and non corrupt justice system in which no one is above the law in todays pakistan....90% of our problems will disappear....
This is the fundamental principle of islamic state not should women drive or not.....

If u have the misfortune of passing through the current legal system of pakistan...u will know what i mean....its practically non existant ....especially if you have money to thrash around....

Problem is our mullahs have no sense of this separation and all their emphasis is on ibadat....which has nothing to do with state....
Excellent analysis. The states job is to deliver justice to its citizens and encourage progress for all its people. In Pakistan the state is busy with what is right Islam and what is wrong Islam.
Pakistani parliamentarians believed qadianis were not practicing right Islam so they used Takfir against them and forced them out of Islam. Wondering why they didn't ban followers of Taliban same way.
This would go into religious depths hence ill simplify.

Muslims belief
1) There is One God and Mohammad (PBUH) is his messenger.

2) Mohammad is the Last Prophet.

The Qadiani do not adhere to the 2nd one. Hence the Parliament decided to term them Non Muslims.

Taliban do not fall into this category. They can be terms as Anti Government policies and anti human by the atrocities but they Can Not be termed NON MUSLIMS.
it's good, hell it's better to stick to your roots. otherwie your people will become white worshipers and cheerleaders just like Indians.

we are wannabe westerners/whites. save your culture you still have time.
Excellent analysis. The states job is to deliver justice to its citizens and encourage progress for all its people. In Pakistan the state is busy with what is right Islam and what is wrong Islam.

In pakistan .....people who are running state are deliberately keeping law and order weak so they can get away with their off shore accounts and 300 kanal banglows which they say they bought for 1.5 lakh pkr....

This is where we are lacking in our understanding of islam.....

Law is universal and must be applied as such....

In words of hazrat Ali (RA).... kufr ki hakumat chal sakti hay....zulm ki nahin....
(Kufr can rule...in justice cannot)
This would go into religious depths hence ill simplify.

Muslims belief
1) There is One God and Mohammad (PBUH) is his messenger.

2) Mohammad is the Last Prophet.

The Qadiani do not adhere to the 2nd one. Hence the Parliament decided to term them Non Muslims.

Taliban do not fall into this category. They can be terms as Anti Government policies and anti human by the atrocities but they Can Not be termed NON MUSLIMS.

Non sense. Shias believe Ali is Mola (God). And they view his entire family tree as divine Imams. Why don't they ban them? And please tell us why it's parliamentarians job to decide matters of faith? If tomorrow some Christians or Hindus create nationwide protests to ban one of their sects as heretics would parliamentarians oblige their demands?

In pakistan .....people who are running state are deliberately keeping law and order weak so they can get away with their off shore accounts and 300 kanal banglows which they say they bought for 1.5 lakh pkr....

This is where we are lacking in our understanding of islam.....

Law is universal and must be applied as such....

In words of hazrat Ali (RA).... kufr ki hakumat chal sakti hay....zulm ki nahin....
(Kufr can rule...in justice cannot)
Yet people keep voting parties that are running this corrupt system in check.
Lol. Those contracts were made by a prophet in times when national countries did not exist.

By your definition Hindus, Sikhs, Jews and other non Muslims would be subjected to special conditions and would never achieve equality all in the interests of Muslim majority state? Are you insane?
There is a difference in Islam it says Muslims and Non Muslims, then there is a further divide in Non Muslims (Followers of One God and Apostille)

Jews and Christian are followers of One God hence they are preferred.

Apostille are true enemies Peace deals can be done but in-case they are broken then War.

Hope this is simple to understand.

No they do not. Ahmedis were systematically purged from top posts in the army, politics and bureaucracy after being declared non Muslims. What equality?

That is failure of State responsibilities. Titles and achievements were taken as punishments in the back drop of the Parliamentary Ruling. To a common man who was not that learned it all seemed to be against religion, in other words religion was used as a scape goat to keep the failure of state responsibility under cover.
Yet people keep voting parties that are running this corrupt system in check.

People have a right to choose.... we dont have a saint in politics these days any way....

Dont get me wrong ..... i am for a islamic way of rule ....but in my view uncompromising justice is as integral to an islamic law as belief in single God is for a muslim in person....
Non sense. Shias believe Ali is Mola (God). And they view his entire family tree as divine Imams. Why don't they ban them? And please tell us why it's parliamentarians job to decide matters of faith? If tomorrow some Christians or Hindus create nationwide protests to ban one of their sects as heretics would parliamentarians oblige their demands?

Yet people keep voting parties that are running this corrupt system in check.
Mola doesn't mean GOD and no Shia doesn't believe that Hazrat Ali is GOD. As expected liberals on this forum can't hide their pain on this survey :omghaha::omghaha:

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